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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    Formerly the "Best Detailer", now just Super Wax Waster Man. Not necessarily tactful, but normally right. It`s good to be da King !!!

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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    The Need to Bead

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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Stokdgs View Post
    I`m pretty sure I saw him on TV saying he was home, heard about the shooting at the school, and rode 3 miles to the school and started filming.

    Now, how he could supposedly get into the school during the shooting or whenever he supposedly did this - if he did - it`s pretty remarkable, no ??
    The school would have been in some lockdown mode at least by the teachers, so how does he explain that away???

    Does he have a twin brother or something ? What would he be doing in the 9th grade building where supposedly, the shooting took place anyway??
    Dan F
    The clip you saw was taken out of context and made into a sound bite by CBS. He returned to school after 6pm that day with all his camera gear. Here’s a link to the full story, from the site that originally ran the story, and their retraction:


    The blame this one on CBS
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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread


    Documents obtained by congressional investigators suggest possible coordination by Obama White House officials, the CIA and the FBI into the investigation into President Donald Trump’s campaign. Those senior Obama officials used unsubstantiated evidence to launch allegations in the media that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia during the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, according to newly discovered documents and communications obtained by Congress.
    The documents also reveal that former Senate majority leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, sent a letter on Aug. 29, 2016, asking then FBI Director James Comey to investigate the allegations, which were presented to him by then CIA Director John Brennan. Brennan had briefed Reid privately days earlier on the counterintelligence investigation and documents suggest Reid was also staying in close touch with Comey over the issues. The Gang of Eight is a group of eight lawmakers who have access to the most highly classified information and often meet on Capitol Hill to be briefed on classified material.
    The documents, which include text messages from embattled FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and his paramour Lisa Page, also reveal that former Obama White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough was involved in the initial investigation into Trump’s campaign. Comey, Brennan and McDonough the “highest-ranking officials at the FBI, CIA and White House” were working in concert to ensure an investigation was initiated, congressional members told this reporter.

    Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., a member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, was deeply troubled by the findings.
    “We’ve been asking for documents with little cooperation of the DOJ and FBI — we’re having to find these unreacted documents on our own,” said Meadows, who’s also chairman of the House Freedom Caucus. “It appears there was a coordination between the White House, CIA, and FBI at the onset of this investigation and it’s troubling.”

    Meadows said a meeting that John Moffa, who was part of the counterintelligence division at the FBI, meets with Denis McDonough on August 10, (2016),” Meadows added. “What we’re finding is the more we dig the more we realize that there appeared to be a willful coordination between multiple groups outside the Department of Justice and FBI. Moffa was also the FBI agent who helped draft Comey’s July 5, 2016, exoneration letter to Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.
    Meadows said the documents suggest Reid’s briefing from Brennan “was used in Michael Isikoff’s Yahoo News story.”
    Isikoff’s article was used as evidence for the FBI’s FISA warrant being granted against Carter Page. Page was a short-term volunteer advisor on the Trump campaign, who was spied on by the FBI. Congress and the Department of Justice are investigating the FBI’s conduct in obtaining a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant in October 2016 to spy on Page. Page was a central figure in an unverified dossier put together by former British Spy Christopher Steele alleging the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.
    In April 2017 The New York Times published the first story about Brennan’s counterintelligence briefing to Reid regarding Trump. The briefings to Gang of Eight congressional members suggested Russia might be helping Trump win the election. Brennan alluded to the unverified information that members of the Trump campaign may be colluding with the Russians. The information briefed to the lawmakers expanded the number of people who were aware of the unverified allegations, and played a significant role in the increase of leaks to the media, according to the information obtained by the committee.

    A congressional investigator told this reporter that they believe the FBI was involved in the briefing to Reid but are still waiting for confirmation.
    In the letter from Reid to Comey, he cites information Brennan shared with him that Trump advisor, referencing Carter Page, and other “high ranking sanctioned individuals” in Moscow were meeting. Reid asks Comey to launch an investigation by the FBI into the Trump Campaign and the Kremlin.

