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  1. #1

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    Supper I made tonight

    Supper I made tonight-pastasupper.jpg

    Sausage & Shells, it`s a recipe from Jeff from Pressure Luck`s YT channel. EASY to make and was dynamite. My food photo taking skills suck, but it was good good good. You should look up the video or Google the recipe and make it, or have your SO make it if you don`t do the chef thing. I`m usually bored at night and I`ve started to cook again so I suppose I`ll update this with pics and recipes when I make something that doesn`t suck.

    YT linky -
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  2. #2
    Administrator Liz@Autopia's Avatar
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    Re: Supper I made tonight

    Nice! How`s the biscuit ravioli idea coming along? In case you need some inspiration, I had some amazing country fried steak sliders at one of my favorite local breakfast places on Saturday. I don`t normally do the "take a picture of your food" thing, but it was just too pretty.

    Supper I made tonight-20191222_100554.jpg
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  3. #3

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    Re: Supper I made tonight

    Quote Originally Posted by Liz@Autopia View Post
    Nice! How`s the biscuit ravioli idea coming along? In case you need some inspiration, I had some amazing country fried steak sliders at one of my favorite local breakfast places on Saturday. I don`t normally do the "take a picture of your food" thing, but it was just too pretty.

    Supper I made tonight-20191222_100554.jpg

    That looks DEEEEELICIOUS! I would love breakfast sliders like that! Okay, so it doesn`t look delicious, biscuits and gravy are pretty much impossible to make look appetizing imho, but I know how good they taste. I would eat 2 plates of that for sure. That inspired me to want to create breakfast sliders. 3 of those with a nice cold pint of a bitter IPA would be heavenly.

    I never had beer with breakfast, but a brewery around the corner does Saturday Brunch. I went in like a year ago and had Chicken Fried Steak with gravy, Tater Tots and his West Coast IPA. WOOOOO, I`ve been missing out. I think I`ll show him and his wife your pic, they make biscuits and eggs and CFS, they should add breakfast sliders to the menu.
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  4. #4

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    Re: Supper I made tonight

    Tonight I decided to make pizza, I`ve only made it 5 or 6 times. And rolling the dough`s my cooking equivalent of doing windows in detailing. A few times it went okay, a few times it was kind of a disaster. This one was a near fail, it took me like 6 attempts and I almost gave up. Kept getting holes when it was stretched out. But I let it sit out for a few hours, and gave it one last shot. I probably need to make pizza once a week for 6 months and I`ll be good at the tossing the dough part, err more decent at it. HAY that sounds like a late New Years Resolution I could actually stick to This pizza didn`t look how I envisioned it, the crust looks awful, even with 8 minutes under the broiler it still had NO COLOR. But it turned out delicious, it was chewy and the crust had a nice crunch, just no nice dark color to go with it I made a 16"er and ate half of it, pretty sure that`s too much pizza for 1 person lol. It was NY style thin`ish, I wish I had a wood fire oven so I could have gotten some char on it. But that wasn`t meant to be. Made home made Ranch to dip it in too. I`ve always wondered if an Italian somewhere in the world has a heart attack every time a dumb American dips their pizza in Ranch lol. If any Italians read this, I AM SORRY for disrespecting one of your nation treasures like that. Ranch was super good.

    And what would be the fun of cooking without pointless excess? I broke out my 30lb Breville Sous Chef beast of a food process to chop up half an onion. It would have took me 2 minutes to mince it to that level by hand. That`s crazy, my machine did it in 3 seconds! Well, plus 2 minutes getting it out and another minute putting the blade and small chopping bowl in. Oh, and a few minutes to clean it then a few more putting everything back. But anywho, what`s a home made pizza thread without pictures? Taking these pics I realized something. The crumminess of my car`s I detailed pictures are only rivaled by how bad my food shots are. I`ll blame my old iPhone SE though, yeah that`s why...

    And I don`t believe when someone posts a pic of something they cooked that looks off and they say "I like how it doesn`t look like a master chef made it. I prefer when something looks homemade." Nope nope nope. if I could have made a picture perfect pizza, I would have believe me lol. But it did taste damn good and the texture was outstanding. If I stick to my new years pizza making resolution I`ll be too fat to detail a car by the time the 6 months is up though
    Supper I made tonight-pizza-.jpgSupper I made tonight-pizza-afta.jpg

    I forgot how much better home made Ranch is! And it`s so easy. Here`s the recipe. I used powdered buttermilk, you usually can find it in the baking section at a market. Lasts for like a year, is cheap and tastes the same (to me) I use it for biscuits and waffles/pancakes it`s good. You`re not suppose to drink it like you can regular buttermilk. But I don`t think I`d ever want to drink buttermilk

    3/4 - 1 cup mayo
    1/4 cup buttermilk
    1 tbsp vinegar
    A few squirts of Worcestershire
    1 tsp dried dill
    1 tsp dried chives
    1 tsp parsley
    1 tsp garlic powder
    1 tsp of onion powder
    Salt + Pepper to taste
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  5. #5

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    Re: Supper I made tonight

    Damn looking at my pic wow that crust looks awful, looks almost completely uncooked. Hummm maybe I`ll go clean some car windows tomorrow so I can feel even worse about my deficiencies.
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  6. #6
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    Re: Supper I made tonight

    Don’t fret it man - It’s all about experimenting. I’ll have to dig out a pizza cookbook we’ve got at home - the dough is super easy and really good. My wife does the pizza making, so I can’t speak to if it’s a bear to form, but she hasn’t commented on it being difficult.

