Hi All,

I`m using a Porter Cable 7424 with Meguiars 105 and an orange CCS pad. I`ve gotten a lot of the minor hairline scuffs out, but now, it appears there is a rainbow pattern of microscratches in a large swipe, i`m not sure, but maybe caused by the Porter?

It`s a 2008 Honda Accord Coupe

I can`t seem to get it out. I`ve tried a small 2x2 area, done twice now with proper technique, setting machine at setting 6.

It appears I`ve just drug the porter across in a line and that would resemble the effect that appears all over my hood now--but I didn`t. I did smooth swipes in a small box area. Then my brother recommended applying a little more pressure in another trial. That did nothing to these large swipes.

Here are some hi-re pics of the area I`m working on:





Please help me asap if you can.