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  1. #196

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Speaking of Brain Health, Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor is another of those gotta-have things that can be boosted by...take a guess...properly intense exercise.

  2. #197

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Just ran across a good Warren Buffet Quote that features an Autopian analogy:

    “If I gave you a car, and it’d be the only car you get the rest of your life, you would take care of it like you can’t believe. Any scratch, you’d fix that moment, you’d read the owner’s manual, you’d keep a garage and do all these things...You get exactly one mind and one body in this world, and you can’t start taking care of it when you’re 50. By that time, you’ll rust it out, if you haven’t done anything. So it’s just hugely important. And if you invest in yourself, nobody can take it away from you.”

  3. #198

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    I am planning to begin a way of life change this year. I drink a huge amount of my calories and don`t work out. Chipping away at getting up prior, getting in an exercise before work, and viewing the liquor admission. In a perfect world I`d like to see 30lb weight reduction this year, yet by and large simply having an increasingly dynamic way of life.

  4. #199

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Pook1978- Welcome to Autopia! Glad to see you posting to this thread and that you`re interested in making some positive changes.

    I`m all about small, steady, incremental changes as opposed to big, dramatic "CHANGE YOUR LIFE!" ones. The best Fitness Regimens and Diets are the ones that people stick with for a lifetime, so IMO it`s crucial to know yourself and be realistic.

    If every sedentary person just did a little walking and some calisthenics every day, they`d be *way* ahead, and a starting-off foundation like that would make it much easier to seque into a "serious" regimen (scare-quotes intentional; what`s serious for one person isn`t for another) if you decide that`s what you`re gonna do.

    Those of us who`re regularly on this thread take some *very* different approaches to diet and exercise, and I hope that something we post will be of benefit to you, if only as food for thought.

    Heh heh...I have zero real advice about drinking other than the old "moderation in all things"; I do indeed enjoy recreational drinking, but I somehow just gradually quit being excessive about it as I got older even though the Fish Oil took hangovers off the table.

    Just FWIW, I`d probably want a good two years to lose 30lbs. That might sound like a lifetime, but it took a while to put the weight *on* and IMO that`s easier/quicker than taking it off. Others on this thread will scoff at that and say how they`ve lost that much in no time, so !Your Mileage May Vary! will apply. The big thing is that you want to make a change.

  5. #200

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Accumulator-Hard to find the proper information if there`s nothing to provide a road map.

    The Brain Benefits you mention, are they related to just the Brain or do they include systemic anti inflammation? What I mean is are the benefits mainly brain related or does it apply to the body as a whole?

    Like the fact that your anecdotal response to the increase in EPA/DHA was driven by your actual experience. I always take the long view as far as health and nutritionally related subjects are concerned. The discernible payoff, as I see it, may not be obvious physically but "Might" be measurable in the overall profile tests run by a doctor in the know. I gravitate towards a GP that is more "Flexible" as far as health care management and not locked into the one size fits all with a narrow/rigid approach. Had to do a bit of legwork(computerwise) to find the one I have now.

    Get your "Tinfoil Hat " connotation. Lots of reasons why those running the tests don`t allow for higher concentrations of an item being tested, but their logic sometimes leaves me scratching my head too. I`m not anti-pharma either but anti-skew.

    None of my Docs have offered an alternative to Quest, but then again I haven`t broached the subject. Sounds like a topic of discussion for the future.

    To get to the 5g/day of EPA/DHA will have to add 4 caps a week. Think I`ll find some way to squeeze them in

  6. #201

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Marine Clerk- The EPA+DHA components of the Fish Oil both contribute to lowering overall systemic inflammation, but only the DHA will directly benefit the brain; the EPA just can`t make it through the blood/brain barrier (forget the reasons why...). Unless one drinks to excess (and thus notices the "hangover-proofing"), I can imagine those (brain) benefits to be basically transparent while overall reductions of inflammation can often be discerned, at least if the inflammation is significant.

    Even if somebody only took EPA (and thus missed out on the brain benefits), the Fish Oil could still be of great benefit. Perhaps we`re kinda splitting hairs here, but I do think it`s worth considering getting a good dose of the DHA.

    We have scads of places for bloodwork in my area, but I do prefer going somewhere in-network. Eh, I`d go back to that [crappy] Quest rather than pay out-of-pocket, but I wouldn`t be too happy about it. If I weren`t such an easy draw it`d be different and my wife will *gladly* pay for somebody good.

