Toyotaguy I think your business ethics are questionable at best. That person with money that buys a more expensive product in the area they live in is not because they have more money than brains, it`s typically because time is money, and it`s not worth their time to drive across town to save a few bucks on a shirt or whatever product. Gas doesn`t cost more in a nicer area because `rich people can afford it,` it`s because nicer areas have higher rent, and gas stations there have higher overheads. People don`t typically get rich blowing their money, they are typically smarter with their money than others, it`s just shortsighted folks that see them spend more for certain services and draw conclusions based on limited information. Your suggestion to charge them more for the same amount of work is downright dishonest, in my opinion, and I fully agree with most of the others who have said charge the same amount of money for the same amount of work, period..regardless of car brand or value. Risking damaging an expensive vehicle is something that any detailer should allot for and cover in the overhead of their business if they plan and run it properly.

Now aside from the direction this thread has gone, which seems to have drawn quite an emotional reaction, I would agree with those that say treat this car like any other you detail (although I am not a professional so I will not recommend any products or process) - examine the paint, do a little research about the clearcoat`s condition/characteristics, and proceed with care. Over the last few weeks I`ve done a $180k car, $100k car, and a $65k car...none of which were near the value of the lambo (which is probably exaggerated), but still plenty to make me nervous/cautious. There were no surprises - I`ll bet the lambo also goes smoothly. All I will say is WE NEED PICS!! Have fun!