Quote Originally Posted by quebert View Post
Most people in my town just kind of have been shrugging this off, but 2 days ago the city announced schools would be closed for uh, 3 weeks? And The news said Disneyland was closed to the public and everyone panicked. And it was like a hoard of Locusts hit the stores. I expected the TP and water to be gone. NO bread, NO pasta, NO Top Ramen. Milk`s limited to 1 gallon per person. Because what`s better to hoard than a substance that has a relatively short shelf life lol. I saw no eggs, only a few scattered packages of tortillas. I wanted a cheap box of Kraft Mac & Cheese. That entire isle was bone dry.

In my 45 years I`ve never seen anything like it. I legit need TP, not to hoard, but to wipe my a**. I went to 5 stores and called 4 more. There is no TP in my city, like huuuh? The store up the street`s getting a shipment Monday, so I guess I gotta camp outside the store until the truck comes so I can wipe my damn butt. Even with limiting the TP to 3 per person. I have a feeling it`ll be gone in 30 minutes. People are literally losing their damn minds.

I think what you said about 3rd world countries not reacting like this is due to them having dealt with this, or worse plenty in their life. For the people in the US this is new, so all these fools are panicking and overreacting 10x. In a country where it`s maybe routine to not have access to sh*t on a normal day. I don`t think the Corona Virus will change how they are.

Since the store was out of Kraft I wanted to buy milk and make some from scratch. All they had was FAT FREE MILK


I`m not making light of Corona, it`s serious. But it`s funny and sad how just a few days ago the same people who were around me going "oh this isn`t as serious as the media says" are now in survival mode ready to fight over a bag of dry beans and some rice lol. Somebody got stabbed at a Winco by me over TP or food or something. American`s definitely are not equipped to deal with sh*t like this.
Quebert --
I hope and pray that you and yours will be ok through this stuff..

My Sis in Texas said it is about the same there also.. Well, perhaps worse?

The only grocery chain in Texas is HEB, been there for decades..

My sister in law went to the local HEB on Saturday at the 0700 opening, and it was already crowded outside, had to wait in line to get into the huge store.

When she got in, there were Policemen standing in every aisle, to make sure things stayed normal I guess...

She wanted to pick up some meat products to freeze and there were none.. And hardly anything else in the store..

All she was able to purchase was some Bleach, and Distilled White Vinegar.. Wow...

I have in the past, shopped many times at that store for my Dear Mother, before she passed away.. It is easily as big as a big Costco, and they never have inventory shortages..
But they do now..

But she also said that many people are buying massive amounts of things and then SELLING them on Amazon, etc., for huge more money!! THAT is just the worst example of greed I have ever heard in a long time..

To take advantage of a nationwide problem and try to extort needed items to probably the people who can least afford them, is just the lowest I can ever imagine, that humankind has gone this low lately..

And then on the news tonight, they found large amount of FAKE Covid-19 Test Kits coming into the US.... How much more deliberately evil people doing evil things do we all now have to plan for ???
I never, ever, thought I would live to see this kind of just sick behavior vying to be the new normal..

Dan F