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  1. #1576

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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    You have some good points rim. I’m saying let the good ones in and try to keep the bad ones out It doesn’t matter what color their skin is. My mother-in-law is German who came here 40-50 years ago. When they start coming in masses and not being filtered I think that’s not good. I try not to watch any news on tv because a lot of it is not true and they just dwell on bad things happening. Speaking of things not true, the local weather lady pissed me off yesterday. She said yesterday morning it was going to be sunny all day with a high of 42. I had to meet a friend of mine at a dealership, about 40 miles away to get some parts (discounted of course) so I drove my 16 Tundra. I didn’t know they had salted the interstates about 4 or 5 days ago for black ice. The interstate roads were white of course, no biggie, but I get halfway there and it starts sleeting and snowing and continued doing that for 2-3 hours. When I got back home truck is covered in salt. How could they not see even a slight chance of that 6 hours in advance. I wouldn’t have driven my truck if There was even a slight chance of precip. That’s the first time it has gotten salt on it. Paint is protected but not the undercarriage. Maybe I’m being a little too particular. High temperature only got to 33 also

  2. #1577

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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by rlmccarty2000 View Post
    The Native Americans should have taken this view of the European immigrants and they would still have a country of their own. We have a Statue of Liberty and it is inscribed “Bring us you poor and tired huddled masses”. We like to bring in laborers from Mexico to pick our fruit and do our menial labor for low wages, but we don’t want them to become citizens, is that fair?

    My people came from Ireland and were treated worse than blacks. We left Ireland because we were starving. People are leaving Honduras because they are starving and being persecuted by gangs. Not a whole lot of difference between thevIrish immigrants and Honduran immigrants.

    I lived in Honduras for almost 10 years and there was a large group of Americans living there. We were a little better off and we drove to Honduras. At the time the population of Honduras was around 5 million, what is the population of the US? My three sons were born in Honduras and two of them are serving in the US Army. I guess you would call them invaders too even though they are protecting your way of life. We need immigrants. Just ask Trump who takes care of his hotels and golf courses, immigrants.

    Why are brown people considered a threat? Why not build a wall to keep out Canadians too? Be careful, don’t let your sheet fall in front of your eyes.

    Don’t let Fox News be your only source of information. Take a trip across Latin America and talk to the people. You might find they are not much different than you.

    The wall,is a vanity project. It will not stop or even deter illegal immigration. The $5.7 billion only funds 250 miles out of 2000 miles of the border. Then add in maintenance for the wall. And remember the government will double or triple the budget based on cost overruns. I worked for the government so I know how it goes. Spend the money on port security where 90% of the drugs come in to the US, not on Mexicans with backpacks.

    First, there is no way that if the Native Americans held off the early settlers that they would still, to this day, have the America`s to themselves. Also, most likely the Vikings touched ground before the settlers. In regards to the Statue of Liberty and the writing upon her, it`s a`s NOT the United States law on immigration. We have laws that allow and also disallow people to come here. Follow the law, plain and simple.

    We bring in immigrants because Americans have taught their kids that they are "above" picking produce or cleaning hotels and toilets. American kids are just too damn lazy and feel they are above jobs like that, lety`s be honest. They all want to be the next Youtube sensation. They are attention whores seeking how many "Likes" and "Followers" they can get. "You want to pay me what to clean what? No! I don`t think so. I am gonna be a star! That`s what Mexicans are for, right?"

    My grandmother was full blooded native Indian from the mountains of Mexico.

    People all over the world are starving. How many do we allow in, give me a number? Seriously. How many people here in the USA are also starving? Do you know that in Portland Maine they have so many asylum seekers that the city is taking funds and resources away from the actual citizens to house and feed them all.

    In Texas, my home state, it was discovered that thousands of people were registered to vote ILLEGALLY! I don`t care if they were registered as republican or democrat. Only American citizens should be allowed to vote. Would they allow you to sneak into Mexico and vote in their elections?

    You stated: Why are brown people considered a threat? Why not build a wall to keep out Canadians too? Be careful, don’t let your sheet fall in front of your eyes.

    You are the racist. You do grasp that I am of these "brown people", right? Again my grandmother is full blood native. I heard her speak in her native tongue. You then step in it further to state that I should not allow my "sheet to fall" in front of my eyes...WTH? Are you suggesting I am a member of the KKK? Or it is that anyone who you disagree with you label right away....."damn racist!" News flash....Mexicans voted for Trump, blacks voted for Trump....oddly enough I DID NOT.