    Heh heh, I`d just take an extra capsule daily, but it`s easy for me to spend your money How are you dividing up the dosage? I take 5/morning, then one with every meal, and enough in the evening (before bed) to make a total of 12 capsules. With the other Omega3-rich stuff I eat that`s probably plenty, and taking more can mess with me.

    Yeah, I hear you on finding a good GP. When my previous (very good) guy switched to in-hospital only I had to do some work to find my current one. I`m one *VERY* picky customer when it comes to all aspects of Health Care Anybody I consult simply must be suitable or I`m out of there, if only because of potential/eventual end-of-life issues; I`m not taking any chances with things going haywire at Life`s Finish Line.

    [INSERT assumption/hope that everybody has a Medical POA and Living Will and makes sure all Health Care Providers are aware of the terms]

    Yeah, "anti-skew". (In everything...good rant material there )

    These days I hesitate to cast aspersions on the Medical Industry if only because of the anti-vaccine [individuals], society`s seeming embrace of willful ignorance, and the nutty sounding idea that "big pharma is keeping secrets from you to make $ off your ill health" (which sounds like a late-night infomercial to me).

    BUT...the Fish Oil dosages in the tests I`ve seen are ludicrously low and I`m hard-pressed to come up with any other explanation; seems like a definite "set-up for failure" since *any* cursory research would indicate what the proper dosage oughta be. But then look at the people who still think they`re getting (useful) Omega3s from Flaxseed Oil

    On a more positive note, some of those low-dosage studies still showed benefits, so I guess that`s at least a clue.

    And yeah, finding good info can be quite a, (heh heh heh, sorry, couldn`t resist). I`ll see some Study referenced and then track it down to see what it *really* was all about, which is often..usually, perhaps..not what the original reference claimed. Add to that the YMMV factor, and oh man do the waters get murky! Exact same reasons why I`m *still* figuring out just how I should exercise after so many decades.
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  7. #202

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Sheesh that was a disjointed post..really rambling across the topics even for me

  8. #203

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Aw gee...L.L. Bean has changed the sizing of their Polos again Now they`re smaller/more snug in the body (almost exactly one inch across the front measured at the base of the armholes) and sleeves, to the point that I can no longer wear them. They do this every now and then (I have Mediums and Larges of different vintages that are the *exact* same size..) and/but the timing [stinks] as I need some new ones. (Their current Large would be way too long in the sleeves.)

    Eh, [fudge]...I know I`ve ranted about this before, but what gives?!? Their size M was fine a year ago..

  9. #204
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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    I have Polo Ralph Lauren polos in large and extra large that are the exact same. Gotta try them on before buying them now. I won’t wear any of their slim fit offerings. They seem like larges that have shrunk.
    Treat it like it`s the only one in the world.

  10. #205
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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Im considering switching to DoggCrapp training this fall, after the wedding. Still low volume, high intensity. Just formatted a bit different.
    2018 Acura TLX ASpec

  11. #206

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Bill D- If I didn`t have various issues with wearing Polo (ZERO issues with Ralph L. himself) I`d look into those just to see if they`d fit me.

    St. Croix seems all synthetic blends, and "banded hems" these days.

    Last time I tried an Izod it didn`t fit either.

    Duluth Trading markets towards he-man construction workers, but the last time I tried one of theirs it was way too snug in places too (and their L just hung off me length-wise).

    Pretty much stuck with the Orvis offerings with that stupid "zinger" instead of a pocket. Lighter weight copy of the old (and greatly missed by Yours Truly) Willis & Geiger ones (best polos, best *all-cotton anything*, ever IMO).

    Utterly [freakin`] ridiculous, I`m not some huge bodybuilder or anything...why can I find OTR clothes that fit?!?

  12. #207

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    jrock645- I`d wondered what you were planning for after you get back. You think the DoggCrapp would work better than something you came up with yourself?

    I never found anybody else`s program to be even remotely right for me compared to what I develop (which changes almost constantly in some way or another), and I`m always a bit surprised when others do OK on somebody else`s program(s). I can somebody know what`s optimally right for somebody else? I run into this exact same thing with regard to my wife`s workouts. I`m utterly convinced there`s a disconnect between any coach/etc. and the trainee if only because nobody can really get inside somebody else`s experience.

    E.g., "I need to angle my arms back a few degrees and supinate my wrists at a different rate after the fourth rep or I won`t get the right...[blah blah blah].." Nobody else can determine that, only me. Even just how many reps/what weight for a given day`s many subjective variables that only the subject himself can analyze.

    Heh heh..[INSERT Clubber Lang dialog about "I live alone, I train alone, I`ll win the championship alone..."]

