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  1. #106
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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Strangest thing happened yesterday. First movement of my workout was squats, which is my standard Monday workout. Was feeling a bit off after getting back into the grooves after my NOLA tripso I don’t feel like I was 100%- sleep and routine were just off. Anyway, no change in weight from last workout and I got 5 fewer reps(25 instead of 30). But IMMEDIATELY after finishing the set and racking the weight my legs felt a soreness like I would expect 2 days after a tough workout. That feeling has not gone away.

    Anyone else ever had that happen?
    2018 Acura TLX ASpec

  2. #107

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    jrock645- Noting that my DOMS is always different from yours, I`ve had that happen, figured it was a feature, that the set in question did just what I wanted.

    But it sounds like you`re not happy with it so I wonder whether we`re talking about the same thing.

    Does it feel like "muscle soreness" or like some kind of "injury"?

    Did you warm up thoroughly?

    If the soreness is in the muscles (especially in the muscle bellies, basically the "middle of the muscles") rather than in your tendons/ligaments then I`d just figure it`s the kind of muscle trauma you`re after, just a kinda extreme example of it.

    You planning to do some Active Rest for them? I sure wouldn`t work them (remotely hard) again until that soreness has been gone for at least a few days, even if that takes quite a while.

    IMO it`s good that you were using a weight that you can get a lot of reps with, especially since you were feeling a bit off. IMO anything you can do for 25 reps was not a case of "overdoing it" as long as your form was good and you were working the targeted muscles. That the soreness hit *after* the set, rather than during it, is good news to me.

  3. #108
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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Yes, good warmup like always.

    And the soreness is is definitely center mass of the muscle, pervasive.

    These two days after I’ve probably experienced the most severe DOMS I’ve ever had. It’s just unreal. Mostly, I’m just trying to understand why it happened this way this time. It’s just bizarre to me.
    2018 Acura TLX ASpec

  4. #109

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    jrock645- Allowing that I`m just guessing here, I suspect that your time off reset your tolerance enough that you got an unusually good result from that set. With the soreness being where it is, I`d consider it a Win.

    The way it came on so fast could even be a feature; the more in-shape you are the quicker DOMS sets in, guess your "Delay" was a few moments! FWIW, my DOMS always hits within 24 hours and yeah, it can last for quite a while.

    Have you done any Active Rest since then? My Quads/Hams are a little sore from yesterday so I did an easy two miles of (brisk) walking this morning. And of course, I won`t work them again for weeks.

    I suspect the whole DOMS thing will start to moderate as you continue to train. I used to get so sore it`d actually *hurt* for days and would even impact what I could do, but that hasn`t happened for ages now. I still get good and sore from most every workout (and sometimes from my Cardio too), but it`s never all that significant any more and I seldom feel it at all after a few days, certainly not for the last week or so before the next RT workout for those muscles.

    Will this unusual soreness impact your Cardio? I definitely need at least five days between Leg RT and my Cardio, up from four when I was younger (always needed that long, even in my 20s).

  5. #110
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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    I did some cardio tuesday morning and my quick NYF workout last night. Maybe some easy biking later tonight.

    I wont be doing any HIIT until this soreness subsides. Will probably need to either drop or take it very easy on the leg press tomorrow.
    2018 Acura TLX ASpec

  6. #111

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    jrock645- I myself wouldn`t do ANY kind of RT for (upper) Legs until the soreness has subsided..not for days after that even. Heh heh, I wouldn`t do a Leg Press for at least a week after the soreness is gone. But yeah, I always say stuff like that and that`s just me.

    IMO: Soreness = initial inflammation phase of response to stress. No way for any positive adaptation to occur until that phase is finished, and the adaptation response has occurred, which will take days (if not weeks) unless using anabolics. I figure you`re still in the first, oh... maybe 15% of the whole process at this point.

    Doing a very light, high-rep set on the Leg Press might be different, that could be beneficial according to some studies, though it never worked for me (I might`ve worked too hard and just re-inflamed things though).

    EDIT: How did it go doing cardio Tues.? Man, there`s no way I could do mine this week after yesterday`s RT.

  7. #112
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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Tuesday’s cardio was fine, wasn’t anything crazy. A few sets of The Bear and 20 minutes on the elliptical with HR at 150ish. Couple core movements and that was it.
    2018 Acura TLX ASpec

  8. #113

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    jrock645- Ah, that sounds good. And it makes me think your soreness is indeed a feature, just somewhat different from what you were expecting.

