looking for detailing products

I am heading out to Seattle in a couple of weeks and was wondering if there are any places that sell detailing products in the area? I order almost everything on-line currently. figured while I was out there maybe I could check out a place or two. thanks for the help guys.
Griot's Garage has a store at their main headquarters in Tacoma (just south of Seattle) where I've heard they sometimes have some pretty good deals. I think it would sure be a fun place to "window shop" if nothing else. :drool:

Enjoy your trip.
auto accessories sells P&S detail supplies.... good place to get anything yoyu need. I also can get Mark V detail suppliess.
norahcrv said:
Griot's Garage has a store at their main headquarters in Tacoma (just south of Seattle) where I've heard they sometimes have some pretty good deals. I think it would sure be a fun place to "window shop" if nothing else. :drool:

Enjoy your trip.

Wow thanks for the fast reply. will have to find out exactly where they are located. if my wife and kids go with me , I will have extra hands to help me carry stuff out :grinno: can not wait for the trip, the wedding will be fun. love the CA coast so that will be nice to show our kids. will have to try to grab some pics .
hood rich said:
auto accessories sells P&S detail supplies.... good place to get anything yoyu need. I also can get Mark V detail suppliess.

Thanks for the heads up. where are they located ? can I take it they have a website ( like who doesn't lol ) never used Mark V detailing supplies :hm
Joshua312 said:
Well if its one thing Im good at its searching for links :) Here is the link to Mark V:


And overall: Here is a link which lists *many* car detail suppliers etc..


Hey thanks for the info man. I am at work and did not get a chance to take a look. I greatly apprecite your time. how is the sticker collection coming along ? can not wait to see it :2thumbs:
flatstick said:
Hey thanks for the info man. I am at work and did not get a chance to take a look. I greatly apprecite your time. how is the sticker collection coming along ? can not wait to see it :2thumbs:

You're welcome - Im at work right now too..bored as ever :) so I like looking through car products and distributors finding the best prices. The sticker collection is coming along...slowly we could say :) Im going to order some car posters to spice up the garage a bit too. I will take a picture tonight when I get home of the progress we have made, its been a long time since I updated that thread, and we'll be done this weekend with it!
Joshua312 said:
You're welcome - Im at work right now too..bored as ever :) so I like looking through car products and distributors finding the best prices. The sticker collection is coming along...slowly we could say :) Im going to order some car posters to spice up the garage a bit too. I will take a picture tonight when I get home of the progress we have made, its been a long time since I updated that thread, and we'll be done this weekend with it!

I hear you on finding the best prices. nice to save some cash, when you can. will be looking forward to you pics. just wish I had more to give you. good to see you are almost finished. :heelclick
Hey folks, Baxters auto supply at Hayden Meados at Whitaker (near the horse track entrance) has a lot of different stuff

- Meguiars, most of the GOld & the NXT line, plus a number of the cleaners & polishers. Has 'em in huge sizes as well. Has their brushes & MFs as well. Comparable prices to Freddies & the internet shops.

- MOthers - has a fe of their products

one other brand that escapes me also is carried. & the usual array of tire products.

Unlike GI Joes (where I was headed) or Freddies there's folks there that will actualy help you out & appear knowledgeable. They were walking a guy through how to get rid of the swirl marks from an automated car wash....
I completely agree with the post earlier to try Mark-V products. They don't make products for amateurs, as all chemicals are extremely powerful. Call Aaron at Cass/Cade distributors. I buy almost all my chemicals from him. Mark-V is the best chemical company around by far.

Cass/Cade distributors
