2024 Porsche Macan GTS

Sizzle Chest
There is a "shield" insignia in the corner of driver's side rear window in the pics outside in your driveway that was NOT in the pics inside your garage.
Is this something you added for denoting the coating or something else?? (Yeah, ONLY Captain Obvious would notice and ask such a trivial question).
I will assume you are still using the Harbor Freight's Hercules Forced-Rotation polisher.
AND did you do anything to the interior, seeing it only had 200 miles on it?

I keep asking if this new Macan GTS is giving you (or more correctly the other half of your family) the "new car itch" to replace the current Macan you are (she is) driving.

Anyway, great detailing workmanship.
Keep posting the pics
Thanks all!!

Lonnie: The owner asked me to place the sticker there. It's a club of some sort.

I used the cordless Flex C beast!

Interior received a vacuum cleaning and a wipedown only.

Nope, not interested in a new one! LOL