    I live in Texas, you can`t build one continuous wall. Yet a wall or barrier can be built in many areas, thus meaning less man power is needed there to patrol which in turns mean we can focus on the areas not covered. As for more drugs being caught in port areas....use some logic and reasoning skills here.

    The claim is that because we stop, say 90%, of narcotics at the ports of entry, this then is where we need to concentrate our focus. Yet we have no clue just how much is crossing over in the non port areas. "We confiscated 200lbs of marijuana at port today!" While 500 lbs are walked across elsewhere.

    Again, a wall is not racist. Wanting a secure border is not evil. How many people sleep with their doors and windows open or go on vacation and leave their house unlocked? Same concept. You only want people whom you have "invited" to come into your house and you have every right to do so.

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  3. #1578

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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony O. View Post
    Americans visiting our nations White House will notice it has walls, fences and fancy ropes that are there to tell people `You can`t go past this". When I got lunch today there was between me and the workers and kitchen a counter "wall/barrier". In my bank they have a big barrier plus ballistic glass between myself and the tellers. I am not to go past that. Around Six Flags Over Texas I can`t just walk in there and expect them to give me a free day plus food and drink. They got this huge barrier between the outside people and those people that have paid to be there. Since I have not paid to go into the park I should not be expected to be let it.

    A wall is not "immoral" nor can it be "moral" for it has no personhood. It is not aware, has no thought process. The actions of those on either side of the wall will be judged moral or immoral, but who is right or wrong? The people seeking America do so for a better life, at least most do. Others are running from trouble or to trouble. Americans want to control who comes in, not eliminate immigration completely.

    The most fundamental question to be asked in this and it`s not being asked is this: "Why are people desperate to leave their country?" It`s NOT because America has all the answers but more so because their country SUCKS! It`s corrupt in all forms from the city police to the government and then there`s the drug cartels. They would not want to leave their country if the corruption would be done away with. So all these caravans coming up here, waving their homeland flags, need to march their butts back and start a revolution and take back their country. Funny how you never see a caravan of Americans wanting to cross over into the Hondura`s or Bolivia. I wonder why that is?

    Cross into North Korea. What happens? Most likely you get meet with a bullet. Is that wrong of North Korea? NO! It`s their country, it`s their border. You would be seen as an invader. If Israel did away with her wall, what would happen? Would they all get together and sing by the campfire? I would like to see that but reality says, Hamas, Iranians, Syrians, Egyptians and everyone else within 1000 miles wants them driven into the sea and forgotten as a people.

    We need borders defined, Without borders, protected borders, we are just asking for trouble.

    Not a fan of the wall but I usually leave politics alone (read this thread don’t normally comment). I just feel the wall will won’t do what people want, especially for the cost. Although a different time and wall.... ask China how well their wall performed. My 2cents anyways. Although I’m not the most informed in politics and my feelings not swayed, this was by far I feel the most respectful and eloquent way of arguing for the wall. I don’t know if you formed this statement is a almalgamation of others or your owned formed thoughts but for an argument for the wall, well spoken.

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  4. #1579

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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Coatings=crack View Post
    Not a fan of the wall but I usually leave politics alone (read this thread don’t normally comment). I just feel the wall will won’t do what people want, especially for the cost. Although a different time and wall.... ask China how well their wall performed. My 2cents anyways. Although I’m not the most informed in politics and my feelings not swayed, this was by far I feel the most respectful and eloquent way of arguing for the wall. I don’t know if you formed this statement is a almalgamation of others or your owned formed thoughts but for an argument for the wall, well spoken.

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    This is what`s meant by "America is an idea". It`s also perhaps the longest running experiment. I am not seeking to turn anyone to "my side" but rather to have a intelligent discussion, share thoughts and ideas, debate vigorously and come away with more knowledge...hopefully. Those are all my own thoughts I tried to put down as clearly as possible and thank you for the kind words.

    In regards to your statement on the wall and "cost" we would have to look at cost measured not in the initial cost plus maintenance but rather does it save money in the long run. Obviously we have to consider maintenance but does that cost more than providing food, shelters, court costs and programs to assist the illegal aliens?

