Hi guys,

After being away from Autopia for a number of years, I was pleased to see the site still on-line, but how things have changed!

Anyway, down to it.

I recently acquired a new Audi A3 in Ibis White, that apart from a "dealer clean" has had no other attention paid to the exterior paintwork.

Question is, after so many years out of the detailing world, I`m lost as to what to use, as I`ve never had a white car before.

I sold most of my gear about 5 years ago, but still held onto a number of products; namely, Klasse AIO, 4*UPP, Moose Wax and Collinite 845. These have been stored away, so not sure if they are still useable after I bought them in 2004???

Any recommendations on method and products, although I do remember it starts with a good claying first !

Any advice for solid white paint welcome.

Thanks :up