    I *am* curious whether you were able to resist training Legs again before the soreness abated

  9. #114
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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    I took it very easy on legs Friday. Attempted to squat today. Took a few lbs off, planned to go a bit easy, but only got 13 reps. Legs still had no juice in them.
    2018 Acura TLX ASpec

  10. #115

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    jrock645- Heh heh, I guess I might as well just post [INSERT usual admonitions here..], instead of being a broken record and endlessly repeating myself, huh?!?

    As long as *you* are happy with your results I oughta just shut up about the frequency/overtraining/etc.

    How long was the NO trip-related layoff? I suspect that lack of sleep and the "just off..." feeling probably factored in a lot, maybe more than the trip; those seemingly little things alone could make for fewer reps, or at least that`s how I am and I have a great MMC. Since you figure your MMC is a big factor, having something like sleep/etc. off could really have an impact, but I`d *still* consider your last (real) Leg Day a very good one:

    You went to failure and got the targeted muscles good and sore (maybe a bit *too* sore). Can`t ask for more than that out of any workout IMO no matter what the weight/reps/whatever were; some days we`re stronger..or weaker...than other days whether we like it or not.

    I`d be very pleased with myself over that workout, and all revved up about studying how the recovery goes, how long until you get 26 (or, OK...back up to 30) reps.

    And/but, until you do, as long as you lift often enough (no problem there!), go to failure and get sore (again, no problem), and eat/sleep`re dong everything possible without factoring in Recovery, so it seems like that`s the one variable left to consider. Heh heh, that oughta be the *easiest* variable to get sorted out, usually it`s a matter of how to get people to work out diligently but you have that nailed. I`m betting that one day you`ll get the work/recovery pairing squared away and then you`ll be amazed by your progress.

  11. #116

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    jrock645- Heh heh, I`m actually a bit envious that you got in a good Cardio session the other day! Between my last Leg Day (way back then..) and yesterday`s work cutting up/clearing fallen trees, this morning`s Cardio was simply brutal. Would`ve delayed it, but I dunno for sure how tomorrow`s eye surgery will factor in. Heh heh, I can hear the ghost of Mike Menzter saying "you irrational dummy, you decided to exercise based on *fear* rather than deciding based on your rational faculty".

  12. #117

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Now and then this thread has a lot of "Guests" browsing it...always more Guests than Autopians!

  13. #118

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Eh, forced lay-off while I recover from eye surgery And I was doing so well!

    Heh heh, guess this is basically my version of Periodization; I get injured doing chores or have surgery (eye surgery has been an awfully frequent occurrence in our household lately), this case one lead to the other.

    Well, Note to Self: could`ve been worse, keep wearing those safety glasses *every* [darn] time.

  14. #119
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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Really been struggling to get back into ketosis after my NOLA trip. Been following the Palumbo cut diet, which I’d had success with before, but I think I had already been fat adapted when I went on it last time. I think the issue is the protein being high and carbs in the mid 40’s probably just isn’t drastic enough to facilitate getting into ketosis, though it obviously worked for maintaining ketosis once I was already there.

    So I drew up a new meal plan that should work. Carbs down to 20g a day, protein just ever so slightly lower and a bit more fat. 6 eggs for breakfast with 1T butter, 4 chicken thighs for lunch, a 12oz New York strip for dinner, and one protein shake with peanut butter for a snack either in the evening or afternoon.

    4 meals instead of 6, less protein powder, eggs, nuts and nut butters that all have some carbs in them.

    My working theory is once you go through the fat adaptation phases, you can be a little looser with keto and stay in ketosis. Atkins was really big on what he called “induction,” which was basically a really strict first two weeks of basically eating only fatty cuts of meat to keep carbs below 20g to really facilitate your body making the switch.

    Oh, and I’ll throw this out there too... For months now I’ve been eating steak every day and 5-6 eggs almost every day- sometimes more. Had my cholesterol checked last week. Lowest it’s ever been at under 160, tri’s at 45 too. Nobody ever wants to believe it but eating fat and cholesterol don’t make you fat or give you high cholesterol. Insulin is the culprit in all of that, yet the government has gone to great lengths to lie to us for decades.
    2018 Acura TLX ASpec

  15. #120

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    jrock645- With all the effort you put into figuring out your Diet, I`m hoping you`ll get the results you`re after.

    Agree about the eating cholesterol/fat for the most part, and that`s exactly how it worked for my wife (she added more whole eggs = lower LDL/TG and higher HDL). BUT..we also know people for whom cutting that stuff obviously resulted in dramatic improvements, so it doesn`t seem to be entirely consistent. I basically don`t worry about it since my LDL/TG has always been OK.

    Is that enough bfast to hold you for a while? That would hold me for about two hours or so before I`d be ravenous even on an easy day.

    EDIT: Hey, isn`t that a kinda significant improvement in your Chol/TG?


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