    Let`s look at a hypothetical and let`s say we had a border system in place that cut off illegal crossing 100%. How much money is saved? What is saved far out weighs what that border system would cost in upkeep. Now obviously we cannot keep 100% out but let`s say we can cut illegal crossing down by 50%. It`s been estimated the wall or barrier system would still pay for itself.

    What the problem is education level. On average people with low education have low paying jobs and in turn need assistance. This in turn must come from somewhere, so it`s passed onto American citizens. If someone wants to come to America, more power to them. Do it legally. It`s costly and time consuming BUT I have such high respect for the people who do so. It`s a slap in their face when we just allow people to stream in here and provide them with all kinds of stuff.

    The reason the border system is so jacked up is because it was never...never addressed by anyone. The only thing ever done was placing band-aides on it every so often. Politicians, on all sides, talk about it when it suits their advancing political career and then when they get whay they want it`s never spoken of again. Politicians in general do not give those who they represent a second thought once in power. Do you know why? Because if they fixed everything they said they would or could who then needs them in power any longer?

    Take care,
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  5. #1580

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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    Well said Anthony. Coatings, I think I might have to get out of this topic, you are using words my high school edgamacation hadn’t run across. Almalgamation. LOL!!

    edit: I’ve always thought politicians are crooked as he!l. That’s why I don’t get involved

  6. #1581 Stokdgs's Avatar
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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    Mi Amigo, RL McCarty2000 ---

    It has always been this way... Native Americans were here first, they could not withstand the onslaught of pioneers, good ones and bad ones... It ended up bad for them as a people.. We are sorry...

    About every group of people that came to this country with - nothing - had a hard time at first.. Some people decided to work harder, get educated as best they could, and keep hustling to better themselves and their families, and provide for all of them...

    But the thing that keeps getting - forgotten - in all of this is that all those immigrants including your own families, came in through what - the Port of Entry - ...
    So they were doing it - legally -

    Isn`t this - all - we want to keep happening now ?????

    Watch "Hell on Wheels" sometime, to get a semi-accurate look at who helped build the first railroad from the East Coast to the West Coast.. Hint-- there were a lot of Irishmen who helped with this as well..

    I was born and raised in Texas.. I had lots of family living in the "Valley", which are the cities and towns close to the Southern Border.. McAllen, Edinburg, Brownsville, etc..
    Everyone, including them, would tell us about the constant flow of people coming from Mexico, through their properties at all hours of the day and night..
    Why would this ever be ok ???

    Have you ever had total strangers coming up to your front door, back door, garage, barn, shed, etc., at all hours, and especially at night, wanting to get in ???
    How would you feel this is was happening to YOU on a daily/nightly basis ???
    And what if some of those people are really bad people intent on wanting to kill you on a daily/nightly basis ???

    When you hear someone trying to break into your house at night, are you thinking they are just - nice brown people - wanting to stop by and introduce themselves???

    And this has been happening for what - 100 years !!!!

    No matter how you want to spin it - Vanity Wall, Immoral Wall, ad nauseum, the very people we should all be supporting have said that we need the Wall to at least slow down the constant flow of people trying to get to our borders, so they can go out there and tell them to not cross...

    Yes, there is still a lot of area not covered by a border of any kind, and of course, as we keep building the Wall, the people will just keep trying to get through those un barricaded places..

    I have seen the Walls up close and personal at San Diego, CA. and El Paso, Texas.. The amount of traffic going through there is enormous... Yes, they have a lot of things to help them and hopefully, they will get more, better, technologies to increase their accuracy and efficiency..

    Yes, we need to keep updating and utilizing better ways to catch things at these ports of entry and we are not even talking about all the Ocean ports of entry..

    But please understand that they have always had a great amount of security already.. Every time I drive through California, Arizona, New Mexico, and into Texas, (for 50 years) I come to this Inspection Station, that has a huge amount of cameras, sensors, set up on both sides of the access road that all vehicles are required to go through to get to the people who ask me "Are you a Citizen of the United States?". So even at these huge inspection stations with armed men running them, Texas alone is doing a great job... The amount of cameras, sensors, etc., that all look at each vehicle before it gets to the inside of the Inspection Station is probably close to 100 or more..

    And quit trying to tell us what News to watch, ok ??? Why are you worried about that anyway??

