Need a detailer in Seattle


New member
I have a friend who moved up to Seattle about a year ago and she is needed a detailer to take her under his/her wings and teach her how to properly detail. When she used to live in Mississippi I used to detail her car for her and teach her along the way. I know she has some s100 but not sure what else she might have.

Here's a pic of her car when she lived down here:


In case you were wondering that was VM, EX-P, S100
This is a pretty dead forum, I know of one other detailer in the area that is worth their salt. They do not regularly look at this forum though... (autopia that is)
I am a new owner of an awesome coupe 3series and soon I will be needing a competent detailer. Any info who is the best in town?
Grouse said:
besides me?

:laugh: Well, if you work in Tacoma I probably don't need anyone else! From photos I've seen, your work is first class.

But I'd rather have root canal than drive to Seattle. Are you mobile or have a fixed location?

Well, to know who to go to, how about a who not to go to...

I was not particularly happy with Iden's in Bellevue, WA. Overworked staff and less-than-stellar results. Maybe one of their other shops might be good. If I had the time, I'm sure I could have done better myself...

Edit: I suppose I should give a couple of quick examples. The extractor work with light colored carpets seemd quite heavy handed. They looked a bit odd when they were done. Was that the right tool to use? Much of the interior was clean, but Armor-All shiny and a bit dangerous to use (stick shift).

But the biggest irritant to me was using some kind of steel wool, I believe, on the leather. Now, I've cleaned that leather before and using a brush, was able to get it amazingly clean. Their technique took all the grained beauty out of the leather, making it look super smooth and plastic-like.

Next time, I'll take some vacation days and do it myself.
I guess i would need to know more about how the carpets were originally, and how they ended up.

I ask my customers which they prefer shiny or matte finish. 95% say matte. dressing the dead pedal, clutch, brake, gas and steering wheel is asking for an accident.

My guess sis they lathered on a thick cream on the leather. I would bet that most of the grain is simply filled in with paste like goo. You might be able to simply clean it off.

FWIW i service the greater seattle area as a mobile shop.