Okay so update number 1:
Rained decently while at work.
that was hood before I drove home from work (33 mile trip)
That a hole always parks so crappy!!!! I`m at the far end of the lot by god,haha
I then drove home in almost all types of rain one would typically encounter in a given Year here where I live.
Started from work with no rain. 10 minites later see a cloud that makes do you think man I hope I`m not under that soon. And guess what? I drove right into it.
A heavy rain followed by an absolute torrential downpour I`m talking wipers on high going 10-15 miles an hour on interstate, the whole shebang. Flooded winshield at 15 mph. Had to actually use the wipers bad.
Here is my experience as well as I can immediately recall...
From what I could see the csl w exo side which was immediately in front of my vision, on purpose ; ) was behaving like something I have never witnessed before.
I`ve posted about my obsession with beads before. So far this is combo performs like nothing I have witnessed before. Second has to go to when I freshly applied Synergy to 6 month old Pblv1 on the same truck
Or think freshly applied fk1000p on top of essence...on blue sky (from Breaking Bad), lol
I know the CSL sheets wonderfully alone, but that takes a lot of weight from the water for that sheeting to really get activate, or wind speed. Csl w exo side was blowing moderate rain right off, at alarming velocity as well.
Tiny marbled beads dancing dramatically with deliberate intentions of evacuating the surface as quickly as possible. It was a pleasurably rewarding experience to see what this does with real rain so quickly...literally the next day.
The csl, was waiting for another big bead to hit the other and gain momentum.
All the while, I was driving 40 mph, lol.
Then hit a 55mph stretch of road towards the interstate. Moderate to heavy rain is what I drove into.
Pbl glass coating at 1.5+ yrs sprayed once a month with opt glass cleaner and protectant (resprayed with that last night actually)
Same rain at 55-60 speed and the csl beads gained speed but so did the csl + exo beads
Then the torrential rain hit.
I was able to see the exo only side a little bit and it appeared quite impressive in itself as well but not nearly as impressive as csl w exo.
It seems with the csl base coat, the exo can Really do it`s thing.
Took this pic once I got home. one hard right turn to get into my neighborhood to cheat and push some of the csl beads onto the csl w exo side
a.bead. and two water spots that wiped right off. Only on the csl only middle.
Color me impressed.
thats all for now
Im going to try to enjoy my first evening off in several weeks.
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