Holy sheet: EXO v CSL v CSL w/EXO - A longevity test

(from Wednesday)
1 month and 2.5 weeks on hood
washed with glissante, first 2bm wash
hood rinsed clean with my garden hose , i just wanted to wash it i guess

flood dried and wiped dry with a dmmt





video- beading/sheeting hasnt changed one bit, not that i expected it to...just saying

observations: c2v3 only side ends up super spotted when i drive through weather. all the beads it makes are nice but they dry up and it looks much worse than the coating side.

slickness is almost the same on the c2v3 only vs coating side, the coatings have more of the buttery feel

c2v3 repels water quite well, but its no csl

the hood-
the main observation i see every single morning is with the dew on the hood.

i drive through about 1/2 mile residential road at 30mph then hit the feeder to the interstate. once i get going about 25-30, depending on the amount of dew on the hood...the csl exo combo side has already started beading up and cleaning off the hood. csl comes right behind after a few more mph. exo takes up to 50mph and never really gets going like the others.

it`s crazy to me, how putting the exo on top of the csl really changes how the exo behaves.

for instance, it took me 6 layers of exo only on my passenger fender to get the similar crazy water behavior as just one csl + 2exo layers does. and even then most of the panel is vertical so its hard to really say its As good/impressive.

i keep getting feedback from my friends with just csl on their cars about how easy they are to clean, and how impressed they are every time it rains on their car.

i dont really like the exo only side. i wonder if I`d feel the same way had i not dont the side by side comparison.

anyways, overall the csl only would impress probably every single client we have. but adding the exo on top is not exactly a must do.

the combo side beads so intensely that when it rains just a little and spots your hood up, the csl only dries the best looking. (think car parked and not moving)

the water behavior of the combo side is just very nice to watch.

watching these two battle it out on my hood when driving and just in general has been a joy thus far.

im alreadu considering adding c2v3 to the exo only side but not sure if I`ll do it yet

thanks for viewing

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I`m going to read through this whole thread again. Your posts have me seriously considering a coating (CSL).
hood originally coated 8/17/2016

last wash was 10.7.16
has not even been touched since then. (24 days)

rained a little this am

dirty beeds but finally something changed...

csl w exo



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Been a while and it was bugging me and with rain coming I didn`t want to drive a spotted vehicle to work the rest of the week....

last wash was oct 7th

High pressure soap and rinse (no mitts) at coin op- 7quarters- felt like it was a worthy donation for the merlins.

Wiped down with spray and gloss and pfm towels large/small

I tried to get as much water on hood as I could for the pics

Exo which was actually topped with high gloss several weeks ago, i couldnt resist and the exo was not beading as well as it used to



csl + exo

And a few more of csl + exo














observations: essence + c2v3 side still doing well, but nothing like the other side with csl or the hood with csl/csl+exo

my pbl v2 vs csl 50/50 is fun to watch,,makes pblv2 look like its an OTC wax, beading and sheeting wise its not even close and the csl half gets much less dirtier than the pblv2 half

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Looks good buddy nice endorsement for CSL. I think I might do it to our odyssey soon.

Besides the CSL what do you recommend for the prep steps. Thanks

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Looks good buddy nice endorsement for CSL. I think I might do it to our odyssey soon.

Besides the CSL what do you recommend for the prep steps. Thanks

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a proper polishing to autopia standards
(optional essence step)
and a panel wipe

all my CSL vehicles have essence under them so time will tell if that was a good move or not

so far all I hear are extremely satisfied Hellcat and Scat Pack owners
new update!

just a quick recap and clarifications after rereading this thread from post 1

hood coated 8.17.16

-1st wash: 9.1.16
2bm rupes 101
started passenger side testing on same date

•post 47 should read.. washed Once not twice

-hood 2nd wash: 9.14.16 @ day 27
hose down and pinnacle rinseless wash

-hood 3rd wash: 10.5.16 (although i put 10.7 in post 63 which wasnt a wednesday)
2bm pa glissante

on 11.30.16 i did a high pressure rinse with soap/water at coin op and wipedown with spray and gloss as drying aid but the drying towel didn`t get dirty, the paint was clean


