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  1. #16
    Sizzle Chest's Avatar
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    Re: COVID19 kick my but.

    Hope you get well/feel better soon!!
    Scott Harle
    Serving Naples and SW Florida

  2. #17

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    Re: COVID19 kick my but.

    Scary stuff. What`s even scarier are the experimental shots. So much lying going on I wouldn`t take that thing for 100k.
    I`ve been pumping myself with Vitamin D, C, Zinc and Quercetin along with drinking lots of water for over a year.
    Besides my regular customers, I`ve cleaned the cabs of 100+ tractor trailer trucks (from infected drivers) for a major trucking company since day 1.
    I also pray everyday that God will put a hedge of protection over me and mine.
    I hope and pray that you get well soon!

  3. #18

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    Re: COVID19 kick my but.

    In addition to the shots take vit.D3,C,and Zinc . The combination will give you 90% to 95% protection. The shots alone will give you 80% to 85%. You may still get sick but you wont die or end up in a hospital.

  4. #19

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    Re: COVID19 kick my but.

    This off the cuff advice doesn’t help anyone trust medicine. Sorry but those numbers are pulled out of the air. And experimental shots comments don’t really fly when there have been almost 10 billion Covid vaccine shots given worldwide. You don’t like the vaccine, fine. Think the US government has screwed the pooch mandating the vaccine, I agree. But it is no longer experimental with the amount of shots that have been given and the amount of data that has been poured over worldwide.

    The reality is that each person’s immune system is different and will react differently, just like has happened with colds, flus, and other diseases in the past, whether a vaccine was involved or not.
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  5. #20

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    Re: COVID19 kick my but.

    Quote Originally Posted by dgage View Post
    This off the cuff advice doesn’t help anyone trust medicine. Sorry but those numbers are pulled out of the air. And experimental shots comments don’t really fly when there have been almost 10 billion Covid vaccine shots given worldwide. You don’t like the vaccine, fine. Think the US government has screwed the pooch mandating the vaccine, I agree. But it is no longer experimental with the amount of shots that have been given and the amount of data that has been poured over worldwide.

    The reality is that each person’s immune system is different and will react differently, just like has happened with colds, flus, and other diseases in the past, whether a vaccine was involved or not.
    You take it if you want, but my gut instinct says no way.
    If the shot was truly a vaccine why did the fda have to change the definition of the word in September of last year?
    How many vaccines have you ever heard of that only last 90 days?
    Why are congress members exempt?
    Why are so many athletes dropping dead compared to any other year?
    Why are so many pilots dropping dead compared to any other year?

  6. #21

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    Re: COVID19 kick my but.

    Quote Originally Posted by bad penny View Post
    You take it if you want, but my gut instinct says no way.
    If the shot was truly a vaccine why did the fda have to change the definition of the word in September of last year?
    How many vaccines have you ever heard of that only last 90 days?
    Why are congress members exempt?
    Why are so many athletes dropping dead compared to any other year?
    Why are so many pilots dropping dead compared to any other year?
    I can tell you my wife had two family members catch and die from Covid. Neither was vaccinated, neither had a pre existing condition/comorbidity. One was only 52 years old, in great physical condition, the other, his father was 82 and in great shape. I can understand the the 82 year old, but very hard to understand the 52 year old, especially when I am 54. My main point is/was if they would have been vaccinated, they would both still be alive. As dgage stated, this isn`t an experimental shot at this point. The virus has mutated, that is what is allowing it to infect. The vaccines may not stop the infection as well as they did against the original virus, but they still offer long term protection via T cells and memory cells that keep you from needing hospitalized, or dying. Both of my adult children, my son in law, my wife, my mother in law and myself were exposed at the same time my wife`s two relatives were. My oldest daughter and I both had minor symptoms for less than a day, my wife was sick for 36 hours. That`s it. A much, much better outcome than her two relatives. Oh, on a side note, the only two people present that day that were not vaccinated and were the only two that died from it. tells me all I need to know.
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  7. #22

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    Re: COVID19 kick my but.