    "Not on Mexicans with backpacks" -- Ok, even the ones with 40lbs of marijuana, fentanyl, cocaine, heroin, backpacks, etc., it is ok if those guys come in wherever, whenever???

    Gang members ok too ??? Ever watched the grief stricken families of children who were murdered by Gang Members who crossed illegally from Mexico on your News??? Perhaps your News does not ever show you those people ???Why would this ever be ok with you???

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  7. #1582

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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishroes View Post
    Well said Anthony. Coatings, I think I might have to get out of this topic, you are using words my high school edgamacation hadn’t run across. Almalgamation. LOL!!

    edit: I’ve always thought politicians are crooked as he!l. That’s why I don’t get involved
    Full disclosure: as I was typing the word I had to google just to make 100% sure I was using in right context l.


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  8. #1583

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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Stokdgs View Post
    Mi Amigo, RL McCarty2000 ---

    I was born and raised in Texas.. I had lots of family living in the "Valley", which are the cities and towns close to the Southern Border.. McAllen, Edinburg, Brownsville, etc..
    Everyone, including them, would tell us about the constant flow of people coming from Mexico, through their properties at all hours of the day and night..
    Why would this ever be ok ???
    I know families with property out in west Texas. They used to leave their places all locked up but that would only mean broken down doors and busted windows cause the illegals want food, water and then crap in their toilets.

    So now many of those familes leave out food and water for them. One guy said they leave a note in Spanish saying something to the effect of..."Take what you need, please do not break our windows"

    That right there...insane.
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  9. #1584
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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    I never said I was for illegal immigration. Put simply, a wall will not stop illegal immigration and I doubt it would even slow it down. What would slow it down is to streamline the immigration process. Anyone been to an American embassy. I have been to several in Central America and it’s bureaucracy at its finest. They have a difficult time helping Americans much less addressing applications for green cards or asylum. Spend more money addressing the problem before it reaches our borders. How about fining or imprisoning the people hiring illegal workers? That would slow up illegal immigration as our own president hires illegal immigrants to work for him.

    I love Hell on Wheels. Shiploads of illegal Chinese and Irish laborers coming into this country. The West would have never been populated without them. We still need this type of worker, legal or illegal. In my area the illegal workers work in the meat processing plants and home building industry. It’s well known and no one enforces the laws. It’s not like illegals are hiding in the bushes. Go to Walmart on Sunday. If there was a $5 a head bounty I would be rich, lol.

    The US has created much of this problem. We have supported puppet presidents in Central America in order to “stabilize” those countries for fear of Communism. Now that we have screwed up their countries we want to say it’s not our problem, well it is. We trained death squads at FT Benning. We provided arms to whichever side we thought was right. We continue to give money and other types of aid to those who support our vision of Central America. I lived there and worked there so I know. Google JTF-B in Honduras and ask yourself why it’s there. Do some in depth research on why people would leave their country. Most of them love their countries and do not want to leave. The US needs to quit supporting regimes that do not support US policies. Trump has said he would quit sending foreign aid to these countries but I have not seen any action.

    Pull our military out of every country and let them police theirselves. It’s not our job. Use that money to fix our country. A smaller military, less military spending, and lower taxes, and a chicken in every pot! Vote for me in 2020, lol. I’m out.

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  10. #1585 Stokdgs's Avatar
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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by rlmccarty2000 View Post
    I never said I was for illegal immigration. Put simply, a wall will not stop illegal immigration and I doubt it would even slow it down. What would slow it down is to streamline the immigration process. Anyone been to an American embassy. I have been to several in Central America and it’s bureaucracy at its finest. They have a difficult time helping Americans much less addressing applications for green cards or asylum. Spend more money addressing the problem before it reaches our borders. How about fining or imprisoning the people hiring illegal workers? That would slow up illegal immigration as our own president hires illegal immigrants to work for him.

    I love Hell on Wheels. Shiploads of illegal Chinese and Irish laborers coming into this country. The West would have never been populated without them. We still need this type of worker, legal or illegal. In my area the illegal workers work in the meat processing plants and home building industry. It’s well known and no one enforces the laws. It’s not like illegals are hiding in the bushes. Go to Walmart on Sunday. If there was a $5 a head bounty I would be rich, lol.

