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  1. #286

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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    I cut out all sugar and lost 20# in 47 days, 25# in 60 days
    Sugar could be possibly called chronic poison .
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  2. #287
    Hooked For Life Bill D's Avatar
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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    I greatly reduced sugar if, for no other reason, to stop getting cavities. Now I find certain things just too sweet and I abstain from them.
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  3. #288

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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    re-tired and Bill D- Good on you guys for cutting out the sugar! Between that and watching the Glycemic Load (not just the Glycemic INDEX) of what you eat you can make some pretty significant improvements while still eating lots of good stuff.

    True Confession though- I still have ~6oz. of Ocean Spray CranPom daily Mix my Creatine with it. NOT OPTIMAL by any means, but better than when I was taking a Creatine supplement that contained a whole lot more sugar than the fruit drink.

    Re-tired- Gee, anybody who`s tried to lose weight/fat oughta be REALLY impressed with your results there; that`s a whole lotta (presumably the wrong kind) of weight to lose. And I`m very glad to hear that you were tracking it over a reasonable period of time, rather than expecting/seeking immediate results.

  4. #289

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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    Felt like popping back here to encourage everyone to keep chasing those fitness goals.

    Since my last visit at the beginning of COVID, lots of things have changed.
    Struggled for 6months since last spring going from swimming/weights 4-5x a week to a terrible stretch of just basic body weight stuff "when I feel like it" + jump roping.. wasn`t cutting it.

    Caved twice:
    First, a set of adjustable dumbells and bench which tied me over for a few months. Then again for boxing day, splurged on a Rogue SML-2 squat stand, a way too expensive stainless barbell and set of bumpers and life is SO MUCH BETTER.

    Back to eating what I want, lifting heavy again, back to healthy stress relief. Right back on track, LETSGOOOOOO

  5. #290
    Hooked For Life Bill D's Avatar
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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    I`m sure Accumulator will be here shortly to start the 2021 version of this thread.
    Treat it like it`s the only one in the world.

  6. #291

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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    Until BMWWW posted, I`d been thinking that these threads get so little traction that I might as well just skip it. The way I`m so busy these days probably factored in though...

    Everything is great here, incremental progress, *still* making that progress and not suffering any "age-related decline". A year of no Denny`s or other [crap] has been very beneficial, so overall the Pandemic has been wonderful for my health/fitness.

  7. #292

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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    I`m just *so* busy these days that I`m not doing much here, but I didn`t want to just let this go:

    BMWWW- That all sounds great! Gee, a *stainless* bar! What did you get?

    Do the bumper plates totally eliminate any flooring issues? They sound nice (I never splurged on bumpers myself, but then I really only drop the dbs, not the bar).

    And I agree *100%* about ".. keep chasing those fitness goals"! Just not quitting is worth a whole lot, and whatever keeps ya at it sounds good to me. Having equipment that you really like can make a huge diff all right.

    OK, when I get some free time I think I *will* start a 2021 H&F thread I do wonder how jrock645 is doing... I know Bill D is keeping up with his walking, and/but I`m still trying to nudge him into some Resistance Training

  8. #293
    Hooked For Life Bill D's Avatar
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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    I got this year’s blood work results back and yep, similar to last year: slightly elevated cholesterol and glucose. This runs in the family so I’m not concerned. Im waiting for my doc’s comments when I go to see him next week.
    Treat it like it`s the only one in the world.

  9. #294

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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    Bill D- Hopefully your HDL is high too (if not, take more fish oil ) and your LDL is the "soft fluffy" kind.

    I myself am all about the HDL : Triglyceride ratio, [EDIT: too rushed! got the reatio reversed ]...I like to keep my HDL higher than my TGs.

  10. #295
    Hooked For Life Bill D's Avatar
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    Re: 2020 Health & Fitness Thread

    I don`t have the report handy at the moment but IIRC my "good" cholesterol is at a healthy level. I`ll see what my doc says, if anything, on Friday
    Treat it like it`s the only one in the world.


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