Yet again, here I am thinking out loud. Don`t crucify me too bad :devil:

So we have windshield washer fluid.... here, it`s like $2 a gallon. It`s made of water, with some chemicals to act as cleaners and anti-freezing agents.

Concerns with Windshield washer fluid.

1. Millions of gallons throughout the year are pumped onto the windows and eventually... into the ground. Environmentally safe? Probably not when such massive quantities are used [I am not a tree hugger.... faaaaaar from. But I am looking for reasons to try this]

2. Chemicals in windshield washer fluid. Can they hurt the paint? Plastic trim? Rubber? Some concerns with particular blends.

What if we....

Mix ONR with water and use that for the fluid?

ONR has the ability to separate debris to prevent scratching, and the ability to clean surfaces. Diluted at 2oz to 1 gallon, that would be like paying $1 a gallon of fluid. What about a stronger dilution? What about adding IPA to the solution for drying purposes and cold weather use? I found a thread on people wanted to make their own solutions, and many involved IPA and water with a soap of the sorts. With ONR, do we not have the perfect candidate on our hands?

I know this would not work in freezing conditions, but for some reason it seemed like this could be something worth trying. I always carry a small Microfiber with me anyways. If I need a little quick detailer, I`ll just hit the washer fluid button and get some on my MF

Again, may just be something I am thinking of, but missing an obvious wall that I will hit if I try this. Any input? Thoughts? I added Luster`s name to the title as he has been contributing threads on ONR lately and he may have some additional thoughts.