I`ve been wanting to post this thread for a long time... i know everyone has little tricks and things that they use when they are detailing... tricks that seem obvious, but might not be to everyone. for instance...

recently on my black car it`s been hard to keep water spots off when i wash... so i put my wash mitt in one hand and the hose in the other... right after i rub over an area with the mitt i hose it off.. this way if water spots form they are just water.. and not soap.

Even better sometimes the hose gets out of controll doing this and rubs up against the paint :scared ... i found out if i hold the hose at the neck.. right where the water comes out.. i have better controll vs holding it 8 inches or so back like i used to

Parking you car on a slope is a great way to get the water to drip out of crevices (for all us w/o leaf blowers)

If you use an absorbent towel to dry, like the Big Blue, you can put the edge in those crevices to suck the water out... But do this last... it will put really damp spots on your towell and make it harder to get the rest of the body perfectly dry

Ok i know everyone has lots... and while i`m sure someone won`t learn everything from this thread... hopefully everyone will learn something.