today was the 1st time I had to have the car put into a parking lot - just due to my particular visiting location and zero metered parking within a humane distance...

Off to do a deep read like I did back in March. Back in March when I was reading up on what were the key ingredients in Lysol Spray, that was similar in some tub/tile cleaners and what not. What was the primary ingredients, cause, effect. It seems like March was a eternity but there was some
I recently posted what said -disinfectants- are doing to my hard wearing surfaces on the house (solid brass mailbox with hand finish, door cameras and the peeling clear coat on it`s finish, etc).

Anyhow, when I went to pick up my car out of the lot, with gloves and mask in tow, I wiped the handles, steering wheel, etc with a Clorox wipe. which todays visit was a reminder that whether it be CV21, or CV22, there will still be times where I will need to put the car in a parking lot...and the ? of what effects does said disinfecting wipes do on the surfaces of the interior of the car. Is it a slow degrading effect but will be degrading, similar to what I have observed on the -hard surfaces- of the house

So, has any of you fellow detail heads done the homework. Can I skip a few chapters.
Sure, wiping down the hard surfaces like the plastics and such should be okay.
What about leather on the steering wheel or its effects on the coating of our seats