-hood 4th real wash on 1.3.17
2bm Poorboy`s super slick n suds

total hood duration 4.5 months give or take a few days

this is after at least a month of not washing the truck ans multiple rainy days just sitting in my driveway spotting up

kind of shaded but you can see the dirty water spots


rest of truck was pretty dirty too
c2v3 only side

csl w exov2 on that door, only exov2 (6 or 7 layers) on that fender
look how much less buildup this side has

sprayed dirty hood with hose






your left- exov2 which was topped with pa high gloss, (which apparently didn`t stick) about a month ago when it started to grow a flat spot
middle of hood is CSL unaltered


csl on your left, unaltered
csl w exov2 on right, unaltered



exov2 side



csl side



csl w exov2 side

rapidwaxx on roof which has no coating


i topped the entire vehicle except for the csl w exo part of the hood with pa rapidwaxx

and some photos









thats about all i feel like updating right now

stay tuned for an upcoming battle of exov2 vs exov3 and csl topped with the same two vs each other ;)

thanks for viewing
So if I`m seeing that right the side with just EXO that was topped with PA high gloss is not beading good and lost some of it`s ability to sheet, is that right??
I figured that PA High Gloss would hold up better than that. But I guess it is designed as a gloss enhancer, not a coating product. I`ve been testing out so many products lately I haven`t got around to using my High Gloss. First World problems. Lol
So if I`m seeing that right the side with just EXO that was topped with PA high gloss is not beading good and lost some of it`s ability to sheet, is that right??

appears so, even the csl only on hood seems to be waning

I figured that PA High Gloss would hold up better than that. But I guess it is designed as a gloss enhancer, not a coating product. I`ve been testing out so many products lately I haven`t got around to using my High Gloss. First World problems. Lol

keep in mind the vid is of the hood before wash, but one section is a clear standout

also keep in mind essence is the base of all of these on the hood. perhaps essence does not like exov2 on top, it started to grow a flat spot 11.1.16

iirc gtech says not to even top exov2 with c2v3
based on my experience id say it simply didnt stick, so i topped it with rapidwaxx as well as the rest of the truck except for the csl w exov2 section on hood

i plan to check water behavior today and will report back

all i know for sure is csl w exov2 side is essentially bulletproof to this point, but the test is very early at only 4.5 months on the hood
The distinct line is crazy. I`m doing CSL or gloss coat come spring too cold to buy and ship right now since it takes like 6 days or more to get here from Florida lol

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The distinct line is crazy. I`m doing CSL or gloss coat come spring too cold to buy and ship right now since it takes like 6 days or more to get here from Florida lol

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yeah its almost like the pblv2 is gone already

im almost out of my bottle, i may give the rest away as free upgrades on a polishing job. the pblv2 already needs help to get up to my standards i guess.
one week shy of 5 months since hood was coated

washed 2bm with pbl shampoo v2

csl + exov2 x2 unaltered at all

csl which was topped twice but most recently 8 days ago with pa rapidwaxx which gave it some added hydrophobic boost on this wash

exov2 x2 which was topped twice but most recently 8 days ago with pa rapidwaxx which gave it some added hydrophobic boost on this wash as well

that bald/flat spot was gone

Side note, the rapidwaxx boosed behavior on the pblv2 section of my drivers rear door.

it didnt seem to have a great beading effect on the roof or drivers side however it did sheet well, but of course the other parts of my truck put it to shame, unfortunately

now some short clips of water behavior on the freshly washed coatings

just a reminder... the gtech showdown on the hood is as follows
to Your visual left is EXOv2 x2

Middle is CSL

Your visual right is CSL + EXOv2 x2


https://vimeo.com/199049402 csl vs csl + exov2 x2





I am considering opening up my bew exov3 but its very windy (30+mph gusts) and id have to park my nice freshly washed black car outside

truck was dried with my big blue drying towel, i may or may not top again with raoidwax. considering using ech20 but i will post some pics after i decide
:popcorn Man, I was ready for some fine movie action. There goes my lunch plans :( I guess I`ll find something on YouTube to watch.
:popcorn Man, I was ready for some fine movie action. There goes my lunch plans :( I guess I`ll find something on YouTube to watch.

lol sorry I will try to get them up another way but to be honest I don`t feel like messing with it now. I waited about 90 seconds for each 10 second video to load and it didn`t work out