    The letter, which was obtained by this reporter, refers to reports briefed by Brennan but gives “almost no evidence” regarding the Trump campaign and Russia, according to congressional investigators.

    For example, the letter only states that “questions have been raised about whether a Trump advisor who has been highly critical of U.S. and European economic sanctions on Russia, and who has conflicts of interests due to his investments in Russian energy conglomerate Gazprom, met with high-ranking sanctioned individuals in Moscow in July of 2016.”
    Congressional investigators also note that newly revealed text messages between Strzok and Page also show possible coordination between the FBI, CIA and the Democrats.
    RELATED: New Text Msgs Reveal FBI Agent was Friends with Judge in Flynn Case

    Shortly after Reid’s letter was revealed in a New York Times article on August 30, 2016, Strzok texts Page saying, “here we go.” He included a link to the story in the text message.
    Congressional investigators suggest that the pair were creating inferences “that they knew it would create public calls for an investigation into Russian interference.”
    Sept. 23, 2016, Isikoff article, which cites Reid’s letter, is also another example of possible coordination, congressional investigators state. The FBI used the Yahoo news article as part of the evidence in their application to obtain a FISA warrant on Carter Page.
    “This sequence of events strongly suggests the FBI encouraged Reid to write this letter to legitimize its surveillance of Carter Page,” congressional investigators stated.

    Congressional Findings:

    • What began as an investigation into allegations of Russian cyber hacking of the DNC was eventually broadened into an investigation of the Trump campaign.
    • By sending high-ranking officials and led to brief members of Congress on the possibility of Russian interference in the 2016 election, the DNC hack, and the possibility Trump campaign associates were in contact with Russia, the FBI was given cover for the investigation they had recently opened on Trump with questionable legal justification.
    • The intelligence community has admitted Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election were only the most “recent expression” of their longstanding desire to undermine US elections.
    • It appears based on the information “insurance policy” in case Trump won, these briefings by the intelligence community to Congress, which led to several members calling for investigations into Russian interference and Trump, were perfectly timed to plant seeds of doubt in the outcome of the 2016 election.
    • By utilizing the FBI’s cyber division to look into the DNC hack, the agents exhibiting improper political biases from the FBI’s counterintelligence division, Lisa Page, and Peter Strzok, were offered cover.

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    The FBI is promising swift action on a House subpoena covering three politically charged investigations after word that Attorney General Jeff Sessions has grown angry with the bureau`s slow-walking of congressional requests for information.
    Last week the House Judiciary Committee sent a subpoena to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein demanding documents from the Justice Department and the FBI "regarding charging decisions in the investigation surrounding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton`s private email server, potential abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility recommendation to fire former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe," according to a committee press release.
    In a letter accompanying the subpoena, Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., told Rosenstein the committee had asked for the documents months ago and received little or nothing in response. "Given the department`s ongoing delays in producing these documents, I am left with no choice but to issue [a] subpoena to compel production of these documents," Goodlatte wrote.

    Late Tuesday, a source who asked to be identified as a "DOJ insider" emailed an update from inside the Justice Department, making clear Sessions has grown impatient with FBI Director Christopher Wray:
    Senior staff on both sides of the street have met on this and the FBI is getting called on the carpet. The Attorney General is angry with how slow the process has moved when it comes to requests from Congress to the FBI. He`s told Wray that the pace is unacceptable and that if the FBI needs to double the number of people working on this, then that`s what they need to do, but he is done seeing the Department criticized for the FBI`s slow walking of requests from Congress like the last administration when these requests should be a top priority.

    Sure enough, on Tuesday, Wray issued a press release promising to double the number of people working on the document request. From Wray:
    As the Director of the FBI, I am committed to ensuring that the Bureau is being transparent and responsive to legitimate congressional requests. Up until today, we have dedicated 27 FBI staff to review the records that are potentially responsive to Chairman Goodlatte`s requests. The actual number of documents responsive to this request is likely in the thousands. Regardless, I agree that the current pace of production is too slow. Accordingly, I am doubling the number of assigned FBI staff, for a total of 54, to cover two shifts per day from 8 a.m. to midnight to expedite completion of this project.

