hey dean, i tried to reach you via PM, but it seemed that your inbox was full, so i couldnt send you this mesage. also, i forgot what your email was, DOH. anyways, heres the message i was gonna send you. anyone, feel free to comment.

hey dean, i got a couple of weight training questions. the other week i was talking to one of my cousin`s friends, this pretty thick guy, and he was telling me about "hollow muscle", and that to get more solid muscles (something along those lines), i should try to do push ups every morining and night. i told him that i could do about 20 at a time, and he said to try to incrase by one everyday. so basically, monday i would do 20, tuesday do 21 etc etc, until i work up to 50. he said that 50 was a good number, becuae as you get more muscle, it gets harder to keep incraseing your reps. also, he was showing me different versions of push ups. i was just wondering, do you agree with him? he was also telling me that everyone thinks that biceps make you arms look big, but in reality its triceps too. and finally, i was just wondering, could you name some "healthy proteins"?
