I`ve been wondering what you guys do with your personal cars? I`m only doing this as a hobby and I`m not sure how often I should be doing everything.

Now that the weather is warming up, I`m planning on washing every week/every other week, but as far as claying/polishing/waxing, I`m at a loss. My car is essentially brand new (bought in August of `09) and last October-ish I clayed, polished (with Blackfire GEP), and waxed (errr sealed with BFWD). I used a Griot`s random orbital with 2 LC CCS 6.5" white pad for the polishing, and a gold pad for the sealant.

I was originally planning on doing this in the fall and spring of every year to prep for winter and to recover from winter, but I`m not sure how good of an idea it is to polish every six months? So I can basically wrap up my entire post in 1 sentence, is it bad to polish (even with a light polish such as BF GEP) once every 6 months?

Thanks for any input!