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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    IMO everybody oughta study Anatomy books and learn what muscles do what and how and why. That was the single best thing I`ve ever done with regard to RT.

    Guys do [stuff] because everybody else says to do it. Not a good reason in my book.

    If something hurts, I don`t do it. If something doesn`t confer a discernible benefit, I don`t do it. If I don`t know *precisely* why I`m doing something, I don`t do it.

  2. #32

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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Stokdgs View Post
    Fitness - I just cut out a meal, work really hard, try to keep that big Makita in my hands for at least 8 hours a day, and I am good !
    Heh heh, if I cut out a meal I`d be undernourished. My metabolism drops like a stone if I go too long without eating.

    Heh heh#2, for progressive resistance you could go back to a Milwaukee Now running that thing all week *was* a workout for my then-18YO self...but I was a weakling then.

    If what you`re doing works for you, then that`s that in my book! It`s completely different from what I do, but different people are different.

    Have always thought of my body as my engine in that if I am not burning all the fuel, why do I need to keep topping of the gas tank ??..So I just cut out lunch, eat a very small breakfast..
    I`m always surprised when people can skip meals with no downside! Eh, I gather I eat a lot more than most people need to.

    But then I`m also always surprised when people eat more than they need to...the whole "pig out" thing is simply lost on me.

    Have you thought about just `flexing" all those muscle groups for a bit every day? I believe that alone will help get them programmed to react to that and will help overall..
    That`s great advice!! It`ll help develop the mind-muscle-connection ("MMC").

    One of my favorite bits of advice (although nobody ever wants to take it ) is to drop the resistance down to baby-weight and do enough reps that there`s a definite "burn" in..well...something.

    Often it won`t be what people expect... Well, that`s a clue

    try putting 2 stable chairs on each side of me, and then putting my hands on the chair tops, evenly, see how far I could lower myself and raise myself up again.. Taking it easy at the beginning, and then progressing when I could feel I could..
    This is a great total arm, shoulder, exercise that does not require machines or going somewhere to use them.
    Dips are something that`e been around for ever, and I finish my Chest work with a set of them (NO, I don`t use them for Triceps or Shoulders).

    By keeping your elbows in and leaning *forward* you put the stress on your chest.

    By staying upright and flaring your elbows out you put stress on your Triceps.

    By adding weight as you get stronger you can keep progressing.

    Some people develop wrist issues from them. In that case, switching to a Dip Stand where the handles get wider (like a "V" where you grab the end points) often helps. Be a bit careful if you have shoulder issues, I couldn`t do them then.
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  3. #33

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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    Oh, and getting back to how this thread might`ve appeared to veer off-topic yesterday...

    MENTAL health is something it pays to work on too....and that`s more than just "not being crazy"

    There are so many stressed, angry people these days!

    We discussed spending time searching for misplaced things..If I have to search for some misplaced something it not only wastes my most precious resource, it causes stress.

    That`s simply not healthy...thanks to those recent advances in microbiology, they can actually watch measurable, physical changes that`re caused by stress and other forms of unhappiness. It`s not just new-agey feel-good hoo-ha after all.

  4. #34
    Hooked For Life Bill D's Avatar
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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    I had a background in mental health earning a Master’s in Psychology almost twenty years ago.

    I can tell everyone having good mental health is crucial to having a truly healthy and happy life.

    And counseling isn’t only for tackling mental health issues It can be highly beneficial to “go in for a check up” much you would with your doctor or dentist.

    I practice what I preach and still do myself. I also occasionally research mental health topics even though my profession isn’t directly related to it.
    Treat it like it`s the only one in the world.
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  5. #35

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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill D View Post
    I had a background in mental health earning a Master’s in Psychology almost twenty years ago. .
    I bet that`s paid lots of dividends over the years! The comparatively few Psych courses I took sure did.

    And I bet it gives you considerable insight into the, uhm...motivations...of others.
    I can tell everyone having good mental health is crucial to having a truly healthy and happy life.
    IMO people in the US tend to undervalue happiness the same way they do Time Affluence (which I consider closely related)...some folks even treat such stiff like frivolous indulgences that`re worthy of criticism.

    A guy I know went through years of surgeries and potent meds over what was diagnosed as a spinal nerve was ruining every aspect of his life. Figuring his chance for a normal life was about over, he sold his business a literal miracle his problems disappeared. It`s been ages now, and he`s still absolutely fine. He and I figure he`d disregarded the potency of Cortisol and of how stress results in it. He`s like a whole different person now, his priorities, his outlook on life, it`s like some secular version of a religious rebirth. Being "happier" (by his definition) has made his life worth living again.

    I see Mental Health and Happiness as going hand-in-hand.

  6. #36
    Hooked For Life Bill D's Avatar
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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    There’s a whole industry dedicated to the pursuit of a “happy” life. Some is fluff and some is legit.

