Holy sheet: EXO v CSL v CSL w/EXO - A longevity test


hasnt been given proper wash since 2.8.17 but was hosed down and rw with n914 on 2.12.17

yesterday, 3.23.17 the truck was given a much needed bath with Poorboy`s foam and super slick and suds


it was dirty







topped hood with qd+ for fun

keep in mind hood was given a decontamination wash on 1.15.17 where the beading and sheeting to exoV2 and csl only sides was restored
csl+exo has still been essentially bullet proof the entire 7 months and 1 week thus far

here is the water after the sss final rinse
once again, to your far left (passenger side of hood) exoV2x2, middle is csl and your far right (drivers side) is csl+exoV2x2
all at roughly 7months 1 week
all given a decontamination wash on 1.15.17
i flooded hood and put down hose and grabbed phone, so maybe 10 seconds of water sitting on there just fyi, sorry no video this time

up close




other reporting from rinse stage on passenger side coatings

tailgate csl split with topper of cure and c2v3 still both bead and the control in middle sheets but doesnt bead

passenger bed csl and csl+c2v3 appears to be looking good. the c2v3 section still beads better

pbl vs csl rear passenger door, pblv2 os flat and appears gone again, csl sheets but not that great at beading, but much better than csl on hood which is only 2 weeks or so older

csl drivers door has csl and csl+exoV2x2 splits and the combo is still cherry and wonderful to watch when rinsing off

exoV2 x6,7or8 layers on fender is still a bead monster and the only thing coming close to my csl+exo combo but still not as impressive and much less practical to apply

on drivers side I added mckees hydro blue spray coating to the doors and side windows since its supposed to rain tomorrow, id like to see how it plays in the rain :)

thats all for now
if I use CSL on a car, what is the time frame to top with EXO? Does it have to be right away or can it be a while down the road?
This is from their web page.

If you are applying over CSL, EXOv3 can either be applied straight away after you have finished applying CSL starting the process at the same place you did with CSL and following the same order of panels you did with CSL, or it can be applied up to 24 hours after finishing the CSL application
This is from their web page.
I never re read the directions after the first time and I think the v2 said up to 12 so that`s where I got that from. I just wait an hour or so and apply the exo
I read someone waited 24 hours on a post and it seemed to be ok for them as well
was that you? I don`t recall
I just applied CSL Exo V3 combo on a client`s Camaro. Got the correction and CSL done the first night. Finished about midnight. Came back the next afternoon about 330pm and applied EXO V3. No problem at all. EXO V3 goes on so nice over CSL.
who cares about how long to wait? we`re gonna read the directions anyways.... how about the elephant in the room? that csl and exo have gotten clogged up twice now and the combo not once
That`s strange. In terms of beading and sheeting, I`d expect EXO v3 to perform the same as CSL + EXO v3 since the final layer in both is EXO v3. I`d expect the CSL panels to offer more hardness, however.
For me I waited a while. I finished the CSL mid/late afternoon and started the exo mid morning so I would guess 16~18 hours after the CSL.
newest update from 4.2.17
just a little late posting

washed with 2bm and pb super slick n suds
after the wash the hood was sheeting very slowly on the exov2 and csl sections, with csl still beating the exov2 section
but the csl+exov2 was a little diminished yet miles ahead of the others and made them look flat and gone

from rinsing the hood after the initial wash. the split is csl and the csl+exov2 side and the csl side is still slowly sheeting water while i took the pic


exov2 left , csl on right

then i decided to do a decontamination wash on the hood. i sprayed poorboys iron remover on the hood and let it sit for a minute or two then rubbed it into the paint and let it sit another minute or two and then used the last of my super slick and suds and a wash mitt to wash the hood afterwards

i took a video below of how the water was sheeting after that, then i decided to add something easy

before drying i added mckees sio2 to the exov2 and the csl section. i probably got a little on the combo side but no big deal I didn`t want to directly top it but I wanted to try the blue sio2 stuff on the other areas

water behavior after decontamination wash with iron remover and then 2bm wash

video of exo v2 vs csl after the decontamination wash

video after mckees blue si02 was added to exo v2 and csl side...a tad bit might have moved over to the csl+exo side but I didn`t intentionally spray that side of the hood and I flooded the water to activate it in the direction away from the csl+exov2 side



used qd+ on hood afterwards because, well, that stuff is addictive



scrubbed the tires but not sure if i wanted to try a new product on them or not just yet

side note on the other tests since I did fully 2bm wash the truck.
added mckees sio2 spray on roof and entire drivers side

didn`t add any to the csl and exo testing on the passenger side but that still all looks good, except the pblv2 section is definitely not looking as good as the other gtech products its up against

oh and this is how my truck looks fogged up with morning dew, which i usually laugh at when i see because it looks kind of funky



Mebbe time to hit it with some of the PB iron remover you got, and see if that an a wash bring it back to life.
Mebbe time to hit it with some of the PB iron remover you got, and see if that an a wash bring it back to life.
that`s exactly what I did. it did cause the exov2 and csl only sides to liven up a tad but nothing like how they are playing together even before the iron wash

perhaps csl and exov2 alone don`t like being on top of essence? but the combo is also on top of essence. I`m not sure. I might give it another iron wash later today if I get around to it (the hood) and see if that hurts the mckees stuff much just for the heck of it. but that`s a maybe at this point
When you get tired of looking at it maybe you could try the new Essence + over the top of everything to see what that will do. I haven`t seen too much information on Essence + and I`m too lazy to find a car to try it out on.
When you get tired of looking at it maybe you could try the new Essence + over the top of everything to see what that will do. I haven`t seen too much information on Essence + and I`m too lazy to find a car to try it out on.

not a bad idea...I should have done that..i noticed a tad bit of marring on the hood.... do you think I should let the mckees stuff wear off first? I figured id give it a shot for test of how long it lasts as I`d like to use it as a quickie coating maintenance refresh wash package
No, just go over the whole thing with Essence+ to see what it looks like. It`s supposed to correct marring in coatings. I want to test it out just to see what it does. It would be nice to see how it plays with all the coatings you have on the truck.
No, just go over the whole thing with Essence+ to see what it looks like. It`s supposed to correct marring in coatings. I want to test it out just to see what it does. It would be nice to see how it plays with all the coatings you have on the truck.
I`m not ready to put it on top of the si02 spray yet. it`s non abrasive so it would just be sitting on top of it I`d imagine
beads from the sky a day or two later..4.4 or 4.5. hood was still clean



the mckees sio2 split over thw exov2 and csl only panels, definitely the only beading action there



csl+exov2 side which i didn`t really get any mckees si02 on when applied to the other part of hood. beads a little less than usual wow factor but still nice and this was applied 8.17.2016 so its approaching 8 months and almost exactly the same as its always been

on to the roof where mckees si02 spray is only protection on there

may see if iron remover will strip the mckees si02 spray off after work. i would like to wash the truck, I just find no need to do so since I dont drive to work anymore and its barely dirty
washed today
2bm with super slick n suds
qd+ applied after dried
gyeon tire on tires and running boards and door handles

gives a very wet look







the mckees sio2 spray has lost its steam but still sheets some