    What’d you do for cheese mix? Sauce? That can make or break a pizza.
    Also, what pepperoni did you use? I’m always let down by the at-the-normal-store pepperoni.
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  7. #7

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    Re: Supper I made tonight

    Quote Originally Posted by Oneheadlite View Post
    Don’t fret it man - It’s all about experimenting. I’ll have to dig out a pizza cookbook we’ve got at home - the dough is super easy and really good. My wife does the pizza making, so I can’t speak to if it’s a bear to form, but she hasn’t commented on it being difficult.

    What’d you do for cheese mix? Sauce? That can make or break a pizza.
    Also, what pepperoni did you use? I’m always let down by the at-the-normal-store pepperoni.
    Mozzarella, Parm & a little bit of Sharp Cheddar. Sauce I whipped up something. And Boars Head Pepperoni, the best tasting I can find around here imho. The dough making is easy for me too, it`s getting it from a ball to a circular apparatus so I can add my toppings. Making the dough`s monkey work, there`s a lot of technique to working with the dough. Like I said I just need to make a few a week until I get it. I think, no, I know making a 16"s a lot more difficult than a 8-12 inch.
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  8. #8
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    Re: Supper I made tonight


    All looks great!
    Scott Harle
    Serving Naples and SW Florida
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  9. #9

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    Re: Supper I made tonight

    Quote Originally Posted by quebert View Post
    looks almost completely uncooked.
    Thats how I like mine
    Cooked VERY LIGHT
    Just melt the cheese , leave it in for about 7 minutes @600degrees and pull it out
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  10. #10

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    Re: Supper I made tonight

    Quote Originally Posted by re-tired View Post
    Thats how I like mine
    Cooked VERY LIGHT
    Just melt the cheese , leave it in for about 7 minutes @600degrees and pull it out
    Well I cooked it at 425 for 10 minutes then broil on hi for like 8. The crust definitely wasn`t soft. The slices I ate when I pulled it had a pretty good crunch. I suspect if I had left it in the broiler until the crust started to brown the cheese would have been black and the crust would have been hard enough to almost break my teeth. Outside of the color it was cooked great, thin and floppy so it was easy to fold and shove in my pie hole. Could have been improved everywhere, but I still ate 3/4th of it since last night.

    As long as the dough`s cooked thru there`s really no wrong way to cook a pizza. There have been plenty of nights where I got 2 slices to go from 7-11 and happily ate it lol. Next up I want to make a Detroit style deep dish. I made my 1st one last year and they`re gooooooooood. Only other one I`ve had was from Little Ceasers, so I don`t have a legit pie to compare it to. But I can imagine a real Detroit one would have killed mine.

  11. #11

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    Re: Supper I made tonight

    Another crappy picture, but delicious meal! I`m not even a huge fan of shellfish but this was deeeeeelicious.

    Supper I made tonight-supp-er.jpg

    Spicy Lemony Garlic Shrimp Linguine.

    lots of lemon, some cream, shrimp cooked in garlic butter with some olive oil. Linguine was cooked in my Instapot in garlic broth and I added some crushed red pepper & Cayenne. Oh, and I put a few big fist fulls of fresh Spinach before I cooked it so it would be health, err a little healthier anywho lol. When it was done cooking I added the juice of 3 big lemons, zest from 2 lemons, a few good splashes of heavy cream and I ran whatever chunk of Parmesan I had left thru my food processor and tossed that in. This was so easy to make, I did the whole thing in the Instapot, well except the garlic bread sticks in the oven. It was good enough I`d definitely order it and have no problem paying $25`ish at some semi snooty restaurant. The picture doesn`t do it justice, if you like Italian food MAKE THIS or have someone you know make it for you. If you don`t like Shrimp use Chicken or Sausage. It was super lemony, rich and creamy.
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  12. #12

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    Re: Supper I made tonight

    Wasn`t supper but ummm there`s no need to start a new thread since nobody really even checks this lol. I made Saturday Brunch today.

    Supper I made tonight-bf.jpg

    Photo skills are still lacking, and I didn`t clean up the plate before I took it *doh* I plated the sandwich on the same one the sausage had been resting on. I should have paper toweled up the grease pool, it looks pretty unappetizing lol.