    Quote Originally Posted by RPPM View Post
    I can tell you my wife had two family members catch and die from Covid. Neither was vaccinated, neither had a pre existing condition/comorbidity. One was only 52 years old, in great physical condition, the other, his father was 82 and in great shape. I can understand the the 82 year old, but very hard to understand the 52 year old, especially when I am 54. My main point is/was if they would have been vaccinated, they would both still be alive. As dgage stated, this isn`t an experimental shot at this point. The virus has mutated, that is what is allowing it to infect. The vaccines may not stop the infection as well as they did against the original virus, but they still offer long term protection via T cells and memory cells that keep you from needing hospitalized, or dying. Both of my adult children, my son in law, my wife, my mother in law and myself were exposed at the same time my wife`s two relatives were. My oldest daughter and I both had minor symptoms for less than a day, my wife was sick for 36 hours. That`s it. A much, much better outcome than her two relatives. Oh, on a side note, the only two people present that day that were not vaccinated and were the only two that died from it. tells me all I need to know.
    I`m truly sorry to hear about your family members dying, but you can`t say with certainty that they would have lived had they gotten the shot.

    I can`t remember who now, but I saw someone being interviewed a few months back talking about a family member who died of covid (and had been "vaccinated") say:

    "Had they not been vaccinated it would`ve been worse"

    Like I said earlier. If you want to get the shot that`s fine with me. You can even drive around in your car alone wearing a mask if it makes you feel better.

  8. #23

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    Re: COVID19 kick my but.

    Quote Originally Posted by bad penny View Post
    You take it if you want, but my gut instinct says no way.
    If the shot was truly a vaccine why did the fda have to change the definition of the word in September of last year?
    How many vaccines have you ever heard of that only last 90 days?
    Why are congress members exempt?
    Why are so many athletes dropping dead compared to any other year?
    Why are so many pilots dropping dead compared to any other year?
    While my gut has also served me well, I welcome actual data when making a decision.

    The vaccine went through emergency approval and then last year gained formal approval. Normal vaccines go through stages that take years. Phase 1 trials include a couple hundred volunteers to get the vaccine and then the data is reviewed. Then the data is organized and sent to the FDA. Then the data is reviewed by the FDA. Assuming the data looks good, the FDA authorizes Phase 2, which has a few thousand participants. More time preparing and then reviewing data before Phase 3, which has over 10,000 participants. All of these phases and the time spent reviewing takes years before manufacturing can even begin.

    The Covid vaccines had their projects crashed, which means they did things in parallel and the FDA had personnel looking at the data right along with the pharmaceuticals scientists so the data was reviewed in real-time. Phase 1 started and initial results were positive, so Phase 2 and Phase 3 started in parallel right after Phase 1. Again, the FDA was reviewing data as the data was coming in. There was no time spent preparing data into nice tables and reports, the raw data was reviewed by the pharmaceutical scientists and FDA scientists together. And this is happening around the world. Israel is even further ahead than the FDA and have suggested a 4th booster doesn’t provide enough improvement in immune response.

    Vaccines have a lifespan but 90 days isn’t accurate. Each vaccine between Moderna, Pfizer, J&J, etc have different immune responses they generate, which again is different for each person. The data suggests a booster shot be given for most of the vaccines at the 6 month mark to ensure the strongest immune system in most people. There is still the question of whether additional boosters will be needed every year or 6 months but there is currently no data suggesting it is needed at this time but data continues to come in and is constantly being evaluated. As I said earlier trials in Israel do not suggest a 4th booster is currently warranted. Also, besides the phases being run concurrently, the US government also backed production of the US vaccines to start as soon as the early data coming back looked safe. Normally this would never happen without approval as there are 10s of millions of dollars on the line when starting vaccine production.

    Since the vaccine is medical information, the vaccine status is not required to be shared though many congresspeople have shared their vaccine status and it suggests more than 90% are likely vaccinated but definitely over 80% based on those that have shared their vaccination status. All living Presidents have had the vaccine. All governors have supposedly had their vaccines as well. Interesting how some of those saying it may not be needed seem to have protected themselves.

    You lost me on so many athletes. Same with pilots. Care to share some information here?
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  9. #24

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    Re: COVID19 kick my but.

