And this is just the inside. The outside needed some major help before my dealer friend even brought it to me. Painted the whole trunk and drivers rear quarter.

I`ll start with the best one of all, the back seat. All the seats had something melted into them like a cigarette burn so that`s the spots you are seeing left over.

Next up was the passengers seat. It was dirty all over but the place where the drivers arm touched it was WORSE.

And now for the worst one. It was disgusting and I thought there was going to be no way I could get it cleaned.

I know you all are wondering, what was my method to get them even that clean. I think it will surprise you it sure did me.

When I went out to start working on them I grabbed every single bottle of carpet & upholstery cleaner I had in my arsenal. Both Meguiar`s foaming aerosol spray cleaners, CG Fabric Clean, 303 Spot cleaner, Armor All Oxy carpet cleaner, and my Folex.

I got the wet/dry shop vac ready to go in case I had to soak them down with cleaner and water. Grabbed my Everest 800 white towels and some white terry towels to mop up after the vacuum.

Since we here at Autopia like to use the "least aggressive method" I decided that would be Folex.

Sprayed some (about double what I normally would) and let it soak for about 15 seconds. Took my drill brush in my Dewalt 20v drill and scrubbed at a really slow speed. I WAS IN SHOCK to see how well it was cleaning that mess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gave it a rub with the white towels. The towels were DISGUSTING.

I could probably do a couple more treatments like that and get them slightly better too. I have gone over a couple spots after dry the first time and it helps.

So there you have it, FOLEX, drill powered scrub brush, and some towels to mop it up.

Your results may vary. I never thought Folex would get that out.