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    2018 Health and Fitness Thread

    Guess I`ll start a new H&F thread for the New Year. Heh heh, I sometimes feel like I`m just posting to myself on these, or maybe like I`m trying to compel participation by a disinterested audience, but anyhow...

    This Holiday Season I once again indulged in whatever I wanted/as much as I wanted, and did *even less* exercise, but apparently didn`t gain the usual (modest) amount of bodyfat, did not lose strength/size, nor did my cardio performance suffer. The cold weather doesn`t seem to affect me the way it used to either. I credit a better metabolism due to not being as overtrained as I was previously.

    My challenge now might be to avoid the temptations that can lead to (a return to) overtraining... "Eh, need to keep improving! Must need to do something *MORE*"... Wrong wrong wrong, I need to do something *BETTER* instead.
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    Re: 2018 Health and Fitness Thread

    Been battling the funk going around since after Christmas. Started to feel back to normal but back under it this weekend. Made it to the gym a couple times, but not the start I’d wanted.

    Been having some issues lately with what seems like an allergic reaction, but the allergist says it’s some weird thing called CIU- things just swell for no apparent reason. They’re doing blood work to rule out other stuff, but it might be thyroid related, which runs in the family. If they identify hypothyroid/Hashimoto it’ll be interesting to see if fixing that helps with fat loss and energy levels and whatnot.

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    Re: 2018 Health and Fitness Thread

    I ate like a fu**ing pig over the holidays..put on 8 pounds. Time to get my fat ass back into the pool and get my hand out of the sweets.
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    Re: 2018 Health and Fitness Thread

    jrock645- You`ve certainly had more than your fair share of challenges!

    My allergies drive me nuts too, and for some reason they`ve been especially bad the last few weeks. Sure don`t sound anything like what you`re dealing with though.

    richy- Heh heh, at least you`re being conscious/aware of it!

    Let`s see, 8lbs. in about six weeks, huh? So, what`d ya think... six weeks to get back to baseline? Got a plan worked out?

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    Re: 2018 Health and Fitness Thread

    Exercise Topic that`s currently intriguing me- Rep speed, especially the negative part of the movements, and how the nature of the resistance factors in.

    Not as straightforward as I`d previously thought even if I am splitting hairs, and it`s gonna take me a while to come to some coherent hypotheses, let alone conclusions. (Conclusions about what`s right for *ME* at least, which might not work for anybody else.. even though I do always wonder about such differences.)

  6. #6
    My name is Mike mjlinane's Avatar
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    Re: 2018 Health and Fitness Thread

    Started on my Ketogenic diet (low carb, high (healthy) fat and low/moderate protein) on 10/2. Since then, I`ve lost 36 lbs overall (211 to 175.) Only recently started exercising with 2x per week 15 min or so of 4 eccentric-focused (the negative part Accumulator referred to) exercises. Kind of easy - once you figure out what you can eat and should avoid. Never hungry. Down to what I weighed shortly after graduating college 30+ years ago. Need new clothes but still haven`t bottomed out.

    Highly recommended.

    Thanks Accumulator. I am now more accountable as I`ve publicly typed this.

  7. #7

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    Re: 2018 Health and Fitness Thread

    mjllinane- Yeah, IMO that "I am now more accountable.." can make a difference. Whatever keeps us motivated

    Interesting that you`re doing the eccentric-focused workouts..I`d be interested to hear how you`re going about it and to hear about how the progress goes over time.

    I guess I just knee-jerk against the Ketogenic approach because of the way it gives *ME* mental sluggishness and a serious lack of energy. I`m starting to think that many others just don`t have such problems from it..Hey, whatever works for ya.

    And yeah...get the diet that`s right for *you* figured out and you should never feel hungry or deprived.

    Oh, and heh heh, I weigh nearly 50 lbs. *more* than when I graduated, but it`s the good kind of weight

  8. #8

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    Re: 2018 Health and Fitness Thread

    Mjlinane, Good work on losing the weight. Can you give us a sample of your diet ? I have read about it before and remember there is a two or so week period where you feel sluggish, is that true. I would like to lose about 10-20 lbs.

    Accumulator - thanks for starting this thread

  9. #9
    jrock645's Avatar
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    Re: 2018 Health and Fitness Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by pgp View Post
    Mjlinane, Good work on losing the weight. Can you give us a sample of your diet ? I have read about it before and remember there is a two or so week period where you feel sluggish, is that true. I would like to lose about 10-20 lbs.

