Help forthe clueless


New member
I bought whatever products on the shelf to use on my new black 3series coupe.

Zymol liquid wash; Meguiars NXT wash, quick detailer, hot shine tire spray; Stoner Invisible Glass and all the microfiber in diffreent sizes and colors., some lamb/sheep wash cloth.

My dealer recommended Zymol Carbon but I cant seem to find them in any store. I ordered on line the whole Zymol Carbon kit plus some expensive polish. I am thinking of using all Zymol products but I dont know it it is the best incomparison th Meguiars.

Any Zymol fans here? Any Meguiars'? Zaino?

Can I use Meguiar for now and easily switch to Zymol without damaging my car or doing some unecessary tedious washing/removal of the products.

I plan to have my car detailed by professional 2x/year but I want to know how to maintain it.
Don't be afraid to mix and match products.

Zymol seems to have two brandings. One for cheap stuff you might find in target, another for the expensive stuff as I believe Zymol Carbon falls under.

You should be more concerned with a good wash technique then product....
I would recommend checking out and purchasing their yellow paste wax. Hard waxes seem to last longer than liquid waxes. Pro makes professional grade detail products, much better than over the counter. Since the car is black, I would recommend having the professional shop that you choose claybar the vehicle, because you can put slight scratches in the car if you do it yourself. After waxing, try to wash frequently not letting car get too dirty, and always use a clean wash mit and chamois.

Metropolitan Detail
HI, I am a Zaino user. I recently tried Zaino CS with really good results. Since you are having your car done by a pro, I assume the paint is in new condition (no swirls or other defects). The Z-CS is good for maintaining the finish in my opinion due to the ease of application and durability (claimed to be up to 9 months on a single application.) It is just wiped on and left.... :) I have had very excellent results with Zaino products as well as the Menzerna line. The ease of application and durability makes Z-CS a good choice even above the price.