So I get a call from a guy today who is not exactly a client of mine. I did his two cars two summers ago, a Bentley Continental Super Sport and a white Range Rover. Let`s just say I charged upwards of $600 for the pair. On both cars I included a quick vac and wipe down on the inside. They were not that dirty on the inside to begin with. So I finish the job, and he was one of those guys who has no expression and is very monotone. He just had a blank face, said "looks good", paid me and I was on my way.
Two years later (today) I get a call from him asking "if I still detail cars or if I moved on to building houses from the money I made while detailing". I bit my tongue not to start barking at this guy and just said "yes, I still detail cars". Now...ready for this?....he said "listen, I want a good job, but I don`t want to pay that much. Last time you made almost $700 cash which is like making $1300 before tax. I think that`s more than enough for someone to make for cleaning cars". Again...I bit my tongue so that I don`t tell this guy to go **** himself and just educated him (again) on why I charge what I charge, and what the difference is between me and Joe Blow`s car wash down the street. So after he became a money manager, telling me how much I should make for what I do, BAM! He turned into a professional detailer. "It shouldn`t take you that long to polish a car, look i`ll give you $180 per car, spend a few hours on each, and just make them look good."
Long story short I didn`t take the job. Mostly out of principle that this guy is trying to sh*t on my work and come at me with these ridiculous prices.

Anyway...that`s me venting. So how many of you fine gentleman would have taken the job, or simply told him where to a nice way.