So business is booming and I just cant keep up with the work. I know there is so much more capital I could chase down if I had the time. I`ve built a good reputation in my area and have the ability to grow but I need to catch up with the legal aspect of the business. I need to hire but I am cautious to move forward without setting up every factor of my company legitimately first. Another important part is that I`m a full time student wanting to step back. So, to wrap the idea up, I need to setup the company properly and hire someone who can run it effectively for me while I focus on college; there`s money to be made in this for me so I`m not going to just walk away.

I do have a business license. I will admit that I do not know how to file the sole prop. correctly as far as taxes. I will seek out a CPA through one of the bartering companies I am joined with promptly; I have a plan for that at least

Next aspect I need to tackle is properly setting up C.Y.A. to protect me and have my company ready to even bring on an employee. Do any of y`all have an idea of where to start or who I can consult locally? How much do business consultants charge and is it necessary? I`ve carried insurance off and on but have never needed it. I know its an absolute must when I bring on employees but what kind and how much is appropriate? Also, how about social security, potential to have to pay unemployment, and what other cost could I face? How else should I protect myself and what else do I need to do?

Then I need to find someone who I can bring on, train, and hopefully make a manager or partner I can trust to be effective and not run the company into the ground. I want to keep ownership, but what do I need to do so that I can step back from it a bit? How have y`all found reliable employees? I need to focus on my college degree as I do not plan on doing this the rest of my life. Again, not looking to sell the company, just want to step back from laboring.

For those of you who are successfully growing a company, and not so much for the hobbyists, how are you keeping your books? I know my methods are very lax and I would like to change this; I just need to know what is too much/too little.

I`ve researched a lot of this online but I`d like to hear it directly from those who are successfully in the profession. Currently I feel yall are the best source. Thank you for any suggestions guys, your input is definitely valued