    Accumulator - thanks for starting this thread
    You really shouldn’t feel sluggish for that long. And when you do, it has nothing to do with a lack of carbs in your diet. It’s the salt being flushed out as your liver dumps glycogen. Eat some salty foods in the early goings of keto and you won’t have much trouble with fatigue.

  10. #10
    My name is Mike mjlinane's Avatar
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    Re: 2018 Health and Fitness Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jrock645 View Post
    You really shouldn’t feel sluggish for that long. And when you do, it has nothing to do with a lack of carbs in your diet. It’s the salt being flushed out as your liver dumps glycogen. Eat some salty foods in the early goings of keto and you won’t have much trouble with fatigue.
    Good point. Carbs do tend to hold water with them so minimizing them can lead to dehydration. Drink more water and add a bit more salt to your meals.

  11. #11
    My name is Mike mjlinane's Avatar
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    Re: 2018 Health and Fitness Thread

    Eccentric: First, why? I have just recovered from a severe bout of sciatica so want the benefits with the least risk of injury and people are much stronger in the eccentric phase (let down) of movement than in the concentric (push away) phase. I also don`t want to spend the time exercising that I did was younger. Always remember, exercise should be tailored to goal - no "one size fits all." I do 4 basic exercises - just differently. 1) Pull up or, more precisely, the let down part. Cheat on the up (if you have to) and take 10 sec on the down movement. 6 reps. If you aren`t wiped out at the end of the 6 reps, you aren`t using enough resistance. One arm (with help), weight vest, whatever. 2) Push up (let down). Same thing, get to the top and slowly lower yourself in 10 sec. 6 reps. Again, if aren`t wiped, add resistance (elevated feet, 1 arm, etc). 3) Shoulder press. I use kettlebells because I have and like them. I clean the bell, push press to the top and then reverse military press down for 10 sec. 6 reps. Then the other arm. Want more weight than you can press with 1 arm but less than you can easily do with both. 4) One legged (pistol) squats. Lift 1 leg, slowly sit on the other for 10 sec. 6 reps. Add or take away resistance (weight, handles) as necessary. Done.

    Meals: I am quite boring and generally eat mostly the same things most days - and am perfectly happy with that.

    Non-workout day
    Breakfast - Bulletproof coffee (coffee, butter and MCT oil and 12 sec in a blender). Looks like a latte and tastes like black coffee. I do a "mocha" variant with 100% unsweetened cacao powder, vanilla extract, maca root and Stevia. Tastes way better than you`d expect.
    Lunch - same.
    Dinner - I make a soup I really like with bone broth, tons (like 8 cups) of leafy greens and cruciferous veggies, avocado oil, chicken of some sort, lemon juice and lots of spices plus a side of good meat and/or nuts.

    Workout days
    In addition to the coffee, I will have fish (like lemon pepper grilled cod) and eggs (sunny-side up) for breakfast and lunch plus the same soup minus the sides for dinner. Note for fat loss guys - if you eat a meal, it needs to have more than 30g of protein to kick off the muscle repair system in the body. Not only is building muscle good, it burns more calories than the calories contained in a nutrient-dense source like cod and goes on for 3 hours. So space the meals further apart than that.

    No reason to be as boring as me though. Chicken or shrimp alfredo with zucchini/squash noodles, low carb pancakes and breads are really easy to make and taste surprisingly good. I generally only eat at steak houses when I go out (darn! ).

    I do get asked a lot about "cheat days." I tell them that, truthfully, I haven`t felt this good in longer than I can remember and have no desire to cheat. Obviously, you could.

    Yes, the "Keto flu." Once you get passed it, brain fog you didn`t know you had will part and will have endless energy. Why? Story I heard about the cause of the Keto flu is that the body stores toxins in the fat and, once you start burning it, toxins are back in the body. Good story. Also, ketones are the preferred source of fuel for the brain and those are generated by the liver once the ready source of glucose/sugar from carbs is gone. Finally, the endless energy comes from, now that I metabolize fat efficiently, if my body needs 500 calories for some reason, it can readily get it off of my a$$ or wherever.
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    Re: 2018 Health and Fitness Thread

    Different people apparently really *are* different, so I`m not flaming anybody when I post about differing results/experiences. Wanted to explicitly post that since this stuff can get all contentious with people thinking they know the Only Truth and I don`t want to come across that way

    And when I inquire about any studies supporting/disproving things, I genuinely want to know so I can school myself. That said:

    I`m curious about the idea that the brain and glycolytic muscle fibers don`t run on glucose. Any studies I can check out on that? People I know IRL have never done well on those diets for more than a few years.

