I just finished detailing a buddy of mine`s Sport Trac. As I was cleaning it I started to think about him and another friend of mine and how opposite they are.

The Sport Trac friend is very anal about his vehicle with everything neat and tidy having a specific location for everything he keeps in it. He also has a list of instructions for me as to how he wants things done. The other friend is the exact opposite. His 4Runner is trashed all the time. Littered with anything and everything with no care at all given to it. It`s only after he can`t stand the smell anymore that it gets dealt with.

They both are near 50 and have remained single all their lives (not really by choice). It got me thinking about how you treat your car (and other stuff) can speak to other people about what kind of person you are.

I`ve known each of them for a number of years so I have formed my opinions as to why they are still single. I just wonder if I could have formed those same opinions by only seeing their cars and not knowing anything else about them.

What do you guys think? Can a car tell enough about someone that you can accurately guess what kind of person they are?