I upgraded my rear suspension by adding a sway bar from a 1988 Z-24 to my 2002 (the 1988 uses a "standard" type, and my `02 is more of the "wimpy" variety...even though it is the 2002 version of a Z-24)

The end bushings are the stock ones from the 2nd gen and the swaybar is from a 1988 (give or take...hard to tell when they`re the middle car in a pile at the scrap yard ). I`m friends with a guy who runs a towing company/scrap yard so I got the bar & bushings free, but I`m sure it would only be a few bucks at any other yard.

If I had the `extra` cash, I would have just bought some new universal urethane bushings from AUTOZONE.

Here are a few pics...be gentle (PS: I COULD feel a BIG difference on my short test-drive...the rear end feels flat and I can see/feel the front end roll more...the same amount really, it just seems like it`s rolling more)

The red `X`s show where the end bushings mounted on the 2nd gen...the way the 3rd gen rear axle is, I was able to mount the end bushings closer in to the center, in effect making the bar stiffer on my car than it was on the `88 Z-24

(the red circle in the one pic shows my "custom" urethane bushings...thery`re only temporary until I get the cash for "real" ones