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  1. #16
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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Someidiot - I was going to ask what the benefits would be from fasting. I`ve heard of people that make a habit to do it every so often, just never heard the science behind it.

    Accumulator - like you, I don`t know if I could do it. Here at the shop there`s already a running joke to watch out if I haven`t had lunch by 11 (1130 at the latest) otherwise I`ll turn into a pumpkin... I`d probably have to be sure to not be at work when trying it.

    Sounds like my metabolism must be similar to yours - even without exercising my weight/body shape have stayed the same since high school regardless of calorie count. I do frequently refuel though; my body just doesn`t appreciate big meals far apart. Part of why I`ve never considered trying to bulk up muscle wise; I don`t have the dedication to ingest the calories to add-on.

    On my health/fitness front - Glad to report that I`m a few weeks in now of feeling like a normal human being back/body-wise. Tomorrow is my last scheduled chiropractic adjustment paired with on-site PT; after this it`s exercises at home and maintenance adjustments.

    Been meaning to share the PT stuff they`ve had me doing; figure I could get some input on what you folks think would be good to add. So far, the regimen has been:
    - "Dead Bugs" on a stability ball where you`re seated, lean back to engage your core, then essentially march with your opposite hand/foot.
    - Stability ball crunches + Stability ball oblique crunches
    - Stability ball "shoulder w`s" with weights (google for best results)
    - Stability ball rollouts (kneel with your fists in front of you on the ball, then roll out until your forearms are on the ball)
    - Stability ball "stir the pots" (forearm plank on the ball, then stir like the name implies)
    - Stability ball hip bridges (arms crossed - no stability from having your arms out)
    - Single leg stability ball hip bridges - half set with elbows down, other half with arms crossed
    - Stability ball planks

    Plus stretches beforehand. Did my re-examination last week, I was nearly giddy to be able to run through all the range of motion checks without having pain. Funny how you take not hurting for granted until you`re injured. I realized every morning I was basically "bracing for impact" both before trying to roll out of bed and then when taking my first few steps. The first morning I did both without the shots of pain was an eye opener for how used to being broken I had gotten.

    Still need to dig into the You Are Your Own gym app and see what I might do with it. Thus far I`ve just been sticking to the PT regimen to let it work it`s course. I`ll probably start with the app just because I already have it, and financially I need to budget for whatever`s next.

  2. #17

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Accumulator View Post
    someidiot- Hey, sounds like your Doc is more open-minded than many.

    You like the idea of intermittent fasting? I`d go nuts, but there are some interesting studies on it and, like the Ketogenic stuff, it can sure work great for some people.

    Just out of curiosity, is your Doc in shape? Most of the medical professionals I know need the "Doctor, heal thyself" lecture.
    She was in decent shape. She`s about my age and recently had a baby, so she`s trying to get some baby weight off. I`m actually also a doctor. Which is part of why I can`t run around looking like a fat slob.

    I`ve read a lot in the last couple of days about intermittent fasting and the keto diet. Intermittent fasting so far has been easy. I usually eat dinner early (5-6pm) so basically I just skip breakfast and eat lunch. Right now it`s 630am and I drank a glass of water on the way to work. I don`t feel hungry at all. For me it`s a lot easier than I thought it would be. Sure, I get hungry by lunch but it hasn`t been bad.
    I think intermittent fasting and the keto diet go really well together. I definitely won`t keep up the keto diet forever since it interferes with my life a bit too much, but I think skipping breakfast will be easy to do. I`ll go back on limited carbs after I drop some weight and establish an exercise routine.

    I had a lipid profile drawn, which was terrible. My cholesterol is around 300. She started me on lipitor. Just another eye-opener.

    My wife set me up a test/trial at Peloton next week. I think we would both use it and, although it`s expensive, if we will both get in shape then I think it`s worth it.

  3. #18

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Oneheadlite View Post
    Someidiot - I was going to ask what the benefits would be from fasting. I`ve heard of people that make a habit to do it every so often, just never heard the science behind it.
    Apparently it has various effects on insulin production and such -

    For me it`s just an easy meal to skip. I don`t wake up hungry. My breakfast is usually sugar-rich, which isn`t good. If I`m going keto it`s easier to skip breakfast, save the calories, and avoid the sugar I usually have in the morning. It really makes going keto that much easier.

  4. #19

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Oneheadlite View Post
    Someidiot - I was going to ask what the benefits would be from fasting. I`ve heard of people that make a habit to do it every so often, just never heard the science behind it.
    The studies I`ve seen do seem to support it (I`ve never really dug down into the data and parsed it myself, so that`s just from quick reads). As I understand it, it`s best done all the time rather than intermittently.

