2005 Pontiac GTO / DQUARTZ Nano-Diamond Quartz Fusion Coating 🌴 A Miracle Detailing


A Miracle Detailing
2005 Pontiac GTO - Silver / DQUARTZ Nano-Diamond Quartz Fusion Coating 🌴 A Miracle Detailing

DeFelsko PosiTest DFT Paint Thickness Gauge for ferrous/non-ferrous metals
DeFelsko 200C3-G PosiTector 200 C3 Advanced Ultrasonic Coating Thickness Gauge

ScanGrip MultiMatch 8 and MultiMatch 3 color from 2500k to 6500k. ScanGrip Sunmatch 3

RUPES Bigfoot iBrid Nano Long Neck
RUPES BigFoot LHR 75E Mini
Rupes LHR 21 with a Rupes 5" Backing Plate

RUPES DA Light Blue Intermediate Foam Pad
RUPES DA Fine High Performance Polishing Compound

Lake Country HDO Black Finishing Pad - 5 1/2"
CARPRO Reflect High Gloss Finishing Polish
CARPRO Gloss Pad 3"

MTM Hydro PF22.2 Professional Snow Foam Cannon
Metro Air Force Master Blaster
Nanoskin Autoscrub Wash Mitt (FINE GRADE)

CARPRO IronX Snow Soap / Poorboys Super Slick & Foam Pre Wash Snow Foam
CARPRO ImmoLube (Diluted 8:1) - Nanoskin/Clay Lube
Nanoskin AUTOSCRUB Fine Grade Wash Mitt
CARPRO Automotive Masking Tape - Assorted widths. Trim taped pics avail.
TUGA Devil Special Wheel Cleaner

Last Step Products:
DQUARTZ Nano-Diamond Quartz Fusion Coating on paint, and wheels
CarPro Clarify Glass Cleaner on glass and windows
CQuartz Dlux Wheel and Trim Coating on plastic trim
OBSSSSD Matte Tire Dressing

Please watch the 360 video - Click bottom right YT Gear to set 1080p HD Quality w/audio

The Merlin Shot

Drivers Side

Passenger Side

The Top

The End

Thanks for Looking!

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Please post any feedback in a reply.
Question/Feedback is truly appreciated.
I think you included the wording "taped trim pics available" just for me! Thanks
Now do I want to see them?? ONLY if you want to post them. My infatuation/obsession with your tape jobs is, well, just that..obsessive infatuation. Maybe it is because I cannot do what you do to that level of "craftsmanship" OR it is just that the red CarPro tape looks so "unique" on the vehicles you tape.
(You know, Captain Obvious, we just think you are "weird", to put it politely, with your "vexation "with red tape)

I will ask, though, if you coat the plastic/vinyl trim on this vehicle with the same coating product as the paint.
I am also curious if you had to do anything "special" to restore the plastic headlight covers/lens or were they in pretty good shape already, despite the age of the vehicle.
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Looks fantastic, I have the twin of this car. How did you find the paint? I feel like mine swirls just looking at it.