finally done with picking bottle/sprayer combos and labels. i used some other sprayers for a while but had issues with them leaking after a few days.

the black sprayers are from various companies. i found the comfort and ergonomics to be the most important when trying different sprayers. these fit easily in the webbing of your palm. adams has used them, meguiars too. even found a version that is a foamer which works good with bug and tar chemical.

the 16oz bottles are from nanolex. they are short and wide, which is excellent balance when placed on a table or ground. the taller bottles like adams seem to be easily toppled over. the 32oz bottles are from carpro. not overly tall like meguiars. good base also so they don`t tip over either. the PET bottles haven`t cracked or leak with any of the chemicals im using.

most of the meguiars bottles are equipped with standard grey tolco sprayer. i found a foamer opus sprayer for the megs non acid cleaner. and decided to use white tolco on the express wax bottle because the 2 black bottles are nearly identical looking.

my hand pump sprayers are from IK sprayers. love them but the labels didn`t lay flat on the bottle is the only downside.

next up are labeling my bulk products. i think my containers are different from the guy making the custom labels so i`ll have to figure something out.