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1) any offensive images, language, or content –
2) any member threatening other members in forum posts, forum chats, or Private Message etc.
3) blatant advertising or repeated postings for commercialism or gain.
4) posting of any copyrighted is forbidden.
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Any thread or posting to be of questionable content or be moved or deleted by the Moderators or Owners of Autopia Forums without notice.
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Infractions to the rules will be given via our Infractions System.
1. First time- A warning will be given, via pm by a moderator or admin. At this time no infractions points will be given.
2. Second time- An infraction will be given disabling the account for at least 1 day depending on the violation.
3. Third Time- An infraction will be give disabling the account for at least 3 days.
4. Forth Time- accont will be dissable permanately.