Old School Autopian Check In !!!

It's hard to believe I've been on here for six years. I found this site either just before, or just after purchasing my current DD, a black 2003 Bonneville. Prior to that, I had occasionally waxed my cars, but nothing more. At the time I was not thrilled at all with the finish of my prior car, a 1996 Olds Cutlass. It looked great after a rinse, but once dried, I was not happy with it. Before buying the next car I read about clay bars, so I gave it a try on the Olds. I was floored by the results. Soon after that I was reading this site every day learning about polishing. Soon after I had my new to me car, I made my first purchase of a PC and polishes. Being a DD, I can't keep it nearly perfect, but when I walk out to my 10 year old car I still smile when I see how good the finish looks next to cars several years newer.
Yell00ITR said:
Registered so long ago and was active for several years, but then life caught up with me. Still lurk maybe 2 times a week.

Seriously, someone has GOT to have me beat! :llama:
I always check in with the greatest detailing site on earth at some point.

I was a moderator in the old days. My autopia banner hangs proudly on my garage wall.
I joined in 2009 because I wasn't happy with my detailing performance. I've learned so much from this forum and I'm greatful. Now my skill level is beyond what I could have imagined and my knowledge has built my confidence when talking to my customers. Thank you Autopia!
David Fermani said:
Old School (pre-2010) Autopians Check In!!!

For anyone that’s been on the board for a while it would be awesome to just have you say hi to let us know you still browse the forum. Let’s say anything prior to a join date of 2010. The 100th person will receive an Autopia short sleeve T-Shirt. (shipped free within the US)

Feel free to post a comment or 2 about how you found out about the forum and any memories from back in the day you’d like to share.

If I notice someone lurking and not posting :silenced: I’m going to call you out so you better start :typing:

I think I qualify :) I remember the MF revolution, CD test threads. I remember ordering from PakShak in 2003 and thinking I couldn't believe I just spent that much on MFs --- but I have those towels still today and they still work beautifully.
Member since....


VroooomCrash said:
I think I qualify :) I remember the MF revolution, CD test threads. I remember ordering from PakShak in 2003 and thinking I couldn't believe I just spent that much on MFs --- but I have those towels still today and they still work beautifully.

Brings back good memories - Quality vendors back then were PakShak, Excel Detail, Danase. Klasse AIO was always applied before any LSP....

I remember the big questions were:

1) S100 / P21S - Same thing???

2) Which do you prefer? S100/P21S, #16, Blitz, Platinum UPP, Souveran, or Zaino

3) Are these new microfiber towels comparable to the DF Concours Towel?

4) Menzerna IP/FP or Meg's #83/#80

Things were so simple back then...
G'day all. long time although had a few years away after being banned for a reason I just dont understand but then having the ban lifted

Gotta say though - still a good forum but it's just not the same as it once was. too commercial
Here since Nov 2003, started reading probably in 2001.

I remember the days of Zaino, 106/SIP, the lust for the best Carnauba. Things change, for the better.
I lurked and read for a year or two before I officially joined. Still read a few times a week. Maybe less, for a while.
MCA said:
...Quality vendors back then were PakShak...

I still like PakShak as they are the only one who carries Wolf's, CG, and Optimum in a one stop shop -- not to mention I am finally getting around to renewing my MFs that I got from Ranny 10 years ago...