    The US has created much of this problem. We have supported puppet presidents in Central America in order to “stabilize” those countries for fear of Communism. Now that we have screwed up their countries we want to say it’s not our problem, well it is. We trained death squads at FT Benning. We provided arms to whichever side we thought was right. We continue to give money and other types of aid to those who support our vision of Central America. I lived there and worked there so I know. Google JTF-B in Honduras and ask yourself why it’s there. Do some in depth research on why people would leave their country. Most of them love their countries and do not want to leave. The US needs to quit supporting regimes that do not support US policies. Trump has said he would quit sending foreign aid to these countries but I have not seen any action.

    Pull our military out of every country and let them police theirselves. It’s not our job. Use that money to fix our country. A smaller military, less military spending, and lower taxes, and a chicken in every pot! Vote for me in 2020, lol. I’m out.

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    You are still not getting it..
    That`s ok..

    Here is one of I am sure, a zillion examples of what people who actually LIVE close to the Southern Border deal with all the time --

    And another one --

    A n y t h i n g that will deter or slow down the illegal entry through this border is absolutely essential...

    Now, put - y o u r s e l f - in that situation... Would you still not want something up to help slow this down, so you don`t have to deal with it, worry about it, hope no one tries to kill you or your family???

    Yes, the Immigration process is hopelessly behind and could use a lot of help.. I believe the President has addressed that by asking for a lot more judicial support down there to help speed up the process even at the border for those asking for "asylum"...

    Do you think that even if the entire "Process" gets up and running better, and it may take a few years no doubt, that in the meantime, it is not a good idea to stop, slow down, discourage, etc., the alarming amount of people
    from crossing the border where there is nothing to stop or slow them down??

    Isn`t stopping, slowing down - i l l e g a l immigration - part of "fixing our country" ???

    Dan F
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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Stokdgs View Post
    You are still not getting it..
    That`s ok..

    Here is one of I am sure, a zillion examples of what people who actually LIVE close to the Southern Border deal with all the time --

    And another one --

    A n y t h i n g that will deter or slow down the illegal entry through this border is absolutely essential...

    Now, put - y o u r s e l f - in that situation... Would you still not want something up to help slow this down, so you don`t have to deal with it, worry about it, hope no one tries to kill you or your family???

    Yes, the Immigration process is hopelessly behind and could use a lot of help.. I believe the President has addressed that by asking for a lot more judicial support down there to help speed up the process even at the border for those asking for "asylum"...

    Do you think that even if the entire "Process" gets up and running better, and it may take a few years no doubt, that in the meantime, it is not a good idea to stop, slow down, discourage, etc., the alarming amount of people
    from crossing the border where there is nothing to stop or slow them down??

    Isn`t stopping, slowing down - i l l e g a l immigration - part of "fixing our country" ???

    Dan F
    Dan I get it. Pres wants to build a wall to stop illegal immigration, right? I just don’t think a wall will work as he intends for it to work. I also don’t think it’s the best way to discourage illegal immigration. I believe it is a waste of time and tax dollars based on the lack of success of other walls throughout history. He is asking for $5.7 billion which I have heard will only fund 250 miles of a wall. On top of that, the wall idea is not even concrete (a pun). The wall idea changes from week to week. First it was a “big beautiful wall”, now its a fence type thing with slats. Mexico was going to pay for it, now we are. The whole thing doesn’t make sense. A wall is too easy to defeat. We can’t even fill the openings for border guards, why don’t we just pay them more? Higher salaries would fill the positions quickly.

    From what I have read the people living in border towns don’t want a wall. The people that own the land that the government is going to try to buy for nothing to build the wall are not happy about losing their land or having it divided up by a wall. I believe it is Arizona that is already fighting the wall. I have also read that border towns have very low crime rates. I know some illegal immigrants and they are not bad people. I am still against illegal immigration as we have to have some sort of policy for it to be fair for all immigrants, but our government is so screwed up no one can agree on anything. DACA was a good idea but Trump is now holding them hostage. There has to be some kind of path to citizenship for people who have been here for so long. Even people against illegal immigration get upset when ICE agents come to their town and arrest residents that have been their for years living among them with kids in school. When you actually know someone in a position where their family is being split up you feel different. These are people, not animals.