    Honey Butter biscuits
    Farmer John Maple Sausage Links
    Over easy egg
    Sriracha Cheddar cheese from Aldi`s

    everything was cooked on my waffle iron, eggs were cooked in the left over sausage grease. In the time it would have taken me to pre heat my oven I had this completed. Would have taken a whole 18 minutes AFTER the pre heat just to cook the biscuits! #1stworldproblems

    This was delicious. 2 minutes on the iron and the biscuits were cooked. I have a double flip so while the biscuits were cooking the Sausage was Sausaging on the other side. The cheese was kind of dull, pretty good flavor but I really don`t taste any spice at all. Next time I`ll make a Habenaro cheese sauce and a chipotle maple to drizzle over the top. For breakfast I love the combo of sweet and savory. It was salty and fatty with a nice touch of sweet from the honey and maple. Egg was runny but had some crispy bits around a few of the edges. I`ll be making this again, the new trend`s to make everything on a waffle maker. And I have to say what I`ve tried has all been great. Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls in a tube are amazing as waffles, and you only have to cook them 2 minutes.
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  13. #13

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    Re: Supper I made tonight

    What`s more American than a juicy double Bacon cheese burger?
    A juicy double Bacon cheese burger with glazed doughnuts for the bun.

    The legend behind this burger`s it was either a favorite of deceased R&B singer Luther Vandross, or it was in fact his own creation. To many it sounds gross, and it is definitely a weird creation. But I find there`s something oddly satisfying about it. It`s sweet, it`s savory and it`s something you`re only gonna find in good ole `Merica!

    It would have been much better with home made, or Krispy Kreme, or at least some smaller doughnuts. I could have cut one in half, but I decided to go full Luther here. I made small 2.5oz patties and smashed them over blazing heat so they came out with a nice crust, but were still juicy in the middle. And instead of 2 slices of Bacon per patty, I just put 2 on top - everything in moderation! lol. This is typically something you only see at county fairs and an occasional baseball stadium. Not an item I`d want very often, but I was craving a doughnut and something savory so this hit the spot.

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  14. #14

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    Re: Supper I made tonight

    That kind of reminds me of when I used to put pancake syrup onto my breakfast sausage...back when I used to use pancake syrup and eat sausage. I don`t think I`ve had a donut like that in 25 years...although I may have a piece of one stuck in an artery somewhere. My motto used to be "if it`s fried, I`ll eat it!" Oh wait, when did that become my motto? My motto was "if it`s pig, I`ll eat it!". That was back when I used to get a sausage/biscuit sandwich off the roach coach and the first ingredient was "whole boned hog". Those were the days! Boy, were those good, I can almost remember the brand/name. Oh well. Made me feel like Jack London in To Build A Fire.

    PS Sorry for the stream-of-consciousness 1:30 AM post...maybe it should have been a tweet. I think I`m just hungry.

  15. #15

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    Re: Supper I made tonight

    Welp, due to the lockdown thing I decided to start to cook real food again. As usual, very poor picture, but I`m going to dig up my Canon Rebel so I won`t have any excuses for future ones being so bad. Ordering an Ooni Koda propane pizza oven sometime this week. Plan to make some Neapolitan pizzas. But uh, here I made Cheese & Macaroni.

    16oz Sharp Cheddar
    8oz Pepper Jack
    8oz Low moister part skim milk Mozzarella
    8oz Chipotle smoked Gouda.

    Made a roux with about a half the cheese then split the rest between the middle and top. OH it has about 6 slices of Bacon, some crumbled up in the roux the rest sprinkled on top. And instead of greasing the pan I baked it in. I cooked the bacon in the dish and left half of the grease and used that. The Mozz, I dunno the part skim milk stuff isn`t all that good but it`s all they had. And I forgot to put a bit of the Parmesan I bought in If you like Mac & Cheese this was delicious, it was super thick. I strongly dislike soupy mac and cheese. I would be scared to even try and calculate the fat and cholesterol % for it lol. With 2.5lbs of cheese, 2.5 cups of half and half, 1.5 whole milk, a stick of butter, oh and I baked it in Bacon grease. Yeah this is about as unhealthy as it gets. But you don`t eat like this often though right? And if you do well, not to be graphic but you`ll be in the bathroom for a LOOOOONG time and it will really really suck. I speak from experience. This is a 9x14 dish I think, it`ll feel A LOT of people. I should have cooked 2 more pieces of bacon, as a lot of chunks will be baconless on top #1stworldproblems

    Tomorrow I`m making jumbo Cajun garlic butter shrimp over Parmesan & Jalapeno grits, oh with bacon sprinked on top because I have a few slices left. Gonna put my full effort into plating and getting a legit picture. Perhaps I`ll be able to find my DSLR by then.

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