    Quote Originally Posted by dgage View Post
    You lost me on so many athletes. Care to share some information here?
    Sure thing. Here you go.

    MIT Scientist Criticizing COVID Vaccines, and Elite Athletes Dropping Like Flies - Gumshoe News

  10. #25

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    Re: COVID19 kick my but.

    I saw one name mentioned as a professional mountain biker and the rest was anecdotal information of people others knew. And is written as to be conspiratorial with a bold statement in the middle of the article “You Have to be Careful Because You Could be Eliminated”. Not sure this shows a list of athletes or pilots that have died. The NBA has almost all of its players vaccinated and I haven’t read of any getting myocardosis. I do know there was one basketball player on the Florida Gators basketball team that had myocardosis but I don’t remember the details being released. I haven’t seen any data suggesting a direct causation between the vaccine and heart issues.

  11. #26

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    Re: COVID19 kick my but.

    Quote Originally Posted by dgage View Post

    You lost me on so many pilots. Care to share some information here?

    Here you go. Check this out ��

    Why are so many airline pilots dying… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

  12. #27

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    Re: COVID19 kick my but.

    Quote Originally Posted by bad penny View Post
    I`m truly sorry to hear about your family members dying, but you can`t say with certainty that they would have lived had they gotten the shot.

    I can`t remember who now, but I saw someone being interviewed a few months back talking about a family member who died of covid (and had been "vaccinated") say:

    "Had they not been vaccinated it would`ve been worse"

    Like I said earlier. If you want to get the shot that`s fine with me. You can even drive around in your car alone wearing a mask if it makes you feel better.
    I am not for mandates, the choice is and should be yours. With that said, you have 19 people exposed and the only two that died were not vaccinated, and 3 others that were in their 80`s were vaccinated and barely got sick (but tested positive for the virus) as well as a bunch in their 50`s, and 20`s all vaccinated, all tested positive but were basically asymptomatic. I know which way I am leaning. To summarize, 19 positives, 17 vaccinated and fine, 2 not vaccinated and dead.
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  13. #28

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    Re: COVID19 kick my but.

    No need in arguing with each other over a vaccine. Fortunately we live in a country that gives us the right to differ in opinion. I sincerely hope and pray that we all get through this. On the news the other day even Dr fauci said we could return to normal as early as March of this year (unless another variant pops up). He`s been wrong about everything else, so hopefully he predictions this time is correct!
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  14. #29

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    Re: COVID19 kick my but.

    Quote Originally Posted by bad penny View Post
    I`m not sure I understand your point other than pilots died at a much higher rate than normal. And with this pandemic, unfortunately the airlines are on the front line. They`re the ones that bring people and the disease around the world that we`re now dealing with. They`re in a small tin can that recycles air that isn`t filtered often or well enough.

    EDIT - This site states that there were over 104,000 pilots in the US in 2020. I was just wondering how many.
    How Many Pilots Are There? (USA, Air Force, World) | SkyTough.

    And if you look at the death rate for the US over the last few years, over 500,000+ people died more than usual in 2020. This is purposely not looking at the Covid deaths, it is simply looking at all deaths in the United States. 2021 data isn`t all in yet but the early estimate is that it will be at least 30,000 deaths higher than the 2020 US death total.

    2018 2,839,205
    2019 2,854,838
    2020 3,383,729

    Mortality - 2020 - Products - Data Briefs - Number 427 - December 2021
    Mortality - 2019 - Products - Data Briefs - Number 395 - December 2020

  15. #30

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    Re: COVID19 kick my but.

    Quote Originally Posted by bad penny View Post
    No need in arguing with each other over a vaccine. Fortunately we live in a country that gives us the right to differ in opinion. I sincerely hope and pray that we all get through this. On the news the other day even Dr fauci said we could return to normal as early as March of this year (unless another variant pops up). He`s been wrong about everything else, so hopefully he predictions this time is correct!
    And to be clear, I have no desire to argue. I doubt I will be able to change your mind about vaccines but I sure as hell know I won`t change your mind if I attack you or call you names.

    I am simply trying to state facts and get away from opinions. This is also why I try to find sources for anything I share.

    But I do try to fight misinformation.
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