    I`d just get too hungry and after spending decades getting dialed-in on what diet/activity mix works for me I`m not gonna change it. (OOOH I sound so close-minded, huh? ) I wonder how I could take in as many calories as I need if I had to squeeze them into a brief window..if I could deal with the hunger long enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oneheadlite
    Sounds like my metabolism must be similar to yours - even without exercising my weight/body shape have stayed the same since high school regardless of calorie count. I do frequently refuel though; my body just doesn`t appreciate big meals far apart. Part of why I`ve never considered trying to bulk up muscle wise; I don`t have the dedication to ingest the calories to add-on.
    Note that at *some point* you`ll start to lose Type II Muscle Fibers if you don`t do resistance training, people are just designed that way. Then your metabolism/build/weight/BF%/etc. will change. No way around that, just how humans are.
    On my health/fitness front - Glad to report that I`m a few weeks in now of feeling like a normal human being back/body-wise. Tomorrow is my last scheduled chiropractic adjustment paired with on-site PT; after this it`s exercises at home and maintenance adjustments.
    Hey, that`s great! Seems like it didn`t take all that long (well, easy for me to say).

    Been meaning to share the PT stuff they`ve had me doing; figure I could get some input on what you folks think would be good to add. So far, the regimen has been:
    - "Dead Bugs" on a stability ball where you`re seated, lean back to engage your core, then essentially march with your opposite hand/foot.
    - Stability ball crunches + Stability ball oblique crunches
    - Stability ball "shoulder w`s" with weights (google for best results)
    - Stability ball rollouts (kneel with your fists in front of you on the ball, then roll out until your forearms are on the ball)
    - Stability ball "stir the pots" (forearm plank on the ball, then stir like the name implies)
    - Stability ball hip bridges (arms crossed - no stability from having your arms out)
    - Single leg stability ball hip bridges - half set with elbows down, other half with arms crossed
    - Stability ball planks
    Oh man, I couldn`t watch the "W Presses". Stability Balls are great for some stuff, but I`d *NEVER* do any kind of Resistance Training on one. Ever. Wouldn`t even be in the room when somebody did it lest I`d have to assist when it went sideways. Craziest thing... Sorry, but I really do feel that way, so I`d *ABSOLUTELY* quit the "W Presses" on the Ball. If you benefit from that movement (I never did), I`d do them the way the Russians do, sitting on the floor with your legs spread in a "V" while paying a *LOT* of attention to your posture.

    Eh, I just don`t get the idea behind those kind of presses unless there`s a specific need for `em.

    Now that I`ve vented...the other stuff you`re doing on the Ball sounds great!
    Plus stretches beforehand.
    Ah, interesting that you stretch *beforehand*! No problems from that I gather?

    Did my re-examination last week, I was nearly giddy to be able to run through all the range of motion checks without having pain. Funny how you take not hurting for granted until you`re injured. I realized every morning I was basically "bracing for impact" both before trying to roll out of bed and then when taking my first few steps. The first morning I did both without the shots of pain was an eye opener for how used to being broken I had gotten.
    Yes indeed, know the "take [things] for granted" alright!

    Do you think the morning roll-out could be further helped by tweaking something about your bed? I ask because I have a terrible time finding a decent mattress (let alone one that`ll stay that way) and finally found that just rolling up a towel to use as lumbar support solved *all* the related issues for me.

  5. #20

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by someidiot View Post
    She was in decent shape. She`s about my age and recently had a baby, so she`s trying to get some baby weight off. I`m actually also a doctor. Which is part of why I can`t run around looking like a fat slob.
    I`ll bear your being a Doc in mind, hope I haven`t been insulting your intelligence or otherwise sounding condescending I`ll try to bear in mind that you know from a lot of health-related topics.

    But yeah, I do think it can factor into your perceived credibility.

    I`ve read a lot in the last couple of days about intermittent fasting and the keto diet. Intermittent fasting so far has been easy. I usually eat dinner early (5-6pm) so basically I just skip breakfast and eat lunch. Right now it`s 630am and I drank a glass of water on the way to work. I don`t feel hungry at all. For me it`s a lot easier than I thought it would be. Sure, I get hungry by lunch but it hasn`t been bad.
    Oh man, lucky you, that might be just the ticket for ya.

    I think intermittent fasting and the keto diet go really well together. I definitely won`t keep up the keto diet forever since it interferes with my life a bit too much, but I think skipping breakfast will be easy to do...
    That sustainability factor can be a biggie, lots of things that seem ideal can be hard to do long-term.

    You do OK with no bfast, huh? With me, leaving aside that I wake up hungry, the size/composition of my bfast is a *huge* factor when it comes to that day`s workout. EVERY SINGLE TIME I have a big Denny`s bfast I have a great workout, zero exceptions.