    Psych got me into what I do now: trying to gain insight into the minds of consumers. But in terms of trying to peg people and their motivations, I got out of that aspect a while ago

    I’m a big advocate of maintaining a relationship with a psych professional though. All kinds of benefits, much like your friend experienced, can come from it. But just like working out in a gym, psychotherapy and counseling is real work, mental work, that has to be done to see results.
    Treat it like it`s the only one in the world.
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  7. #37

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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill D View Post
    There’s a whole industry dedicated to the pursuit of a “happy” life. Some is fluff and some is legit..
    I`m a big fan of the Self-help stuff that`s *NOT* mere fluff IME most people who say they "already know" or "don`t need to read/hear" such stuff are the folks who could really use it. Hey, at worst it`s just positive reinforcement and that has some value too.

    The Happiness course at Yale really got my attention, especially as I`ve known *so many* highly successful people who simply were not happy.

    But in terms of trying to peg people and their motivations, I got out of that aspect a while ago..
    I guess I was thinking of another recent thread where we were discussing what`s usually behind expressing ridicule of others. "You`re a [whatever]!" says more about the person saying it than the person being criticized.

    When it comes to marketing/recommending, like...say, Detailing stuff...the motivations can, uhm...influence my perception of credibility.

    Oh, and I suspect that the way you take Mental Health seriously factors in with regard to all the walking you do. I believe that walking is very beneficial in that regard, as well as being good for one`s physical well-being.

  8. #38

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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Accumulator View Post
    IMO everybody oughta study Anatomy books and learn what muscles do what and how and why. That was the single best thing I`ve ever done with regard to RT.//
    I fear that`s the kid of advice that nobody really makes use of.

    Cutting to chase (regulars on these threads have seen this before..)...check out:

    The Strength Training Anatomy Workout series by Frederic Delavier and Michael Gundill

    While their advice regarding volume and frequency of exercise isn`t even *close* to what works for me, the explanations of how the muscles work and what they actually do is simply invaluable.

    So much that "everybody knows" is simply wrong.

  9. #39

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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by mc2hill View Post
    Once I got in shape on the stairs, I found I was pulling hamstrings easily. I guess all my years of sitting at a desk, combined witha restricted leg movement of stair climbing was making them worse...[I`m].. - 6` 1"
    I`ve been wondering whether your being taller than I am factors in on this.

    Is the Matrix unit in question their "Climbmill"? If so, yeah...*NOW* I can see how it really could be a limited ROM kind of thing as it`s totally different from the StairMaster (which allows me a full ROM).

    I have never tried the AirDyne, but I see they are adding to them at the gym..
    Noting that nobody I know IRL has ever stuck with the Air other than Yours wife simply can`t use it or it messes with her knees, which otherwise don`t give her any trouble. I guess it`s another of those YMMV things. And I must`ve gone through a half-dozen different seats before I found one that`s acceptable...which is something since I`m only on it for a few minutes at a time. BUT, if it works for somebody, I just can`t imagine any more efficient, or effective, way to do Intervals. It fits right in with that study showing how just a very short time at it is sufficient *if you work hard enough*, and the Air can certainly deliver that if you do your part.

  10. #40

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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness ("DOMS")...I actively seek it. Unless I get at least a little sore from a RT workout I consider it a "fail" even if that`s not really a valid judgement. Fortunately, that hardly *ever* happens even though I do so little lifting, so I`m usually a happy camper.

    I gather that`s not all that common in people who`ve been doing this stuff for decades and I`m wondering how it goes for others.

    NO, like going to absolute failure (which I do) it`s not *necessary* to stress the muscles that much. The researchers call that level of stress "sufficient but not necessary". But it`s an easy way for me to know that I worked hard enough and it gives me a sense of accomplishment. The trick is to not let it be so severe that it`s a downside.

    On Tues. after an AM cardio session on the Stair, in the afternoon I did Legs; after warming up I did three Work Sets (i.e., three completely different exercises) for Quads, two for Hamstrings, one for calves, and one for the Tibialis Anterior (front of lower leg, runs along the shins), followed by some core work (yeah, I`m now saying "core" instead of "abs"/etc.). Good workout, even got a few more reps than I was expecting on some movements. Only seven sets total and my legs will still be far too sore to do (intense) cardio for a few more days. It`s not "impact daily life"-severe, but I sure do feel it, and that`s basically how it goes with every workout.

    So how does DOMS go for others on this thread?

  11. #41

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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    I`ve been intermittent fasting for the past 5 years and it has built up my disipline towards what I eat big time.
    Normal days consisting of eating at 6am (last night`s dinner--I LOVE dinner and cook for 6+ days out of the week), and again in the evening around 6-8pm. Not a hardcore 18+ hour fast which is more effective, but the simple 12 hour fast has helped me understand how much I need to eat to maintain, lose, gain weight with respect to the activity level that I`m forecasting that week.

    No need to count calories, no need to totally deprive myself of "junk" foods either.
    At this point, if I want to go nuts during holidays or go to a buffet for lunch, with enough notice, I`ll adjust my food intake or exercise intensity accordingly. My "benchmark" for weight and physique are my dress shirts. (I hate clothes shopping, and I have a few custom tailored shirts that I`m trying to never need replacing)

    After scanning the previous posts, I can wholeheartedly recommend intermittent fasting, hot yoga and sauna (please inquire with your own doctor).
    I have a lot of historical issues from soccer in elementary school, detailing and residential painting in my teens, and freak accidents as a young adult (full acl tear and surgery, fractured c6/c7/t1) and through the past 8 or so years, I`m in better physical condition than I ever was.

