Man time flies! I used to frequent autopia often, spent a lot of money based on recommendations from this board. Life got in the way and other things took precedence.

My old MFT collection is getting long in the tooth which was what reminded me to come here!

I haven`t really been detailing as much so I still have my old and likely expired supplies, its all older than 2009. I still onr, two bucket method with grout sponges from Lowes?, throw on some fk425 or aquawax while drying and once in a while some sealant.

I still have a lot of original formula ONR, zaino clear seal, optiseal, gallon of fk425 (still love this stuff), 1.5 gallons of aquawax, opt tire shine, CG bare bones, og opt polishes and poliseal (this needs to be dumped), Wolfgang polishes, unused menzerna IP....list goes on.

Is there anything that is absolutely unusable anymore? The sealants seem fine but I haven`t corrected a car in ages, polishes OK? the portercable still the go to new guy tool?

Accumulator...scottwax...I see you!