Hey everyone,

So I`ve seen a lot of people using the Rupes LHR21 with a 5 inch backing plate and some say it works great. Others say it`s a little unbalanced compared to what the rupes usually is. If the 5inch backing plate works on the 21, shouldn`t the 6inch backing plate work on the 15? Curious on if anyone has tried the 15 with a 6inch backing plate and their thoughts?

I know the 21 is the most popular, but I`m just a weekend warrior and don`t do a lot of heavy correction. I usually use 5.5 and 6.25 inch pads.


Big fan of the forum and detailing! Mostly do my own vehicles but do take on the odd side job here and there for friends and family (mostly washing and one step polishes and waxes).