  13. #208
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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Accumulator View Post
    jrock645- I`d wondered what you were planning for after you get back. You think the DoggCrapp would work better than something you came up with yourself?

    I never found anybody else`s program to be even remotely right for me compared to what I develop (which changes almost constantly in some way or another), and I`m always a bit surprised when others do OK on somebody else`s program(s). I can somebody know what`s optimally right for somebody else? I run into this exact same thing with regard to my wife`s workouts. I`m utterly convinced there`s a disconnect between any coach/etc. and the trainee if only because nobody can really get inside somebody else`s experience.

    E.g., "I need to angle my arms back a few degrees and supinate my wrists at a different rate after the fourth rep or I won`t get the right...[blah blah blah].." Nobody else can determine that, only me. Even just how many reps/what weight for a given day`s many subjective variables that only the subject himself can analyze.

    Heh heh..[INSERT Clubber Lang dialog about "I live alone, I train alone, I`ll win the championship alone..."]

    Well, DoggCrapp lets you pick your exercises so you can do what you like and use what’s available. It’s really more about the methodology, a single rest pause set per exercise to get to 15-20 total reps after the two rest pause additions to the initial work set target of 10 reps to failure, 3-4 exercises per group. And the stretching. Pretty simple really, and flexible enough to be able to train around my limitations from my back injury.
    2018 Acura TLX ASpec

  14. #209

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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    jrock645- Ah, OK, now I follow!

    The Rest-Pause brings up a good topic that I`ve been thinking on- Extending the set past initial failure.

    I`ve generally favored Drop-Sets, but have used Rest-Pause too. But my latest reread of Menzter`s HD2 (oh it`s a slog even for a guy who appreciates Rand! If only Mike had been as smart as he thought he was ) has me rethinking it.

    His argument is that once you hit (initial) failure, there`s no point in continuing the set, period. He claims that it won`t build muscle or strength, but rather merely endurance (which could be enough for some people, but anyhow..). His argument is *not* based on scientific evidence (he doesn`t present any), he just assumes that people do that "out of fear", namely fear that they "aren`t doing enough" and that might be why I`ve been doing it.

    If I continue the set past initial failure I`m likely to get increased DOMS, which I generally think is a good sign. (I *want* to feel DOMS even though I do believe it`s a sign that the training was, as the Doc said..."adequate but not necessary"). I`m erring on the side of caution lest the workout not yield results, and that sounds like Mentzer`s "fear" argument.

    I just don`t know enough to formulate a knowledgeable opinion, and/but I`m sure giving it a lot of (hopefully productive!) thought. I don`t believe I`ve ever seen a study on this topic, at least not one that used experienced trainees.

    General idea: More work = greater inroad and greater inroad = more gains.

    BUT how does that work on the muscle fiber-level? Once the TypeII fibers hit exhaustion, they`ve been adequately (probably more than adequately) trained to potentiate gains. If the set is continued, do the same muscle fibers get *more* stimulation, and if so is that desirable? Do TypeIIB fibers recover that fast or are those still too played to contribute? OR, is it all TypeIIA fibers getting a (presumed) added benefit?

    Does continuing the set deplete energy and/or neurological efficiency in a way that could compromise the rest of the workout? Does it create the need for additional recovery, and if so how does that affect the rest of the body?

    Possibly related- Once I started resting a *LONG* time between sets, and I don`t mean just a few minutes, my gains skyrocketed. That was possibly the single best change I`ve made this decade. Resting for ages between sets seems opposite of extending a set. What would make one different/better/worse than the other?

    I understand that different trainees want different results, and that might make extending the set better/worse for different people. For what *I* want I`m considering that it`s not really productive, at least not on a regular basis. So I`m trying *not* doing it for a while, *except* for Core work.

    I want a different type of development where my Core is concerned (primarily the abs/obliques/etc.). I`ve been working those in *VERY* long sets and I do sometimes rest-pause so I can continue the set longer. It`s working great for that area, but I want very different things from my abs and obliques compared to my other muscle groups.

  15. #210
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    Re: 2019 Health & Fitness Thread

    I remember Mike and him being against extending failure. In a perfect world, he may be right. But... let’s be honest here. Perfectly executed HIT style sets take a lot of mental fortitude and simply losing concentration for a split second can potentially end a set a half a rep early. I’ve taken lately to doing a fair amount of drop sets and or doing the rest pause to get another rep or two just to make for damn sure that I’ve hit failure. It may not be entirely necessary in that perfect world but that doesn’t mean it’s harmful.
    2018 Acura TLX ASpec


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