I typed out a 6 paragraph post over my noon hour today and came back tonite and realized it didnt post. That is probably ok as it was drawn out much like this one will probably be.

Long story short, NW Iowa has been bitter cold here and washing my dirty vehicle just flat out hasnt worked out time wise or when the temps came up enough to do a traditional wash at the coin op late at night again, life happened.

Well the Explorer was driven 14 hours one way throigh two snow storms and full of salt, grime nasty road crap. It has been that way for a touch over 2 weeks. I had a couple coats of MFF and OCW on it and assumed I would handle it next weekend when temps were coming up again.

WELL the wife decided that she was sick of me not handling it and brought it through the touchless (doors frozen shut on her by the time she got three miles home) and parked it in the garage. The garage is kept between 35-40.

Suprisingly it loomed good other then spots of dried soap or wax or whatever it was. In a bit of "ocd???" I grabbed a bottle of GG Speed Shine and went around the vehicle the next day. It looked pretty respectable. Wheels and tires excluded.

Is Speed Shine safe to use like that? I am hoping to do a traditinal wash this weekend and going back over again with Fast Finish and the OCW after the next washing. I like that look as it draws the metallic oit more it seems. Maybe just in my head?

I cant really tell that I have created marring as i already had some when i wemt over it with my led light. I dont want to create more then whats there as it is just more work in the spring when the DA will come out. Is a quick detailer like that not enough? I do have ONR and i know that would be preferred but again, small children stop any continued time out there especially when mom is out and one is sick. If this is safe I will keep going cause time wise it rocks.