Quote Originally Posted by David Fermani
Like other hands on labor intensive jobs, being on the phone or smoking isn`t condusive with the time sensitive needs a shop revolves around. That`s why they offer breaks for smoking and personal issues like making a call. (just another reason why I didn`t/don`t care for paying your workers hourly)

Exactly. I`m paying my staff to detail cars - not screw around. After checking my surveillance cameras once looking for something I just happened to catch one of the guys pull out his phone and proceed to BBM with someone for close to 15 minutes. After seeing this I checked the tape for the rest of the day and literally every time I stepped out of the shop this would go on. Cell phone policy got put in the next day. The problem is with all the things the new smart phones are capable of doing it`s just too great of a distraction for a lot of people and they are simply incapable of resisting the temptation to put it away and do their work. If there is a valid reason an employee needs to have their phone during their shift I`m cool with that but I`m not paying guys to talk/text/bbm or play games when they are supposed to be working.