Finally! The weather has warmed up in Indiana, although it`s done nothing but rain for the past 7 days, and there`s no end in sight. But, it did warm up and stay rain free for the majority of the day today. Long enough for me to wash the car, and try out Meguiars NXT.

Basically, I just wanted to try it out to see what all the hype is about so...I washed the car, then used SEPC, VM, then NXT on the front passenger side fender to see what the results were.

Here is a pic of the car itself:

Now for the fender. It`s dark out and I`m in a garage with horrible lighting, so excuse the fact that there is not a full fender shot...but here`s a few shots of the reflection I`m getting from the combo mentioned above.

No swirls, scratches, etc...

Not bad for a car going on ten years old.:xyxthumbs