    I`ll go back on limited carbs after I drop some weight and establish an exercise routine.
    If you just cut out the bad carbs like sugar it might do the trick, at least once you get closer to your target weight.
    I had a lipid profile drawn, which was terrible. My cholesterol is around 300. She started me on lipitor. Just another eye-opener.
    Yikes, I bet it was! Fish Oil man, fish oil... made a big diff in mine, which were good to begin with (now they sometimes look like typos compared to most people). See what your TG/HDL ratio is, target is >1.

    My wife set me up a test/trial at Peloton next week. I think we would both use it and, although it`s expensive, if we will both get in shape then I think it`s worth it.
    Ah, there`s one I`ve never heard of! [Quick google...OK..]

    If it`s right for you, and you will stick with it, that could be good for your cardio. It can be hard to know what`s right (for *you*, wife always ends up having knee problems from exercise bikes no matter how they`re adjusted), maybe that`ll be it. I`ll be interested to hear what kind of program they advocate; most such stuff seems to revolve around *much* longer workouts that I do (my longest cardio session is 18 minutes and I don`t do that one very often).

    Don`t neglect the Resistance Training More muscle (in the form of TypeII fibers) means a faster and more efficient metabolism and the same process that builds muscle generates that Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor ("BDNF"), of which you can never have too much.

  6. #21

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by someidiot View Post
    My breakfast is usually sugar-rich, which isn`t good. If I`m going keto it`s easier to skip breakfast, save the calories, and avoid the sugar I usually have in the morning. It really makes going keto that much easier.
    Some people are very sugar/high GI carb-sensitive, my wife sure is. I gather it`s not quite as easy as "just don`t eat that stuff", like...almost a form of addiction/withdrawal or somesuch.

    A lot of the fasting/etc. discussion seems to revolve around limiting caloric intake...I wonder what people really need, and how one would calc that? I went by trial/error over an extended period but never got really precise about it. Like..when I`d notice a little less definition I`d just cut out half a slice of bread/day, or replace it with some nuts, until back to normal. When something was gonna interfere with my exercise/activity (e.g., surgical recovery) I`d try to ballpark how many calories to cut but I`d still basically eat the same stuff, just a less of it.

    The formula I have, which I haven`t run on myself for ages (don`t even keep track of calories at all these days) is:


    Desired Weight (lbs.) * 13.8 plus
    Height (inches) * 5 plus
    67 = Subtotal1


    Age (years) * 6.8
    = Subtotal2

    Subtotal2 * 1.1 = Avg. Required Daily Calories


    Desired Weight (lbs.) * 19.6 plus
    Height (inches) * 1.8 plus
    655 = Subtotal1


    Age (years) * 4.7
    = Subtotal2

    Subtotal2 * 1.1 = Avg. Required Daily Calories

    I have zero recollection where I got that or how they came up with it. It`s result was too low for me but maybe that`s either my activity level/metabolism or the nature of the calories. At least it was higher/closer than some numbers that get tossed about..."1800 cal/day" seems to come up now and then, but sheesh..that`s not much IMO; I`d be cold/hungry/weak/miserable with so few.

  7. #22
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    I sorta tried the IF thing, but it just doesn’t work for me. For one, I’m hungry but two I’m a chef and I’m always eating a small bite of stuff here and there to taste, so it just really wouldn’t work.

    Keto turns me into a machine, though. I sleep better, my stomach is calmer, less gas, I eat on a schedule and rarely get really hunger, I’m more sharp mentally, and I have a much more consistent sleep and wake cycle.

    Im running on 1800 calories a day right now, and hunger isn’t an issue.

    In a span of about 4 days, I lost 3/4’s of an inch on my waist with no change in weight. Can’t even explain that one. I was down 22lbs from November 6th up until a day or two before Christmas. Relaxed and ate what I wanted over the holiday break. This put on a couple lbs, glycogen and water presumably. I got back on the keto on the 28th, as of last week I was back to pre holiday weight. I’ve now lost 4.5” on my weight in just over two months. Hoping to lose 3 more by July.
    2018 Acura TLX ASpec

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    To be fair I haven`t started exercising in the morning yet, so maybe IF isn`t going to be as easy for me once I start exercising. But yesterday I had more energy, was in a better mood, and only got a little hungry once, which was right before lunch. Actually at dinner I was eating a salad and decided to stop eating in the middle of it because I realized I wasn`t even hungry.

    I think there absolutely is an addiction to sugar. I often will crave something sweet, especially chocolate. I couldn`t drink coffee that wasn`t loaded with sugar and cream, but yesterday I had black coffee and didn`t think it was bad at all. You just have to break the habit I think.

