I think my garage hates me as much as my car does, geesh, i just cant win!

I come home today from work and walk into my garage like i always do when i get home and what do i find? A lake!

Well today we had a big thaw and on one side of my garage the ground is level with the base of the garage. Well the water cant seep into the ground becuase its still frozen. Well like what water always does it finds the easiest way out, and that would be my garage. There is nothing i can do about it till the ground thaws. When it finally thaws i can dig a trench so i dont have to deal with this ever again. Until then the left side of my club house is gonna be a lake.

The water is just pooling here:

And doing this to my garage, this is after i swept alot of it out:

On a happier note i got some new toys!!!

Craftsmen 3in1 mower, 6.75 hp, self propelled:

Homelite Vac attack II. 420 CFM at 205 MPH, 2 cycle of course, its got cruise control, 4 speed settings and it mulches, i dont remember the ratio:

I guess being a home owner had its ups and downs.