It`s been a while since I`ve posted. My health has been bad (again) and my family time has overrode my posting time.

Here`s what`s going on....

My customers have changed. They have stopped calling. I have talked to a few and it`s simply a money issue. Things have went from prosperous to hazardous here. When the building dropped here in the mountains, everyone suffered. One out of three here are self-employeed ranging from builders, real estate agents and even fishing guides. When the out of towners stopped so did the cash flow.

So, I had to adapt. I noticed that the self serve drive through washes were staying busy. I talked to the owner of one and he said that most were taking his 10.00 package. This gave me an idea. I would offer a 25.00 exterior wash/spray wax package with tire shine. That`s it. A good wash, good protection, and no interior work.

I called, emailed, and text my clients with this package. At the end of day one I had 15 per day scheduled for 5 days totaling 75 for the week. My clients told friends and they told their friends. The whole time it was a money issue. Crazy thing is, I`m actually making more than before. Yeah it`s not the glorious swirl removing process I`m use to but come to find out, most don`t care about that as a at least.......when money is tight.

This week I`ve actually offered a 15.00 package with no protection or tire shine. They are eating it up.

Once again, at the end of the day, it`s about the money when you do this for a living.

Thought I`d share. Thank you.