I have never had any problems with Rupes pads of any size until today. After compounding a few small areas with the green Rupes 4 inch pad on my 75e I noticed the pad was deteriorating from the middle, so I stopped and replaced it with a new pad and just chalked it up to bad luck. I finished the area with the new pad and washed it. I noticed the new pad was delaminated from the Velcro. I don`t use the blue or green very often and have not seen any posts noting this problem. I don`t abuse my pads (they cost too much). I was running between 4 and 5 using Rupes green compound. The surface was cool and all of my other Rupes 6 and 7 inch pads washed up fine. Is this a normal problem with the Rupes green 4 inch? What other pads should I try instead of the Rupes 4 inchers? Any suggestions?