PC Porter & Product Help?


New member

Just taken delivery of my pc porter 7424.

Before I go running out and buying loads of new products, can you tell me if I have anything in the garage that I can use.

This is what I have:


Smart Wash

Smart Wax

Smart Detail

Rim Wax


Quik Clay

Quik Detailer

Scratch X

Clear Coat Body Scrub

Deep Crystal Polish - step 2

NXT Tech Wash

NXT Tech Wax


Paint Renovator

Ultra Deep Shine

Extra Gloss Protection

Super Resin Polish

Instant Show Shine


HD Cleanse

Detail Wax

Carbon Wax


SFX2 - came with my porter

I also have loads of polish applicator pads & microfibre cloths.

I would like to use the porter on my Renault Clio - to remove a couple of bird bomb marks (the bain of living by the sea) and some small swirl marks.

Please let me know if I need anything and

If possible, could you also recommend me where on the internet I can get it

Thanks in advance

make sure to get plenty of high quality microfiber towels for the paint, and some cheaper ones for the door jams, interior, wheels, etc. you can never have enough of them!
McShug- Welcome to Autopia!

I'm not familiar with a lot of those products, but generally anything you can use by hand can also be used with the PC.

Be sure to get a lot of pads, especially if you're gonna try out a number of different products.

Offhand, besides the SFX2, I'm confident that you can use the:

Meguiar's: Scratch-X, Clearcoat Body Scrub, and DC #2 (note that this product is nonabrsive and is like "makeup for paint"), the NXT wax.

Autoglym: Paint Renovator (pretty aggressive IIRC), SRP (good stuff IMO), EGP.

Zymol: HD Cleanse (very mild).

You might try the Scratch-X on nasty spots/scratches. If that doesn't work maybe try the Paint Renovator. Then I'd probably do the whole car with the SFX2 and top with wax. But I *do* like the SRP too...
It looks like you're off to a great start with your products. How is your pad collection for your PC? BTW most of us just call it a PC or Porter Cable not both together. Good luck and let us see the Clio after you're done.