    RE: DOMS, that`s all inflammation. There are a tonne of things you can do to reduce the duration of DOMS, I`ll let you do your own reading from much more researched people. I love skimming new research and the successes of others on podcastnotes. Sauna/cold showers, what you eat, going to failure all attribute to inflammation. I myself am not a bodybuilder/athlete/powerlifter, I use the gym as a tool for mental/physical wellness. Ex. If I`m having a tough week, feeling under the weather, and just flat out exhausted from the office work that week, instead of grabbing weights I`ll swim a few laps or take a few hot yoga classes and/or simply just sit in the sauna and sweat buckets for an hour. Since I`m not in competition or striving for a specific number, I can afford to take the week off and ensure I`m sleeping and not getting sick which would be detrimental to overall progress in the long run. As always, listen to your body.

    Some may need the competition and goal-oriented training to get on the wagon in the first place, but once you`re on, you really have unlimited options to take your physical/mental training.

  12. #42

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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    BMWWW- While it`s not right for me, Intermittent Fasting does indeed work well for some people, as you`ve learned first-hand.

    I`m in the exact same boat as you are with your custom shirts (I get mine from Moda Georgio in Phoenix), I have zero intention of replacing any of my wardrobe unless something wears out. When I got my workout regimen better sorted a few years ago I did outgrow all my dress shirts (in the right way), and, besides the cost, that was a real drag as many of the materials are no longer available. But I`m confident that won`t happen again as I`m pretty much maxed out at this point. At least I didn`t outgrow my suits/etc., that would`ve been a financial tragedy!

    And like you, I can basically eat whatever I want..fortunately I don`t want to eat many empty calories. But an few thousand extra calories or so is gone like magic when I do indulge.

    I see the DOMS as being a bit more than just inflammation in that I think it`s actual (small-scale) damage to the muscle fibers and that the subsequent repair is what results in improvement (or at least maintenance). Yeah, I subscribe to the "wound" or "callous" theory.

    With my diet and supplement regimen (megadoses of fishoil and polyphenols), I`ve been able to get inflammation under control (I`m basically hangover-proof ) in the general sense, and the DOMS does indeed dissipate quicker now. But the whole Need for Adequate Recovery turned out to be a bigger factor than I`d thought. Even after I *feel* recovered, it takes extra days before I can perform at my (hopefully new) peak.

    While it might sound like I`m into "bodybuilding" or somesuch, like you I`m just trying to stay the way I want to be as I age. I have zero intention of suffering some kind of age-related decline.

    Oh, and like you I love researching this stuff. IMO if everybody switched from Bodybuilding magazines/etc. to Medical Journals they`d be better off.

  13. #43

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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    This might sound lackadaisical, but I don`t put much thought into my meals. I eat whenever I`m hungry, generally stopping a little before I really feel full. I take Fish Oil every time I eat anything to help spread my intake out over the day. It sometimes seems that I`m eating all the time, more often than 3 meals/day, that`s for sure.

    I do all my Cardio pre-breakfast, and those admittedly unhealthy Denny`s bfasts that I have at least once/week are still fueling my best RT workouts (I`ve *never* had a sub-optimal workout after one of those, not once). I simply cannot perform well unless I`m well-fed.

  14. #44

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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Accumulator View Post
    I have zero intention of suffering some kind of age-related decline.

    Oh, and like you I love researching this stuff. IMO if everybody switched from Bodybuilding magazines/etc. to Medical Journals they`d be better off.
    Sauna! Dr Rhonda Patrick:
    frequency of sauna use was associated with increased decreased risk of death. Using the sauna 2-3 times per week was associated with 24% lower all-cause mortality and 4-7 times per week decreased all-cause mortality by 40%.Apr 28, 2015

  15. #45

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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    First off, thanks for all the information you are supplying!

    Quote Originally Posted by Accumulator View Post
    I`m gonna play Devil`s please don`t misinterpret this as some kind of criticism or argument, OK?

    Why (specifically) do you think 5 minutes of running would be beneficial for your Hamstrings?

    Why would stair climbing involve a "restricted leg movement"? Maybe the unit you`re using is very different from mine (StairMaster PT4000), but I get a good range of motion and credit decades of regular use with my complete lack of Hamstring/knee issues. (I was told, back in the `90s, to expect knee replacements by now, especially on the right, and the x rays were scary..but nope, building up my Hams and not driving a stick coincided with all my issues going away.)
    The action of the Matrix is just like the Stairmaster, but the steps may be slightly taller or shorter (my gym used to have them both). What I mean by "restricted leg movement" is more like `less range of motion`. With the stairs (real or a machine) you just lift your leg at about 90 degrees - not like the full motion you get when running - extending your leg forward and back. I was getting hamstring pulls when sprinting around the bases, so my theory is the lack `full range of motion` was contributing to to the muscle pulls.


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