    By aiding Mexico, which I believe Trumps latest trade agreement did, illegal immigration will slow. I don’t have the numbers in front of me but it has slowed over the past few years on its own. Everyone was making a big deal about convoys coming up from Honduras, but that news faded away after the mid-term elections. Fear mongering and race baiting. I thought Americans had finally got past that phase, but it seems racism was just biding it’s time. We always fear what we don’t know.

    I don’t think a wall will be built. I believe there will be some negotiation where Trump will get a win and the Dems will get a win on DACA. You’ve been around for awhile you know if we budget $100 billion for a wall there will be cost overruns that will triple the cost and then there will be the wall maintenance budget. It’s a damn tarbaby. I’ve been involved with government contracts and if you ever want to get rich just get a government contract. Whatever the original contract is for it will change and every change adds more money to the contract, it never ends. I abhor fraud, waste, and abuse and government contracts are full of it. Less government is a good thing, not more.

    I’m not going to convince you that the wall won’t work. We can’t even stop people from coming through border crossings with guards and walls and I just can’t see why anyone would think a wall by itself would do much good at all. Cubans get here and there is 90 miles of water between us. Are we going to wall off Florida? I still believe we should penalize the people giving jobs to illegal immigrants and then you would see a drop in immigration, but that will never happen because those people have money and power. There are better solutions than building a wall but it impacts the wealthy. If they sent all the illegals home many towns in the south would completely die off. There would be no one in the chicken processing plants and agricultural products would rot in the fields. We need a certain amount of legal immigration and the laws need to reflect that need. Even when we let people in with green cards it’s extremely expensive for those people to become citizens.

    It’s funny, when I was a platoon leader in Germany I had soldiers from Ecuador, Romania, Nigeria, Mexico and they were all trying to become US citizens and we thought it was great when they got their papers. America was built on immigrants backs and it still is to a large extent. But we can’t figure out how to best use this labor force. We want to send back millions of people to their countries of origin. I guess it’s always been that way. I’m Irish on both sides and I hear how bad it was for the Irish when they came to America. Now the next wave of immigrants has to pay their dues by being persecuted. History always repeats itself. Take it easy brother, it will all work out. I’m too old to worry about this stuff.

  12. #1587 Stokdgs's Avatar
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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    Mi estimado hermano Rlmccarty2000,

    We all read what we want to read; that`s fine...

    For example, I read of dozens of people at a time, who die in those Border Towns every night.. Cartel violence... The number of deaths in Border Towns due to this violence is in the thousands a year...

    People who live/lived close to that border (including my Parents, GrandParents - both sides, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Siblings), had to deal with illegal immigration since the 1800`s - 1900`s, are they also wrong???

    It seems like all the "experts" who denounce this and call it of all things - immoral - have N E V ER lived close to this border, have never been down there to see it, and have no family, contact, whatsoever with it at all in their entire lives... And while they tout the "other things" that can be used instead, when pressed for the actual "things" they speak about, they have nothing to bring to the table...

    Do they actually - think - that "sensors", "drones", etc., are actually going to - S T O P - people from crossing illegally????

    Reality check - we have already been utilizing sensors, drones, etc., down there for a long time... Again, they only help the Border Patrol people by alerting them that people are now - there - close to the wall, and then we have to get out there to stop them...

    So, who is going to do all the work that we brown people do??? What about all those able bodied welfare recipients who I see in the Walmart I have to shop in, purchasing way better food (and much more than I can afford), have to put in so much work equal to the amount of welfare they receive every week???

    My Church is very happy to supply basic food, meat, milk, eggs, bread, canned goods, to anyone in dire need, anytime.. But they also tell these people that they need to come and work at one of our canneries, our farms, storehouses, etc., to help pay back for that food, etc... And it is not a strict, immovable, mathematical number of work hours, not an exact science, etc., instead, you come work a little for that help, and we will all be good...

    And when this happens, people on assistance do not continue to lose their self esteem, etc., they instead regain what they have lost, they see that they can help again, they can see the results of their labor, they can be part of a team, and eventually get to like this.. Perhaps even get into a Church, any Church, and now have something to place their hopes and faith in. And if they really want to, they pull themselves out of their dire situations and become little by little, whole again...

    All the Aid we give to countries that are run and controlled by Cartels will never help... Do you agree with that? No one really knows for sure, where that Aid goes,, right?? Until those countries, and this of course includes Central America, South America, and Mexico somehow get off the Cartel Payroll, and actually eliminate these most evil people, there will always be conditions in those countries that will be driving these people north..