    Wray`s announcement was welcome news to members of the House committee. Welcome — but still cautiously received.
    "Obviously that`s a good sign, but I`ll believe it when I see it," Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, a member of the committee who has been pursuing the issue, said in an interview Tuesday evening. "But as important as getting documents to us in a much more timely fashion is, are they going to be redacted? We know in the past that documents we have received have been redacted so much that we can`t figure them out."
    In recent days Jordan and Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., chairman of the House Oversight Committee`s subcommittee on government operations, have been sending staff to the Justice Department to view less redacted copies of key documents in the various investigations under review. The presence of those congressional investigators sent a clear message to the Justice Department that the House was not going to give up.

    Now, the Justice Department is promising to do better — and the attorney general has signaled that he is not happy with the FBI director`s performance. Now, lawmakers will wait to see what that means.

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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    The primary complaint seems to be is not that they did something wrong (so it must be ok) but that they were caught doing it by the wrong people. There is little search for truth but more for blame.

    The Need to Bead

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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    Did Sweden legalize child marriage for Muslims?


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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by JBM View Post
    Did Sweden legalize child marriage for Muslims?
    Not sure, but here in NJ you can marry your dog, as long as you have a prenup. They don`t want dogs inheriting any money.
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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by JBM View Post
    Did Sweden legalize child marriage for Muslims?

    It was a phamplet released by the social care system here. And was retracted cause of the a s...storm followed and by right IMO. But as the most cases they are not reading the fine print. It`s illegal to be married under 18 years old and it`s regarding to any religion in Sweden. But when you take in refuges they are already married or as some do travel back and marries in a country it`s legal to do so. If anyone is married and is under 15 the social care system take care of the child and place them in a fosterhome. Cause it`s illegal to have sex under 15 here if one part is over that age. It`s cause you can`t get a sentence under 15 and you are taken into the social care system if you do illegal things. This was written to get the information out on how it`s works in Sweden. But the way they wrote it was way to nice and I think would be more clarified what the law says here. Put it this way it was political correct written but was needed to be more straight on. That if you have sex with a child under 15 and even if both is on it you get convicted for sexual child abuse or child rape. It`s so it is and the hard is to get proof of this. So no Sweden don`t have accepted any child marriges and if it`s comes out they are taken care of. The registration of marrige is there for not something the islam religion does if they are under 18. And it`s very hard to detect if not the couple lives alone together or have the birth of a child in the hospital. I don`t like when things get out of context. And this was easy to do so and was retracted the same day it came out. But it would be written in a more straight forward way so no missunderstanding could be made. The law on the other hand is very clear to what it is or not. And have been rewritten to the cases when people are coming to our country.
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    Quote Originally Posted by SWETM View Post
    It was a pamphlet...
    Well, that was a very nice explanation but I don`t think that facts from the country you live in make any difference, I mean facts from the country *I* live in don`t make any difference.

    As a side note if people were this interested in Sweden a few years ago, Saab would still be making cars.
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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by JBM View Post
    You think that is legit? It sign looks too good. It looks more like Russian spam.

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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Setec Astronomy View Post
    Well, that was a very nice explanation but I don`t think that facts from the country you live in make any difference, I mean facts from the country *I* live in don`t make any difference.

    As a side note if people were this interested in Sweden a few years ago, Saab would still be making cars.
    Yeah the extremes don`t care about where they live. They have their own laws they follow for an example sharia laws.

    Saab did had some good cars. Now they are back where they started with and that was airplanes.
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    Re: The Unofficial *Official* Politics Thread

    Formerly the "Best Detailer", now just Super Wax Waster Man. Not necessarily tactful, but normally right. It`s good to be da King !!!

  15. #1455
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    I see Paul Ryan has decided he can’t take anymore of Trump. Good for him. I look for continued defections.


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