I just used HS Ceramic Wash and Wax today on my wife’s car that has CanCoat. The CanCoat is still doing fine, but not quite as shiny or as self-cleaning as day 1 (Christmas time). Temperature was around 60 but washed in shade.

Directions require large amounts (6oz per 2gallons!), it comes in a 48oz bottle so you get about 8 - 5.3 washes out of this giant bottle using 2-3 gallons per wash, following directions. I’m sure it can be used less concentrated for less protection.

Anyways, quantities aside. It smells nice, cleans well. I didn’t take a picture of before, but the car was pretty caked in highway dirt and grime. Hadn’t been washed in over a week. It doesn’t sud well, consistent with all other most ceramic washes I’ve used. But the directed amount leaves a lot of protection behind. I put this on top of 2.5 month CanCoat and the sheeting and beading quality went way up (one exception explained later). Pretty impressive and initially on par with WG Uber SiO2 Wash.

I didn’t get a chance to dry because my wife and son came out and told me we were going to the playground NOW and I should look forward to the drive-and-dry characteristics. Aren’t they caring??

The sheeting behavior while driving was poorer than I expected. Although the beads looked smaller than current Cancoat and it sheeted better while hosing, some of the tiny beads seemed stuck to the hood as I drove 30, 40, 50mph on a 3.5 mile drive. The result was a lot of small water spots on the paint and glass.

When I got back home, I got out the Hybrid Solutions Ceramic 3-1 Detailer. Most places I wiped took the water spots right off. But the horizontal surfaces that sat in the sun while at the playground had to be drenched and wiped a few times.

Pros - I’m a big fan of this product during initial use. It’s pleasant, it beads extremely well as soon as rinsing. Definitely looks like there is a legit coating on the car right after washing. Shine was good but not awe-inspiring on straight got black.

Cons - The only negatives were the quantities of the bottle (48oz) and per wash (3oz/gallon). It would have been nice if they made it more concentrated so I don’t have store a large bottle for what will amount to about 8 washes of 2 gallon buckets (or 5.3 washes of 3 gallons; 4 washes of 4 gallons).
The performance con was the beads sticking to the car during travel, not what I expected based on the bead qualities. This led to water spots.

I’m not sure if I’ll buy this again, only because I have WG SiO2, Enigma Shampoo, and Mckees Ceramic Wash in stock. Not so much a knock against TW, but WG and Enigma are excellent ceramic shampoos. If this turns out better than Mckees, I may buy again to keep in hand a cheaper ceramic wash option for family members’ cars.

Thanks for reading! Pics below are all after wash/rinse.