    I am sorry that it was so hard on your families, RL, when they came to America...

    I cannot think of anyone who ever lived here before and after the Israelites, Native Americans, the Vikings, Columbus, the Spaniards, the Pilgrims, Pioneers, etc., who did not go through some really hard stuff..

    What I DO know is that when any of these people obeyed God`s Commandments as best they could, they were blessed with generations of Peace and Prosperity.. And then, when they then became "puffed up" in their own selfishness, actually thinking they alone were responsible for all their wealth, peace, etc., and forgot to acknowledge where these blessings came from, then bad people came by and overran them, and the whole process, eventually, started again...

    I hope and pray - every day - that the bad people part does not have to happen (to us) again...

    Dan F
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  13. #1588
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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    Kennedy: Things are about to get ugly in Texas over the wall
    By Lisa Kennedy MontgomeryPublished February 19, 2019OpinionFOXBusiness

    Kennedy on the border wall: Texas homeowners will fight to keep their land
    FBN’s Kennedy on how President Trump declared a national emergency to fund his border wall and how the wall will affect Texas homeowners living by the southern border.

    The president Opens a New Window. got a little money for his beautiful wall, but things are about to get ugly in Texas where private property owners are going to fight like hellbound honey badgers in order to keep their land.

    The president was able to narrowly avoid a government shutdown by resentfully taking the tepid $1.375 billion congressional handout, but now that he`s declared a national emergency and is breaking D.O.D. and DHS piggy banks he feels emboldened to break ground as well.

    Here`s the problem with a government taking: sometimes private landowners aren`t always in a mood for giving. If you`ve had your land for a couple hundred years, you`re probably not inclined to just sign your birthright over to Uncle Sam for a few pesos on the dollar. It`s a pretty subjective process figuring out land value, but if your family name and identity are inextricably linked chances are you`ll hold onto what`s yours even if it means a lengthy court fight.

    The president has, best case scenario from the legislation and emergency declaration, 8 billion dollars to spend on the wall. That`s just for the wall building part, not the land buying with 2/3 of border land in private hands, the Feds are going to have to write enough big checks to make the process unsustainable.

    And while rich landowners can afford a team of lawyers and brokers to shiv the government for higher payments, regular people will be pretty screwed with very little recourse.

    Not to mention the government taking property from private individuals is wrong, what if this precedent means a future lefty president tries to do the same thing with even *more* private property to build wind and solar farms? Both causes, immigration and climate change, are built upon emotional hysteria designed to whip people up and scare them into separating from their money and land.

    Emminent domain cases are not quickly settled. 20 percent of the e.d. cases stemming from the *2006* secure fence act are still in legal limbo, and only adding to that legal stockpile seems fruitless and futile.

    Texas is ready to fight, and the distraction this heartless thievery will soon eclipse the false urgency for the wall as poor little old people being stripped of their homes will be a highly exploitable piece of counter-propaganda.

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  14. #1589
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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    I might get flack for this but as tech guy who is classic libertarian, Andrew Yang has my Vote, if you don`t see why you REALLY need to understand where the economy is heading. We are at a crossroads with technology and employment.
    Rupes 21 MK II, Rupes 15 MK II, Rupes 21, Rupes LHR75e, Rupes Duetto, Rupes Ibrid-L, Rupes LH18ENS, Flex PE-14-2, Dodo Juice V1

    Quote Originally Posted by rlmccarty2000 View Post
    At $21.99 it will remain a secret to me.

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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    Wondering how far a good patrol security along the border that is effective would reach with those 8 billion dollars? It is crazy amount of money. From an outside view it seems that it is prestige that makes the president to push for the wall. With a better border control and administration of immegrants. You create a lot of jobs too. It took us in Sweden too long before we got a border control and administration of it to have some control over it. Then it slowed down massively and the other countries around stopped shipping a to high amount of immegrants our way. And started to take some own responseble. But it`s sad to see all the people suffering from the war in Syria. The amount of people in the refugees camps all around a country where it`s nothing left of it to live in. Is so large that it`s hard to wrap your head around it. And in the camps it`s going to get worse and worse with nobody don`t know what to do. The war will still takeing deadly victims even if IS defeated. But with sickness and health issue from the situation they have in the refugees camps.


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