This Jeep was one that I did back in the fall before leaving the shop. It`s owner was a long time family member......I used to bag his groceries back in high school! He is retired, so he keep the interior immaculate and the outside stays clean but not swirl free. He came through for an oil change and I told him what I could do for the exterior. We came to an agreement and he left it with me.

Detail Description:
Exterior Detail with paint correction and protection.

To remove all possible paint defects and insure a long lasting, durable finish.

Wash Cycle:
Dawn Wash (2 oz. per 2 gallons of water)...rinse.
Meguiar`s Gold Class Wash...rinse.
Clayed using Meguiar`s Last touch 1:1

Paint Correction Phase 1:
Meguiar`s 105 via G110 using LC Orange 5.5" Polishing Pad utilizing the Kevin Brown Method.

A complete wipedown was done using Meguiar`s Detailer Line glass cleaner.

Paint Correction Phase 2:
Meguiar`s 205 via G110 using LC White 5.5" Polishing Pad utilizing the Kevin Brown Method

A complete wipedown was done using Meguiar`s Detailer Line glass cleaner.

Paint Gloss Enhancing Phase:

Meguiar`s D-151 via G110 using LC Black 5.5" Finishing Pad.

This is an awesome step that I`ve found 151 showing up in. This beautiful product can really deepen the gloss while adding a first layer of protection.

Paint Protection:
Collinite`s #476s by hand and Meguiar`s hand pad.

The trim and glass were protected by Optimum`s Opti-Seal.

Wheel Protection:
Collinite`s 476s

Tire Protection:
Meguiar`s Endurance Tire Gel

Time accumulated:
7 hours

Here are some of the paint`s defects.....

This is a shot from the initial paint correction finish step and no wax.

Engine bay was a thrown in bonus. He was very happy with it.

The afters.....