In relation to the subject of wheels, the term "rim" only applies to the outer part of a truly SPOKED wheel* (which is kind of rare except in bicycles), and possibly the beauty ring used on hub caps. A wheel is not a rim. It`s like calling a speedometer a cotter pin.

More often than not, synonyms and word substitutions are fun. They make you cool. A hat is a "lid". Coffee is "Joe". Colloquialisms and slang are fine, in fact they are a blast. Until they aren`t.

An adjustable wrench is often called a "Crescent wrench" - See where this is going?

A few months ago, I had some wheel cleaner to give away at work. One gentleman (I`d say he`s 42 or so) began to describe how he uses "Bleche Wite to keep his wheels nice and black". This rattled around in my head a bit, then I said "no.. I have some WHEEL cleaner". it took him a while, and he said "OHHHhhhh, you mean for the RIMS". THIS PERSON IS AN ELECTRICAL ENGINEER AND OTHERWISE SMART. (Smarter than me because he refused the Chemical Guy`s wheel cleaner I was trying to give away).

*The most concise definition I have found of "rim" is:
the outer edge, border, margin, or brink of something, especially of a circular object.

soapbox: off