    Similarly, I`ve never seen any studies showing that more than ~25g protein can be used at one feeding. (Yes indeed, getting my protein requirements in such little doses is PIA, but that`s what works for me.)

    Not that I`m gonna change my utterly dialed-in diet, just genuinely curious about the above.

    I can`t gain size on low-rep sets and not going that heavy is perhaps my only concession to age other than the short/infrequent workouts and the EXTENDED recovery time.

    I`m now doing 10-20 reps for everything other than abs and obliques (even calves and tibialis anteriors , I never did well with high-rep sets for either of those). One set per exercise, 1-8 exercises per body part.

    Each bodypart still gets hit once every 10-21 (not a typo) days, other than abs/obliques which get done about every 5-7 days as I`m intentionally overtraining them in an (apparently successful) attempt to get *those* TypeII fibers to mimic Type I.

    Chins/pull-ups (nobody seems to agree about which is which, I do mine with either a pronated or neutral grip) - I do mine with added weight from both plates on a dipping belt and elastic bands hooked to same (the bands were maybe my best idea in decades, other than decreasing the frequency/duration of my workouts).

    Goal of my Resistance workouts is to potentiate the maximization of the size and number of my Type II muscle fibers. Goal of my cardio is to preserve overall health via the same.

    Speaking of cardio, I`m still doing great on my *very* brief, max-effort sessions on the StairMaster and AirDyne. Longest is 18min., shortest is 11 min., and that 11 sometimes leaves me literally off the AirDyne and lying on the floor, hardest thing I ever do.

    I don`t count the brisk cross-country do dog hikes as cardio; unless my heartrate gets up to at least 90% of my (actual) max, it`s merely "activity".

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    Re: 2018 Health and Fitness Thread

    Recent study at Tufts seems to cast doubts on all the Conventional Wisdom related to the Glycemic Index/Load... Hmmm.....but again, I`m not gonna fix what isn`t broken.

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    Re: 2018 Health and Fitness Thread

    mjlinane- You`ve given me so much to think about and discuss! I`m really glad you`ve found ways to work around the sciatica.

    Hope you don`t mind more discussion of stuff you touched on in your last post:

    Heh heh, oh hat`s off to you...doing Pistols with a 10sec. pause at the bottom! Do you hold a weight/kettlebell/etc. for added balance/resistance? I find Pistols *easier* with the weight as it makes the balancing so much easier. knees *always* started bugging me when I stuck with Pistols, so I basically don`t do them any more except to demonstrate `em to people. (The "experts" had predicted knee replacements for me by now, but zero issues as long as I don`t do the wrong stuff.)

    The "slow negative/eccentric" is what I`ve done for ages, but some recent reading has made me question it *IN SOME CASES*. I`ll always do it with freeweights, if only for safety, but a study using experienced trainees seem to imply that *quicker* negatives (preferable with increased resistance, good luck without a training partner) are better for people who`ve been at this for a long time.

    When the resistance is *elastic* (exercise bands, Soloflex, etc.) I suspect that doing the negatives quicker than I normally would might:

    -result in less soreness, but, counter-intuitively...
    -result in strength/hypertrophy gains

    Sounds wacky huh?!? We`ll see what I think after some more experimentation, but I almost have to *force* myself to not do `em slow.

  15. #15
    My name is Mike mjlinane's Avatar
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    Re: 2018 Health and Fitness Thread

    Brain and muscles DO run on glucose. However the brain`s preferred fuel is ketones. Many studies are linking brain glucose levels with Alzheimer`s - from what I`ve heard. Way too lazy to actually read medical studies. Jonathan Bailor and his SANE solutions plus many other biohackers (Asprey, Ferriss) are pretty consistent about it. They claim to have read (and cite) such studies.

    I am OK on pistols without a counterbalance for the moment but am not getting enough resistance so will be adding a kettlebell soon.

    I exercise at home so am limited to dumbbells and kettlebells. Will be adding a far-infrared sauna on the 26th, though. Very excited!!

    25 v. 30 - 25g may be the minimum but 30g guarantees you get 25g . If you come up a gram or 2 short, you still get the muscle neogenesis process kicked off.

    If I do cardio, it is walk/run cycles or a HIIT variant.

    That is why I had the note about goals - I am not trying to build muscle so infrequent works better. For me, anyway.

    Not trying to convert anyone. Just what I`m doing and why.


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