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    jrock645- The Keto diet has sure worked well for you, that increased metal focus really gets my attention too.

    And I`d forgotten that you`re a chef...yeah, all that tasting is pretty much mandatory huh?

    That`s interesting that you can do OK on ~1800 cal/day, shows how different people can be.

    I *really* like that you lost size (presumably fat) off your waist while not losing weight. (You must be gaining muscle at the same time you`re losing fat, unless there was some weird dehydration issue that`s sorting itself out and it doesn`t sound like that.) I simply couldn`t care less what I (or anybody else) weigh as long as it`s the right kind of weight it`s all good IMO; it`s the bad kind of weight (i.e., bodyfat) that`s not so swell.

    Losing that much off your waist is gonna mean some changes in your wardrobe, huh?

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    someidiot- I always find it interesting how different people are indeed different with regard to some stuff, including addictions. Definitely not the same for everybody even with regard to stuff that "everybody knows is addictive to everyone".

    I like a fair bit of cream in my coffee, and/but I don`t mind as I see no downside (doesn`t mess with my LDL/TG or anything like that).

    Related topic- switching from reduced fat/skim milk to whole milk has been shown to result in a decrease in bodyfat, IIRC it was pretty uniform across the board, everybody in the studies lost fat with the switch. I made that switch and while I dunno if it triggered a reduction it sure didn`t result in any more of it and whole milk is a lot more palatable in my post-workout drink.

    Another topic related to Milk- why is it that whole milk is never the variety on sale?!? Since it goes bad fastest I`d think it`d be the one for a quick turnover, but it`s always the reduced fat/skim that`s marked down.

    Oh, and regarding salads- I like a plain tossed salad (usually no dressing), but I haven`t had one in ages because as best I can tell (more accurately, as my wife pointed out ) there`s no real nutritional value in it. So OK, I`ll have other veggies instead, usually cruciferous ones like broccoli/cauliflower. I suppose that if eating a salad means not eating worse stuff then that has its points though and it`s probably good for staying hydrated too.

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    Those formulas I posted for daily calories seem suspect to me if only because of the built-in adjustments related to age. Unreliable assumptions there that throw the whole calc into doubt since a person`s basal metabolic rate is determined by stuff *other than age*. But hey, they`re (supposedly) relatively in the ballpark for many people.

  12. #27
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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Accumulator View Post
    jrock645- The Keto diet has sure worked well for you, that increased metal focus really gets my attention too.

    And I`d forgotten that you`re a chef...yeah, all that tasting is pretty much mandatory huh?

    That`s interesting that you can do OK on ~1800 cal/day, shows how different people can be.

    I *really* like that you lost size (presumably fat) off your waist while not losing weight. (You must be gaining muscle at the same time you`re losing fat, unless there was some weird dehydration issue that`s sorting itself out and it doesn`t sound like that.) I simply couldn`t care less what I (or anybody else) weigh as long as it`s the right kind of weight it`s all good IMO; it`s the bad kind of weight (i.e., bodyfat) that`s not so swell.

    Losing that much off your waist is gonna mean some changes in your wardrobe, huh?
    My waist is down to the normal range for me at this point. A touch smaller than usual maybe but not by too much. Pants had gotten tight and uncomfortable, now they’re a bit loose. Curious what losing another 3 inches is gonna do. Might need new pants.

    Waiting until May or June to get my tux altered for the wedding.
    2018 Acura TLX ASpec

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    jrock645- If you do bring it down another 3" I`d expect all new pants, recutting your current ones could cost at least as much. Might be worth it for suits/etc. though if you have somebody who`s good enough to take out that much.

    The whole "replace the clothes" thing helps keep me motivated to stay in shape, that`d be simply unthinkable. It was bad enough when I outgrew my dress shirts when I (finally ) started working my Traps (I`ve kept the too-small ones just in case, they might fit me again if I live to a really old age). And it`s another reason why I don`t mind that I can`t get significantly bigger (i.e., "bigger" in a good way).

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    I tweaked my positioning for Seated Calf Raises with rather dramatic results.

    Not having a Seated Calf Raise machine, I have to improvise with a barbell across my thighs (with padding/spotter stands/etc.). Really suboptimal, but workable. I changed how the bench is set up so that I`m sitting more upright and getting a better stretch at the start position, and !oh man! did it make a diff! After doing my Standing Calf Raises, I did one set of only 16 reps instead of the usual 20-24, and with 40lbs. less on the bar than usual too = four days later my calves are still too sore to do cardio. Seems like I`m onto something

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    Having a super hard time getting back on track after the holidays. Such is life. May go today. See how field service pans out, May have to go cover jobs

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