Hey everyone,

It`s official! I will be hosting the detailing day on May 9th at my house in Evansville, IN. And, it is an honor to have it sponsored by Meguiar`s!

Jason Rose of Meguiar`s has graciously donated his time to be at the event. He is well known in the detailing community and recently received the MTE Detail Person of the Year award!

This event is geared toward advanced detailing enthusiasts who have experience using a dual action polisher and would like to try some more advanced tools. Thanks to the excellent sponsorship from Meguiar`s, we will have all of their new Professional Line compounds, polishes, and pads available to use. In addition, there will be G110`s, rotaries, and Mirka abrasives.

We will start out the day by doing some testing on two black hoods. This will be an opportunity for you to try out some new technology. Lunch will be pulled pork, ribs, and chicken from Bar-B-Q Shack. After lunch, we will have at least two black cars to work on. One is going to be an Indiana State Police Crown Vic and Jason`s rental car. I am on the lookout for that third car.

I will have donuts and coffee at my house. We will start at 9 A.M. If you must arrive late, please let me know.

To recap...

When? May 9th
Where? Meet at Chris` house - I will give you the directions in my PM response.
What time? 9 A.M. - ? P.M.
What is the cost? I will ask for $6 to cover lunch.

*This event is limited to 20 people*

Each attendee will receive a Meguiar`s gift bag and a copy of Kevin`s DA paper. There will be three door prizes: one gallon of the original M105, a yellow tin M26, and a two bottles of Hot Shine Tire Gel.

I ask that some of you bring drinks, sides and deserts. If you can bring something, please mention it when you send your sign-up request.

Please send me a PM and I will get you signed up.

I look forward to hosting this event!
