entering my first car show....


New member
decided that if I have Sunday still open by this weekend.. im gonna go to my first car show ($25 entry) benefiting a local Fire Dept

granted I`m sure I wont win anything but I want to go and try to strum up some business for myself (tired of these minivans, lol)

luckily I got enough shunning in the past from Autopians that I now clean my fender wells and dress them so that`s one place im sure they look
my engine bay is all stock but I keep it clean

what should I put on the car?

I`m gonna polish off the light marring on the passenger side and start new with something just don`t know what yet

any suggestions on products or what I should expect at a real car show as far as judging areas?
I think these are the only classes that seem to apply to my car

mopar challenger all

stock car 49 to present
I depends on the car show...some are detailing oriented, some are all about chrome and carburetors, some (even though it says open classes) are hot rod shows. I think they say (open classes to gain entries)...truthfully, ya` never know what the judges like or are looking for. I`ve seen 1st place go to the MOST swirled out vehicle!

Best of luck! ...and as far as getting clients from a car show...it`s rare...let us know your results.
Clean wins
Watch out for water spots under hood/trunk/hood drain channels
Dressed tires
Wheel wells spotless
Interior spotless/dustless
Take out extraneous crap ( I got dinged for my micro mitt that I dust the dash with, I keep it behind the seat and they saw an edge poking out)
If parked on grass, make sure all dried grass of the tire treads
Trunk spotless (if trunk open)
Clean glass/mirrors

Now even though I HATE to lose.... Just go have fun and enjoy the day, and similar minded car nuts.
Personally, I like car shows that have two distinct voting categories:
1) The People`s Choice Award that lets the general public/spectator decide who is the best-of-show
2) Class Participant`s Award that lets show participants/vehicle owners within a specific vehicle type or class vote on the winner

If you have a true Concours Show where knowledgeable experts/authorities/aficionados judge the vehicle, that is much more objective (fact-based on vehicle criteria and a points system) than subjective (feeling-based on a persons likes or dislikes). In classic cars, it can come down to something as fine and picky as having the crosses on Phillips-head screws not be a true 90° to one another (no kidding!) or incorrect original fasteners (like a regular hex-head screw from a hardware store was used where the OEM was a Phillips hex head OR a recessed hex-head.

Knowing how your vehicles look ,512Detail, from the work that you have done on other people`s vehices and posted within this forum leaves me with little doubt you and your Mopar should fair very well at ANY car show!!
update: still have yet to even wash the car...oops. not gonna happen after work today either so I guess I start tomorrow

edit, well got the wash out of the way so I have a few days left to figure out what i want to do
I`ve been to TONS of shows. Both as a participant with this

and as a spectator as I`ve since sold the car.

Most all of the shows I have been to normally have a `73 cut off date so I can`t comment on what judges will be looking for at a show with new cars. After all...they`re new cars.

I wouldn`t go crazy. As an Autopian, your car is probably already dialed in more than most. I`d wash it, throw a coat of Souveran on it then go and have fun.
I`ve been to TONS of shows. Both as a participant with this

and as a spectator as I`ve since sold the car.

Most all of the shows I have been to normally have a `73 cut off date so I can`t comment on what judges will be looking for at a show with new cars. After all...they`re new cars.

I wouldn`t go crazy. As an Autopian, your car is probably already dialed in more than most. I`d wash it, throw a coat of Souveran on it then go and have fun.
rinsed it at coin op and drove a loop around access road to interstate and wiped down with spray and wipe.
prolly toss something on the paint the night before. gonna use this show i may or may not eventually attend as a reason to do my interior, engine bay and all addres a few of the water spots ive put on my trunk lid jams and undrside of hood over the years

wells are still black from the one time i cleaned and dressed them but will prolly add more dressing there, really like it black and shiny under there since my car is so black and shiny



With the refection of the 512Detail.com in the hood, is this the "equivalent" of a Merlin-shot with a (Florida) palm tree reflected in the hood??:lol: (I`m detecting a new trend here in vehicle picture posts)
Truth...I`ve been to many cars shows. Wipe down when you get to the show then relax...Enjoy the peeps...Take a folding beach chair (or two).
I`ve been known to take a cooler...mix up some jungle juice and bring a stack of Solo cups, pour a little and make friends. Relax and enjoy!
Truth...I`ve been to many cars shows. Wipe down when you get to the show then relax...Enjoy the peeps...Take a folding beach chair (or two).
I`ve been known to take a cooler...mix up some jungle juice and bring a stack of Solo cups, pour a little and make friends. Relax and enjoy!

Best advice ever !!!!