I`ve had a couple Harbor Freight rotaries. Decent machines for the money, and they will last a while as long as your not running them every day like I was. They are much lighter than the Snap On machine. I`ve used Snap On buffers, and they are nice but pretty heavy. The old school guys will remember Sioux tools. The Snap On rotary is a rebranded Sioux. Now the Blue Point polisher they have is really nice, and priced competitively. It`s fairly light, built well, and is comfortable to run. I use a DeWalt 849x, and purchased it from Snap On because he offered me a great warranty with it. I paid a little more than I would have by ordering it online, but I needed it fast, and he had it on the truck. Turned out to be the best rotary I`ve ever ran, Snap On included.